~Something To Do~
I was sitting here earlier looking around for something to
do that would at least be doing something other than just
SITTING here staring at this monitor and waiting for a
email. So I got to looking around and saw the plates that
I had wanted so badly still sitting in the box.. Theyre blue
and white and there are 7 of them all different sizes and
shapes, and they hang by a ribbon.. Very pretty and will
match my kitchen really nice.. I had to come up with some
way to be able to reach and put these up high enough..I
decided I could perhaps hold the nail with my grabber..
Well it doesn't work.. I bet I dropped that nail a dozen times.
Its hard to hold the nail with the grabber and be able to swing
with a hammer with the other hand.. I looked like a duck flappin
its wings I was up and down so much... Was so funny, I had to
laugh at my self... I sat there and said "See how bull headed you
are..wont ask anyone to come and help, just do it and look like
an idiot".. I just tell on my self don't I ? well.. needless to say I
gave up on hanging my plates.. I think I need to get some better
nails too.. Penny isnt the tallest either but she can get up on the
little step ladder I have.. I probly could get up on it..but I wouldn't
be any taller !! :-)
So anyway I gave up on hanging plates and decided to fix the
wreath for the front door.. I got the one I used before and dug
out the new daisies I had Penny get, then stuck all the flowers
into the wreath and tried to hang it on the front door.. ok.. now,
the nail for the wreath to hang on is ABOVE that window in
the door.. I cant reach that either.. so I got my grabber and
tried to hook the string on the back of the wreath over the nail
that is up there on the door.. After about 6 tries I gave up and
put it over by the desk.. Next person comes thru that door
when they leave they don't know it yet but theyre hanging up my
wreath for me ! :-) That's why I keep the snow shovel in the
garage.. wanna come see me and no path? well get the shovel
and make one.. When I had my wood stove and my ex was gone,
I made everyone that came in bring at least 3 pieces of wood
for the stove ! Well, they wanted to be warm while they visited
didn't they? so.. bring your own wood.. well no.. carry in mine..
Everyone knew.. Maybe that's why I didn't have a lot of company
in the winter :-)
Was a cool but sunny nice day outside..after we had above 80
yesterday.. We wont have a spring this year either I bet.. we went
right into summer last year.. I bet it does the same this year.. Im
done looking for something to do , now Im looking for a snack. Im
not real hungry but I need something.. .THat means its that time for
my GORGEOUS WEEBLE words.. "Nitey Nite"
Y"all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS !!! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 10:29 PM,
MaryC said…
Hello Lois
Mike went to his seniors prom tonight WOW he was so handsome. Just 14 days of school left for him.
I am not on the computer much at all anymore, maybe 30 minute or so.
As long as I don't talk much I do alright with my mouth, will be glad when all the bruises will be gone, it sure make me look funny...
God bless you Lois
At 8:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Gorgeous - sounds like you were having fun with your projects - lol.
Too bad you didn't have your video camera going -grin-.
Loved the pics of your new little man - soooo cute (but not as cute as you).
Been busy here - as usual.....
Take care - bare hugs,
At 9:14 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
As busy as you are I am amazed you have time to be on here at all... I love my computer..its been a real blessing to me... You will get better.. just takes time...
Hiya BUtty,
So nice to hear from you..hope all is ok there. Yes, I should have :-) the audio probly would have been censored LOL...
Hope you have a great day! :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest dear one!
Ha ha ha, youre a funny little weeble......
But that proves again that you need me, so stay in shape until i come!!! It might take years but the one who waits for something good.....
Take usual care, my dear little bag of happiness!
Your own
At 5:28 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Rob!
So nice to hear from you. I am sorry I missed you on Yahoo I will make sure my sound is plugged in.. Hope you are well...
Always, Lois ****
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