~Flying Time~
Penny came today and we made chili..It smells
just wonderful..she made some rice for on the
side...She got us all clean, we really werent too
messy, just a few dishes is all..Another week,
and it'll be November, time is flying....
and it'll be November, time is flying....
Rebecca came by for her visit..shes really nice.
She had on the cutest shoes.. I would have worn
them..very old fashioned looking with rounded
toes and a wedge heel,,, I loved shoes...I still
enjoy looking at them. Some of the old styles
are coming back...But they say..hold on to your
clothes for 20 years and the styles will return.
I prefer the older style of clothes compared to
what Ive seen some of these actress's wear..
Joan Rivers has a show on TV about how some
people dress.. Its pretty funny....
I feel pretty good today and its a rainy on and off
day..Doesn't know what it wants to do out there..
Joys of fall... Its beautiful out there though.. My
tree on the side here is wonderful...
Time for lunch and to post this..I'm still a MOst
Time for lunch and to post this..I'm still a MOst
GORGEOUS WEEBLE and I'll be back ! :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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