~The Boys Girlfriends~
Both of my cats have girl friends that
they make love to, to put it nicely. :-)
When LittleBoy was small he was such
a whiney cat, very vocal and just wanted
to be held constantly. When I was in the
hell home I think my sister gave me the
stuffed cat I named MeowMeow. When
I got tired of LB being in my lap I would
put him on that stuffed cat and he would
go right to sleep. She was a good baby
As he got older he started dragging this
cat around. He treated her as if she was
a real cat and he took good care of her.
Many times I would find her by his food
dish or by the litter box and he would
even put her up on my bed, he still does
that to this day.. In fact I woke up just
the other day to this stuffed cat laying
right next to me ! I was not impressed
at all.. He carries her around all over
and there is no telling where he will
put her. The whole time he is carrying
her he meows just awful..Then he
stops and gets on top of this cat and
does his business and off he goes!
Many times hes done this when I have
Dutch has a white kittie that is named
Sybil. She is a really pretty stuffed cat
and I got her when I was in the hell home
too. Donnies ex gave her to me. You
have to almost look twice at her she
looks so real.. Dutch only once in a
great while will make love to her, but
he does like to sleep on her. Specially
when hes really whiney. I gave her to
him when he was just tiny too.. Shut
both of these cats up.. like a baby with
a pacifier. We never touch these cats,
if we have to move them out of the way
Penny and I both know to only touch
I was watching the little sparrow, he is
on the roof of both birdhouses and doesn't
go off unless its just to fly down to eat. Ive
watched him for hours.. Yesterday he was
picking up stuff and putting it inside, for a
nest I'm guessing. He was so busy doing
Penny is here and got us all clean, we are
having another rainy day. There were some
very serious storms and tornados north of
us last night. I turned on the local channel
and all I saw was "Tornado Warning, Take
Cover Immediately".. Scared me, but out
side it was clear. I don't have a basement
and the safest place for us would be in my
closet. My biggest fear is for the boys. I
keep the cat carrier in the laundry room. I
think I might put it in the closet just to give
them a safe place. My bathroom has a
window so that wouldn't be good and plus
I cant get into the tub, so my closet I think
is the safest place for us. I hope I never
have to find out..
Time for lunch, what, I have no idea..I
will find something..Penny made some
spaghetti sauce with meatballs and I
may have that, I dunno.. I know I'm tired
I didn't sleep good last night at all..
that never changes ;-) Keep well and
God Bless !
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 5:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great pictures of your boys.
We had rain again today, 54F right now...
was able to do a little work at the church this morning, make me very happy with myself.
Got my bath and ready for church tonight, well supper next before church.
Good to be back on line.
God bless you Lois.
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