~I Didnt Know~
I had no idea to write about today and just kept putting off
putting anything down..That's why Im so late. Not one thing
stressful happened today and it was a quiet day. I did nothing
to provoke anything is why. I was going to try to hang my
wreath since no one showed up to do it for me.. I got to looking
at it and decided I can wait until tomorrow when Penny gets
here she will hang it and I know we will do the plates.. Id like
to paint the door facings again as the are so banged up from
me running into them... I bet I hit the facing every time I go thru
one of these doors here, we had to take the doors off so I could
get through them.. and I don't DARE put my hands down on my
wheel or I will hit it for sure and THAT HURTS!!!..
When I went to the Doctor Penny was pushing me and I just pushed
the door open, she had misjudged and I hit first the right side of the
door way then the left.. I sounded like 40 people were coming in
with me.. I announced to everyone " just ignore me I just LOVE
making a Grand entrance ". Thank goodness there were only 3 other
people in there and they all laughed.. I hate when I do that.. and its
happened a lot.. Its easy to do specially if you are in a hurry..
I did an update photo on my hand. I think its a lot better.. not gone..
I did an update photo on my hand. I think its a lot better.. not gone..
but Its better.. Ive been faithfully putting this cream on and it does
seem to be working.. He said it would take time before I saw it
had improved and this past week I can see a big difference and
its not near as sore as it was before either..I didn't take the left
hand but its better too I think.. when I put this cream on ..as soon
as it soaks in a bit every spot of this stuff turns bright angry RED.
then is sorts of mellows out, calms down I guess and then I can
see that its improved again... If they bring the baby back again in
a couple weeks I want to be able to hold that boy and I need this
crap to be GONE!!!
I did notice all my bruises from the IV's and drawing blood are
looking awful.. purple and green and huge! They stuck me so
many times that first nite..I know at least 5 until they finally did
listen to me and used the vein on my left thumb.. That one nurse
went down my right arm almost in a line trying to draw me and
every time I told her that she had to use the thumb.. and it doesn't
even bruise nor does it HURT getting stuck there.. Most I have
told that are really afraid to use it till they see how easy a vein it
is to get to..
I havent eaten today and I will admit I am hungry but I don't know
what I want.. I had some strawberries that were SO good .. I wish
I had more of them...sadly I dont..so I will have to see what I can
find. Hope you had a nice relaxing Sunday too just like mine..So
now my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Nitey Nite"... :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear ? Love ya..and Thanks !! :-)
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 9:59 PM, MaryC said…
Good picture there Lois and your hand does look a bit better.
We have eaten lot of strawberry this past 4 weeks they are so big, juices and sweet.
hoping to fine more just like them.
That sure hurt a lot when you hit your hand on the door facing...
I am doing better today with my gums,eating better too.
God bless you Lois
At 9:01 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Sweet Woman,
Glad the cream seems to be working..sloooooowly - but any progress is welcome.
Will be out on a biz trip this week, then a week with the grands.....
Thinkin of ya. Loves ya you GORGEOUS lady.
Bare Hugs,
At 1:22 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Yes I think its improving .. I love all the berries, blue, rasp all my favs.. I hope you keep improving..
Hi BUtty!
I hope you have a good time with the grands..I will patiently wait for your return :-) Be safe and enjoy!
So nice to hear from you both..
ALways, Lois ****
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