~Adult Content Today~
The subject I'm gonna write a little something
about today is really adult content.kinda. so be fair
warned and please don't take offense.. But this
is an issue Ive dealt with ever since I found out
about this "other" world that I moved into... the
world of the disabled.. which is a word I do NOT
like, as I am NOT disabled.. I am VERY able.. but
this is a label that was put on us and we have no
The same with using the word "STUMP" for my
The same with using the word "STUMP" for my
legs.. I use the word but I don't like it.. To me
they are STILL my legs.. stumps are whats left
when the tree is taken down.. Years ago some
person more than likely didn't know what else to
name shortened legs.. so gave them the name
stumps.. I don't see that it fits.. But we cant
change it now, just like we cant change what
some feel should BE.. and what I am writing
about is SEX....
Why would it change? The feeling.. for the
amputee I mean? It doesn't.. For me.. they
cut off my LEGS.. they did NOTHING else
to me.. didn't touch anything.. you know where!
SO WHY would sex before my amputations
SO WHY would sex before my amputations
be any different afterwards? Wanna know
why I think it MAY be different? Being the
woman I'm giving MY view.. So.. The man..and
most are DEVS.. which is short for devotees..
I mean no slam against other men.. but.. well..
they are different.. The normie and the dev..
The Devs I feel are born that way with the
feelings they have.. Normies will stay with an
amputee, out of LOVE for the person.. not
drawn to them because of the amputations...
For a dev to be with the woman of his dreams..
a amputee, of what ever kind, sak,dak,rbk, lbk..
be, what ever.. this is HIS dream.. to be with
his dream.. he is in heaven.. so the sex would
be the very best hes had.. of course.. so.. hes
wound up.. well SHE reacts and SEX is GREAT!
That makes sense.. but to think that it is just
automatically better because the woman FEELS
more .. no.. that's not the case.. at least not all
the amputees Ive discussed this with..
The reason for this post about this is because
I wrote to a dev, that wanted contact with an
amputee.. I wrote a letter, got a reply and I
wrote back saying I will answer questions but
I wont discuss sex... well I got a reply that said.
"I want to discuss sex" so we are NOT writing..
But I KNOW what this guy is thinking.. what most
do that DONT KNOW! One turns the other on..
and ZIP A DE DO DAH... Sex is great.. NOT because
of a leg, arm or what ever is amputated !! :-)
I wrote a nice letter back explaining all this so hope
fully I don't hurt his feelings.. Sex is great.. But be
real.. why would it change because of a amputation?
IF a amputee tells you that its changed and better..
IF a amputee tells you that its changed and better..
well take it that its because of the guy...HE made her
feel better.. mainly by wanting her ... Normies don't
want us.. I am glad Devs do.. :-) But then.. there are
some that are real buggars.. and I wouldn't spit on
them if they were on fire.. :-)
Ok I'm rolling down off this soap box on this subject,
but I thought it might prove kinda interesting.. If'n
you have a opinion .. please leave a comment.. oki?
Be open and honest.. like me.. Hope I didn't offend any
one.. wasn't my intention.. but you KNOW this
GORGEOUS WEEBLE tells all .. :-) Remember tho..
GORGEOUS WEEBLE tells all .. :-) Remember tho..
I shall return!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for being so honest Lois. You're the only one who is. It's funny about the fantasy that devs have but you are the only one who addresses them. I have written to you before but have always thought that maybe I was weird or that you couldnt answer. I think that if you as a dak are a good person - kind and understanding - you are an asset to anyone who meets you. But as as dev I have to admit that to are even more attractive. I wish that I could give you back your legs but I cant. Therefiore we have to live with what we are. You are precious and I admire everything about you - even though you are an ultra strong woman. But nim sure you would be that way even with 4 legs. Thanks for adressind the issues of devs.
At 10:24 PM,
momar said…
The older I get the more sensitivity, I hope I have towards my sexual partner. Smoking makes sex a lot better. Wow! I get bent double. I have neuropathy which also helps. I just had a glass of wine. wine, smoke and a loving partner who loves a light touch, and gentle kisses all over - Yummy!
At 4:46 AM,
raife said…
Hi, Honey,
Being a Dev is certainly not all beer and skittles! When a "normy" woman finds out her man is a Dev, bingo - end of relationship. My marriage has been on rocky ground ever since my better half discovered my fantasies - it's now a bit like living with a hedgehog!!!
For me, being a Dev throws a heavy load of responsibility on ones shoulders, to show the greatest respect, care and love to any amp. They, all of them, have a much bigger cross to bear than most of us. Life is always going to be that much more difficult for them (try washing up with just one hand or sitting on a chair in front of the sink - you will soon get the idea!) The readers of this Blog are very, very lucky in corresponding with such a wonderfully courageous, up-beat, honest, frank lady who has that very rare thing - a lot of common sense. Would that we could say the same of our politicians, on both sides of the Pond!
Take care, Honey,
Luv Ya,
At 7:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Loisdear!
What an intresting posting today!
Yes you ARE very able, thats a fact! And the name STUMPS is a word i cant decide wether i think is all good, or bad!? I mean stump is a cute word, and evrything CUTE suit the kind of person you are. Legs on other hand is a word describing the whole thing, like feets knees tigh and such. Beautiful legs are often described as long, slender, wellfigured, curved and such... But you legs cant be fitted into these words. But your legs are perfect in my point of wiev, soft and differing in size with some intresting scars. To say it in short terms: Your legs are perfect!!!!
Being a man vith Dev-feelings since my childhood, it would be easy to say i love to be a friend of yours just because of your amputations.... BUT! First i was thrilled of the fact you were lacking legs, but as soon as i have talked with you i changed into loving the WOMAN BEHIND these great assets. I just fell more in love, and admired you more! I changed focus from your legs up to your beautiful brain and voice!!!!!!!
Well how would it be to have sex with you? Great i think, and maybe greater than with the average woman. Not just because my feelings towards you, but also the fact that there is nothing in the way. When you spread your femurs, it is just as an ordinary woman does it.... BUT you would be sorta easier to reach! : ) (OH i am blushing as i wrote such a ridiculous statement!)
I am glad though that you are glad thre are devs, and without this fact that i am we would never have met! And that had been one of the greatest sorrows in my life!
You write you hope u dont affend anyone! Well how could you? You are the most tactful and respectable woman i know!
And you wrote you shall return! Yes we all hope you do forever and ever, you loveable beautiful and caring doll!
Hope i fully has described why i am so madly fond of you, and love to count me as one of your friends!
I hope we get a long life together here on the Net, and hopefully meet IRL very soon. Because you are fantastic in every way! Not complete, but MORE THAN ENOUGH!
Love and hugs from your own
At 12:43 PM,
Lois said…
Hi A,
Thanks for the wonderful comments.. I try to be open and Im willing to discuss anything..I dont think anyone is weird for having likes or dislikes.. I didnt reply?? Hmmm then please write again! I cant believe I didnt answer. Sorry.. Im glad I can discuss it with an open mind.. There is good and bad in everyone..I try not to pre judge.. :-) Write again :-)
Hiya Momar!!
Are you talking about your kittie? lol.. Loving partner? I agree tho.. :-)
Hiya Raife!!!
Im glad we can discuss this stuff I find it very interesting..Its sad that it is that way for you when it could be so open and easy..Thank goodness shes a gourmet chef.. makes up a little for it? lol...not counting all her other talents..You are a special man sweetie.. not many like you.. trust me .. I know and Im glad you are my friend :-)
Hiya Rob,!!!
Im glad you liked it. You know how
open I am.. youve known me for years now :-) So you should! :-)
Thanks for the comments.. I was hoping Id get some feed back ! :-)
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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