
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011



Well, we have about 10 inches of snow outside. I
called Donnie and Kelli to make sure they were ok.
Bad roads but they both made it to work. Penny
called and of course shes not coming. Shes not
only snowed in, but she has no electricity.. which
means no heat. I told her not to worry about
coming here today, I'm fine and snowed in. I sent
a email to Joe, my landlord and asked him if the
plow guy was coming... Right now with the sun I can
see the snow melting. Its falling off the tree
branches and drips from the roof...
Carl plowing
I did learn a good lesson last night though.. I was
in watching TV went out to the kitchen to get a
soda and the power went out.. I was in total black
ness.. I just sat there! I know where everything is,
but I'm not a good driver in this chair when theres
light, and dark? Well after I ran into the fridge,
I decided it probly was best to just sit.. I have
thusly learned to carry a flashlight in my bag. I
have my cell phone and nitro in that, it hangs on the
push handle of my chair....
see the kittie head and ear? Next to the big post..
SO.. after sitting there for awhile in the dark, I
was at a loss to think of a light and a way to get to
my bedroom where I keep my flashlights. My mom
kept one in every room and now I know why..So,
Guess what I did? :-)

My laptop was on the kitchen table, and I KNOW
where the table was cuz I'd run into it! .. My laptop
is also battery operated.. :-) I turned that puppy
on and lit up the whole kitchen.. I carefully put
it on my left arm rest and proceeded to go into
the bedroom and get 1 of the 3 flashlights I keep
in there... :-) Don't say it, Ive already said it to
myself a dozen times, "why do I keep all 3 in one
room?" The answer is cuz I'm not perfect :-)

SO.. NOW I have a flashlight in EVERY ROOM,
bathroom , kitchen, everywhere, plus as a backup
I have one in my bag.. This whole amputee thing is
a daily learning experience .. I KNOW!! Thankfully
by the time I got my flashlights distributed the
power came back on.. it flashed off and on 3 more
times, but didn't stay off, I think it knew I was
prepared THIS time :-)

Dinky left when the snow started and hasnt been
back YET.. I looked for him and when I was putting
his food out I looked by the cathouse.. I saw a
black head and an ear.. I panicked and came so close
to just going out the door, snow and all and plow it
if I had to, to help the cat! I finally got my camera
out, hey, I'm gonna think of a way to solve a problem,
let me tell ya.. :-) I zoomed in and looked.. It was a
flower pot by the side of the cathouse.. I was SO
relieved...that would be all I need to have a dead cat
outside.. I don't think I could handle that...

Ok, I'm gonna post this and try to make some kind
of arrangements to get plowed...Joe seems to not
be in a hurry and I watched Carl with his snow
blower and it broke down , he had to go home and
get his truck and tow it home.... what a day.. I hope
it gets better!!! Suns out it will :-) Color this
GORGEOUS WEEBLE gone for today, Keep well
and God Bless...

Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....


  • At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois, how you doing? hope you're coping okay more now with the heavy snow,it sounds pretty bad and deep.. and hope it's melted a bit or been cleared away for you,it'll be a bit slippy out though so take care, you're doing well there to me coping and being very sensible with the flash lights in very room? you kept your cool,and are very brave I'd have panicked a bit in the darkness.....hope the kittys try and keep safe and warm for you too, a concern for you,they seem to be coping and surviving good on there on and with your help..it's quite mild where we are , it did snow a lot last year here we had a really bad cold Winter,we might get ours later on?..anyway you look after yourself you are by the sounds take care dear thinking of you..Love and warm hugs to you and kittys too..stay safe stay toasty warm.. God Blessx Angie..x

  • At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Winter wonder land you have there Lois...it look great there on your place...just don't send it my way OK.
    My brother in law not doing very well anymore, he has so much pain in his back and not wanting to eat and feel so sick. Will fine out the 5th what going on. They were going to check him for cancer, his prostate this Thursday Dec 1st.
    I wonder what going to happen tomorrow with him, he stop taking all his med because he think that what causing him to be sick...I wish one of his daughter would come down to take over.

    God bless you Lois.
    I pray the snow does not give you to much of a problem.


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