
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

~Packers Are The Best~

How 'bout them Packers hey? That team has not
lost a game this season... I hope they go to the
super bowl again..The sports people all said that
the Packers will not be as good a team when that
Farve left.. they got better once they got rid of
him! Ive been a Packer fan always. I remember
my dad watching the games.. Most everyone in
the Upper Penninsula and Wisconsin are fans.

I lived in Green Bay for over 3 years and I did
love it there. I had a great job with EDS and
David had a good job too. Its one of the nicest
towns I have ever lived in. I never saw a run
down car or a trashy area, its one of the easiest
towns to navigate as well..and LOTS of stuff to
do, specially if your're an outside person...

Green Bay is on Lake Michigan and the Fox river
runs right thru it. Some great things to do there.
On home game days for the Packers the whole town
caters to the game.. most of the main streets they
turn into one way to make the traffic flow better. I
made the mistake of leaving a friends house just as
a game ended... took me over an hour to go 3 blocks.
I never went to a Packer game, its too hectic, but we
lived so close we could walk to the stadium,, many times
we were asked to rent out our spare bedroom to people
coming for the game.. The town loves the team...

Travis came today.. hes such a nice guy... he usually stays
about 2 hours .. all we do is talk... he will be back on the
7th, my nurse comes Thursday .. Penny might bring one of
her other babies tomorrow, the white one.. I hope so...

I'm kinda hungry and I have NO idea what I'm going
to have...I will have to make something as there are
no leftovers.. so..this GORGEOUS WEEBLE will have
to go and search for food :-) keep well and God bless...

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....


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