
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

~ShowerChair Extras~

I decided that the photos I put here before of my shower chair were ok,
ones..but didnt show ALL of what it can do, and I didn't take any of ME
in it.. :-) So I took a few more to put here to show you, so you can see I
am just GORGEOUS no matter WHAT chair I sit in :-D No, I wanted
to show you that the chair has other qualities, :-) really :-) that there is
a pail that goes under it.. it comes with a lid..but using for a potty well
leave the lid off please LOL... I got to looking at that and thought
"hmmm that COULD come in handy" lol.I wish it WAS alot easier to
stay sitting in..lol...I think that this chair is also capable of being put
over a toilet for safety reasons to sit, why the seat removes, then you
can use the seat on the toilet itself, just keep this there for safety,
thats why the arms raise up perhaps..

I put the arms up..they dont come off..just tilt back.. I guess because
some would transfer into it from the side and not front to front, like I
do and I would imagine if itwas put over a toilet for safety reasons, the
arms going up would be the only way to get onto it...You can see the
brakes on each side and places where foot rests go.. I took them off, I
had no need, but they come with it. I still have them here, some where.

The seat is NOT attached..which is really not a good thing. I some
times- if I dont raise up enough I drag it with me..Well my butt is a bit
heavy you know :-) but it only just pushes back up against the brace in
the back of the chair. I would assume this is for when it is over a toilet,
then the toilet seat can be put down over the base of the chair and the
chair seat put some where else...There are alot of possibilites for this
thing.. I guess thats why it cost $ 1700.oo which is alot of money but
what price can you put on safety? I feel alot better in it as far as SAFE
goes..but its just not easy to sit in...

I took this picture sitting in this, you can see that I am sort of really
sitting kinda straight straight.. I can stand it for a little while, I really
couldnt for any length.. My stumps really start to ache and I guess its
because of the straight angle I have to sit in where in my manual chair
I sit all which ways- sometimes even sideways with my stumps up
against the arm rests just to have a new way to sit..lol... works for a
while. I think we all have our own ways that are comfy for us to sit- all
the hours we do in these chairs- I stay in mine from 6 am to 8, 9 at nite
long time..why I am glad its bigger so I can move around in it. If I had
to stay one way.well no.I just couldnt, thats the same when I sleep-I can
only lay one way for so long..maybe 4 hrs or so at a time..then have to
change to another position which is usually sitting up if I have been
laying down, I think everyone does that though, have to keep re-doing
so you stay comfortable.. :-) I do..I know my ex did..Lord he slept ALL
over the bed, MY side as well!! :-) now I share with 2 live cats and one
stuffed one. :-D

Quiet sunday today..Raelynn surprised me and stopped by!
I did not expect her..She had stopped by a discount store and
picked up some things I needed..like snail mail envelopes..We,
well SHE has been looking for some magnifying eye glasses for
me to wear while I am online.. I need over a 400 ..and so far she
can only find 350.. They work but I still have to strain to see ...The
joys of being blind in one eye lol.. Im in bad shape hey? blind in
one eye cant see out of the other..hell of a note I'd say lol..

Well you KNOW what is next.. I have NOT eaten today and I only
had soup yesterday.. so 3 guesses what I am gonna fix today?
yup..my very best favorite..fries n gravy lol Raelynn has to go to
the grocery store for me tomorrow as I promised Donnie to get
him some things for his trip to Canada.. he loves to fish.. so I
said I would try to help them.. Now its time for ME To help ME..
and get them fries.. so..whats next??? lol :-) hit PUBLISH lol
Nitey nite... :-D

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? luv ya..& thanks!
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    chairs are for mankind's behind - Is that line from Eugen Ionesco's play called *Chairs?*

    Foods: Philosphers are the people looking for that perfect honey mustard sauce in the sky. I am still looking.

  • At 9:31 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good morning Momar, Some chairs can be quite bad for butts lol. Food is something we just gotta have.. :-)
    Hope you have a good day today.. :-)
    Always, Lois****

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Thanks for the photos and the commentary. You look very nice in your skirt!

    I had no idea that your shower chair was so complicated and expensive.

    Have a great day!

  • At 10:56 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray,, Thanks.. That chair serves alot of purposes probly why its so costly but its worth it..
    Glad you liked the skirt :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Love the pics - thanks. You look gorgeous, as usual.
    Hope the fries 'n gravey were good. I had bread and beef dripping for tea to-night - yum!!
    Take care, hon. Lots of love and hugs from

  • At 5:48 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife, Yours sounds good too! mine was so good. I restocked my supply today of potatoes and gravy mix lol. I m good for another couple weeks...
    Glad you liked the photos..:-)
    Always, Lois****


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