
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, April 28, 2008

~I Got Up Late~

I woke up late today, 8:45, just before Penny got here. I
was being a lazy bones.. I had been up for about 30
minutes and got so violently nauseous it was awful.. I
hadnt eaten anything and all I had was a tiny sip of coffee.
I was steadily nauseous when I was in hospital too.. This
is the first since I Have been home that this ickkiness has
come back.. I hate feeling bad when I have so many plans of
what I would like to get done and I just feel like all I am doing is
treading water-not moving anywhere. I did get my wreath hung,
Penny did that on her way out to get my Icee... They know
her at DQ and if there is a line when she pulls up the ladies
in there will bring my Icee out to her so she doesn't have to
wait in line.. I had wanted a Ice Cream bar and wasn't sure
what kind, they charged me for one but not the other 2 .They
sent 3 kinds so I could see which I liked better..This is the joys
of a small town..

I was raised in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan..and it is
truly God's Country up there its so beautiful..no matter where
you travel its all breathtaking scenery with some of the nicest
friendliest people any where on this planet. I am quite biased
when it comes to the UP... Yoopers as the are called..So many
different nationalities came there, from all over the world, to work
the mines.. Swedish, Finnish, British, Scottish, and the accents
so varied and over the years its sort of melted into their own
dialect.. Yoopers comes from the word UP.. with a ers on the

Most of the towns are small and everyone knows everyone..just
a short run to the store you could meet 4 or 5 people you know
and by the time you stop and say hi or wave going past it can
take forever.. Its nice though to have aunts & uncles living close,
when you go to school..the teachers have taught not onlly YOU
but your sister AND your father..but everyone knows everyone.
and its really nice.. I miss that closeness that small towns have.
Bigger places and we are just lost among all the tons of other
people and given a number.. like we are with the DHS or even
with the SSI people.. Its a shame its gotten to that... but it has..

Rebecca phoned from Keystone and informed me she wont be
by this week which I don't mind having days with nothing at all
scheduled.. I think Theresa will be here Friday and other than
that this is a quiet week, same with next week..After that are
the Doctor appointments on the 5th and 14th.. the next one in
June, for this rash.. Hopefully by then it will be gone.. It is doing
a bit better and I keep the cream on and even though it really
makes it very red I think it still is helping it to heal...

I was late posting last nite as Donnie was here and I am going
to be early today since I don't expect any company and I do want
to take a little 5 as my mother used to call a nap after lunch..That
was a daily thing.. not long..just a 5 minute break.. worked..So
that's where I am headed for the rest of this day..But first I have
to write my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 7:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said…


  • At 9:12 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    WOW that is late, I bet you needed the rest...There is a virus going around sure hope you don't have that.
    I went to another diabetes meeting tonight, enjoying them for right now.
    They had all the fresh veg there you could eat, but now I have no teeth for anything like that....hoping next month maybe they will have something soft to eat...I always bring my water with me.
    God bless you Lois

  • At 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    U.P. soumds very like Exmoor! ALSO the most beautiful countryside in the entire World!!! And like U.P. lots of folk know each other and stop for a chat. Even if you don't know them, you ALWAYS say "Good Morning" or whatever when you meet people. Try that in the middle of Chicago or London - people recoil from you as if you've hit them. I tried it in Notting Hill, in the lift up to my sister's flat, and the folks looked at me as if I were NUTZ!!!
    It's the joy of living in a village - every one is SO friendly.
    Take care, Honey, glad that hand is healing, at last.
    Luv Ya,

  • At 12:36 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Jo,
    Good to hear from you.. I wish this crap would clear up..

    Hi Mary,
    I kinda think thats what i have.. some bug is going around and I got it.. I dont feel good today at all either..

    Hi Raife,
    Small towns are the best.. so friendly everyone helps everyone..its a nice thing..

    Hope all is ok by you..thanks !!!
    ALways, Lois ****


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