~Works For Me~ :-)
I have to say that I have been most pleased with the
response and comments from my blogs this week.. I'm
glad that I can put my 2 cents in on these topics..
And being an amputee for almost 10 years, I'm not
And being an amputee for almost 10 years, I'm not
saying I'm an expert.. but Ive questioned a lot of men
and women, devs and amputees.. I find this all to be
very interesting.. Whats even more interesting is
when I have talked, well chatted, with young men
that were embarrassed at how they felt.. They
felt that loving or wanting someone with a disability
or as Normies see us... Less than perfect...was
wrong.. Its NOT wrong ... :-) Works for me!~! :-)
I was in a Yahoo chat room, which one I don't
remember its been a few years and I don't do
chat rooms any more... But I was in the room
and every one was putting their 2 cents in on
what they felt and their experiences.. I got a
private chat message.. It was from a young
man that was still in high school.. a senior I
believe he said. But his first sentence to me
was.. " Lois, I think I'm one of those people
you mentioned.. a devotee! I thought it was
WRONG to care about a girl that was a
amputee.. and Ive been so afraid to say any
thing or ask someone for fear of what they
would think of me"....
This boy was in a kinda bad place.. We talked
for weeks.. I told him its NOT a bad thing to
desire or want a disabled person.. It takes a
very special person to love and care for some
one with a disability and the fact that they
perfer that type of person, whether its a
man or woman.. Me, I give them credit.. It
makes me feel good..
Another time I got a message and it was in
Another time I got a message and it was in
a chat room.. This guy messaged me and we
chatted for quite a while.. I'm very honest,
I have a SERIOUS problem with lies.. I don't
lie.. and I told this guy that I was an amputee.
His reply really kinda hurt my feelings.. he
said "I'm sorry, but I cant chat with you,
there is no point as we can never be real
friends.. Your disabled and I have a problem
with that.. I feel being the able one.. that
the DIS abled one would take advantage of
me if I cared.. I cant talk to you anymore".
Can you imagine, just being a new amputee
how I felt? I was so hurt... BUT.. well I
feel sorry for the guy to be so narrow
minded.. but I think it all boils down to
one thing..
I think from the time we are born, we are
programmed that everything has to be
perfect, unflawed or its not as valuable..
People included... Some countries if a baby
is born with any kind of flaw, that child is
killed.. Here, we don't do that.. but.. is not
what we do just as bad? We treated them
like they are worthless and not useful
people..At least years ago they did.. I try
to remember that movie about that Pres
that was in a chair.. Roosevelt.. when he
went to a spa place and realized how the
disabled were segregated from the
PERFECT people.. I'm glad that's changed.
Well lunch time and I got right back up
on that soap box didn't I ? Well its great
I think, that I can write how I feel, and
I don't mind if someone disagrees with
me and hey.. thanks for the great comments.
I love reading them and mainly to know that
someone likes reading what I write...:-)
I better save some of my thoughts for
tomorrow though.. This post is long enuff..
So... this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is gonna
post this.. and eat lunch.. Pennys gonna
surprise me today.. Probly say "SURPRISE!
I DIDNT COOK!" No.. she will make any
I DIDNT COOK!" No.. she will make any
thing I ask. Shes a good kid.. :-) I'm done
for today.. But remember... I SHALL Return!
Always, Lois ****
Always, Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 2:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sitting here in my barren little room I say ... WAIT now .... you all miss the point ... no one has said peep one about the elevator climb feeling ... the thrill of the sight ... the breathlessness .... heart pounding ... mouth gone dry ... heart pounding excitement caused by the mere sight of a limb loss. Yet that's what it's about. Yeah. The lovely ... warm ... wonderful ... exciting feeling that drives men ... and women, too ... to reach out to touch ... to feel ... to have ... and to hold ... pursue ... and possess ... above all good sense and odds. To kill for. It is the wildest roaring fire kindled in the human heart ... the most all powerful motivation known on the planet! Yeah. All sparked by an amputee finger, whole limb or two. Awoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! That, dear brothers and sisters is what it's about ... that. (I have spoken)
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
So far Feb has been good, James storage building is all clean out, just a few load here in the living room to go...it will wait till he has the time to go through them...
Moving in the winter is a little harder to do...
You have a good post here Lois, keep up the good work.
God bless you Lois.
At 11:16 AM,
Lois said…
Hiya d..
Yes, Ive heard this from a few that felt that way when they see the woman of their dreams.. Thats the attraction.. then comes the main event.. getting to know each other..
Im glad the Attraction is there :-)
Hiya Mary..
Winter moving is NOT easy.. specially if you have lotsa snow..I KNOW!! Ive moved in all types of it..
Good to hear from you!! Thanks!
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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