
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, May 07, 2011

~i Love This Yard~

I have had the best time this morning
watching the birds, cats and squirrel.
It was a constant show that I really
enjoyed...I love my yard... Its worth
every dime I spend on bird food and
cat food and even peanuts for the
squirrel. That's Dinky up close..See
the scratches on his nose, which I
have no doubt Graybelle put them
there, she has such an attitude.

There was a new bird this morning
that I have never seen before. I had
to look in my book to see what it was.
It is a white crowned sparrow. It has
black and white stripes on its head. It
was out there eating the morning glory
seeds that Penny planted when I saw
him, he left and I was kinda upset that
I didn't get a picture, but then he came
back and I got some.. Yesterday I saw
2 yellow goldfinches.. what a bird gallery
I have out side and I love it. :-)

I never show a photo of the doves. They
are here every day as many as 6 at a time.
They have the nicest cooing sound..Its fun
to watch the male chasing the female all
over the yard.. :-)
I had the best laugh this morning. Squirrley
paid a visit. He went up on the stand and
ate corn for quite awhile, then jumped down
and I guess he never noticed before the post
to the bird house. He sat by it looking up
then suddenly began to climb it!
He got all the way up to the top and then
slowly slid down the post just like a fireman
would slide down a pole.. I had to laugh at
him.. Ive never seen him do that before, but
now he knows there is no food for him up
there :-) I love my yard...Birdie is still on his
houses too :-)

Heidi my nurse came by yesterday with a
trainee named Tammy. Its time for me to be
evaluated to see if they are going to keep
me on Hospice. Kinda upset me the more I
think about it, like they are hoping I get
worse. I will talk to Heidi about it when she
comes next week and I am seriously
considering to stop it. I don't like this
attitude at all, don't hope I get worse...
sheesh, that's so crappy I think.. If they
don't want me as a client I will gladly
stop it...I get depressed enough as it
is without hospice hoping the worse too.
Graybelle, Orangy and Fuzz-

Well I'm hungry and I have a meat pie
Penny made for me yesterday, I'm gonna
eat that and watch my yard some more.. Its
sposta rain today so I wanna enjoy it while
I can...I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE..
Keep well and God Bless..oh, Happy
weekend too :-)

Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


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