
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

~Christmas Mood~

I have no plans for today and after the busy
day yesterday I'm ready for a nothin tododay.
Ive been on a Christmas kick, and I want to
decorate here, but then I think about taking
it all down again, I get tired just thinking about
it :-) Even though honestly, I wouldn't have to
really do a lot if Id let Penny do it :-) Id like
to put a garland on the deck.. I'm so pleased
with it.. I told Penny yesterday that she can
take the pumpkins.. she forgot and walked
so close to them they coulda slapped her...
She will take them tomorrow...
Ive been making calendars for my friends.. I
use one of their photos like I do for my new
one up top.. I didn't have another one that I
had something Christmasy on.. like red.. I know
I could take one :-) I will ask Penny , maybe I
can get one with the boys.. I have the hardest
time to get a photo of LB and Dutch by each
other when they arent fighting.. They have had
a fight every day now for a week!.. I got that
one just by chance... If you want me to make a
calendar for you, just send me a email.. use this
Rebecca was here yesterday, tomorrow Travis
and Penny will be here... I'm glad I have today
to catch up on stuff... I might put up my tree,
its fiber optic all decorated , I just have to put
it in the stand and plug it in ... I would like to have
a wreath on my door.. I see where they have
lights that are on timers now... that would work...
I have to see what I can find...be nice to have
lights outside like I used to.. I almost would
OVER decorate years ago... when I got in the
Christmas mood, I was off and running... :-)

Time for lunch and to find my tree...I will take
a photo when I'm done putting it up... I'm going
to put it on the table here by my desk , in front
of the window, I will find out after its up if its
a good place.. might not be cuz the kids like to
sit in that window.... This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
is gonna post this.. and get busy..food first :-)
Keep well and God bless...

Always, Lois ****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....


  • At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Well I'm sick with that flu again, it just been a month since the last one...I wonder if the flu shot started it all...So I'm staying home and beening good for right now...
    Thank you for the e-mail you send, there great.
    God bless you.

  • At 11:44 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Mary,
    I hope you get better soon.. I wont get the shot, when I did, like last year, I got the flu which led to all that other stuff that put me in hospital for 2 months... Glad you like the mail.. Get Well..
    Love n'hugs,
    Lois ****


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