
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

~Mt. Rushmore~

I mentioned a summer vacation my parents and I went on to
Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota. The Presidents heads are
carved into the top of a mountain. I can still remember getting
closer and closer and seeing those massive faces carved in
the rock was just amazing. I was about 14 or so I think. The
mountains were just great and you could see for miles, mom
took this photo of dad and I by the state line sign.. I really look
frumpy in that one.. so just look at the sign..lol...the next is
better.. lol.. you see? I DID have legs!!! ;-)

Before I had to surrender the photo albums to Gayle I did
confiscate some of them and I took 5 that were my grandfathers
of the carving of the heads into the mountain. The pictures are

Such detail- one even has the dimensions as to how
big it measures.. it says :

6000 feet above sea level,
the expanse from the top of the head to the chin is 60 feet,
the length of the nose is 21 feet,
the mouth is 18 feet wide.
On the side it reads: Showing gigantic porportions of figures
on Mount Rushmore Memorial, Blackills, S.Dak. Gutzon Borglum,
Sculptor, photo by Lincoln Borglum.

The men that worked on this had to be truly amazing people to
hang over the sides by ropes..or in those boxes and swing type
chairs..the vibration of those jack hammers and all the dust..that
had to be a hard job..plus being out there in the hot sun. And the
weather out there in the mountains is always so unpredictable.
Truly dedicated men had to do this kind of work.. Me? no I just
could NOT do it.. I got dizzy just standing on a chair. I am NOT
good with heights..thats one reason I have trouble with flying..
the heights, not counting the claustrophobia . The men that build
the skyscrapers or huge bridges and walk those beams? NO,
I couldnt..But those that can do those kind of jobs..well I am very
proud of them...but MY talents lie elsewhere.

There's a website for Mount Rushmore just put that into your browser,
and they even have some old film footage there to see. Its very
interesting. I know one thing I remember-sadly its lost over the years,
that I got while we were in the gift shop..They have what is called
Blackhills gold, it is lovely jewelery.. I got a ring.. was brown kinda
stone with gold flecks sparkling in it..was just gorgeous.. I wore that
ring for years. I dont know what happened to it, probly when my things
were stolen a long time ago.. I lost most of my high school things and
memories of my first marriage, photos etc. I kind of think thats where
that ring went as well, to whomever took my belongings.. Leave it to me
to remember jewelry.. But I LOVE it.. thats why I wear 13 rings now..
I do.. 7 on my right hand, 6 on my left, I had to take 4 off..sadly, one the
band broke and 3 got just too small. so now I only wear 13.. My sister
does too..Im not sure how many but at least 1 on each finger ..not the
thumbs.. I wear more than one on a finger.. I have 2 or 3 on one some
times.. what?? I CANT help it.. I LOVE jewelery ..:-D...

I do have a stupid to report ... I did it to myself again.. I was in a hurry
to get the photos scanned and Dutch and LB were being real pains
in the patootie cuz I hadnt fed them yet.. Well I needed more coffee so
I decided to feed them too, just to shut them up..well I took a spoon and
dug the cat food out, I put the dish on the floor, then proceeded to fix
my cup of coffee.. I poured it into the cup, reached for the spoon, got
2 spoons of sugar,, ok ok 3 , small ones, and stirred, brought it back
in here, without spilling too!!! I sat here at my computer..and took a
nice sip of my coffee.. You KNOW what I did dont you? lol..ya.. I used
the WRONG bloomin SPOON !!! I had catfood coffee.. what a YUK!~
I spit it back into the cup..and well I didnt need a 3rd cup anyway ...
I do some of the most looney things all because I have my mind going
on a dozen different things.. *SIGH* Needless to say, that is another
lesson learned by Lois.. After you use a spoon for the catfood PUT
in IN the sink. :-D...learning is such fun....

Well I already know my way into the kitchen.. I do have a path.. Raelynn
asked about that..why is there a path cut to the kitchen.. lol I did not
tell my involvement with THAT one.. I do think this chair knows the way
all by itself out to there too... :-D should by now hey? lol...
I know the cats do. Now all I got to do is find the publish spot on this
and say "nitey nite" :-D

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya..and thanks!!
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Lois-mine!
    Them Rushmore presidents really are GREAT, and by that i mean the size... But you are GREATER, and by that i mean your INside, you dearest dear one!
    Good that it was catfood though, it had been worse if it HAD BEEN catfood, and had gone through the cat...Wouldnt it?
    Kisses all over, my dearest dear one!
    Your own

  • At 7:24 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob :-) I love those old photos. You say the sweetest things...

    YUK~!~ THAT would have been TOTALLY awful. I hope I never do that..but then at the rate i'm going ANYTHING is possible here! lol. ICKKA...lol.

    Always, Lois ****

  • At 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cat food: Someday, I could have that spoon mix-up, but, I use a teaspoon to stir my coffee, and a tablespoon to feed the cats. Star is about one meter (3 feet) away on top of the computer and enjoying my cool living.
    re old fotos: There is something spiritual about them. Some of my photos must be 100 years old. I knew a couple of anthropologists who used to collect old photos.

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Catfood versus carrots. Which do you prefer?

    I enjoyed the photos. The discussion made me want to see Hitchcock's North by Northwest again.

  • At 7:44 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning,
    I know the photos I have of my great grandparents are that old. My mother was born in 1909, so I know they are.
    I can just imagine all the ones you have momar having been all over the world a zillion times :-) lucky dog...lol...

    Ya Gray, that was a great movie..I LOVED Alfred's none could compare to his. I thought about that movie too..and I just saw a show on tv called Treasure Hunters and one of the clues was at Mt. Rushmore. Its a great place. I had never seen what it looked like before..that I enjoy seeing..that site is great too.. LOved the live video...
    Hope y'all have a good day, Nice HOT one here..my poor AC is working its patootie off.
    Always, Lois****

  • At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Try Celery, its much nicer than carrotsor even cat food!! lolol ;o)
    Thanks for the pics - They are VERY interesitng.
    Take care, Hon, lots of love and hugs,
    from Raife

  • At 9:36 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Raife,
    Celery and carrots are great for seasoning thats all...lol..
    Glad you like the photos...
    Always, Lois****


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