~Gonna Phone~
Well the start of another week. I am planning to phone my
Dr. first thing in the morning and find out why I have not
heard anything about the home nurse coming.. If the Dr.
wanted that blood work right away why hasnt the nurse or
the company that is sending one contacted me?.. I think
the nurse at the Drs. office maybe over looked that. I
should have been contacted by now.. I know that I will
mention to them the affect this anti depressant has on me.
I dont like the way it has slowed me down so drastically.
I dont like the way it has slowed me down so drastically.
All I want to do is sleep.. And I have NEVER been like this
before. My other medication I used..it KEPT me up and
going.. gave me energy...and I enjoyed my time awake..I
have even noticed that I am remembering dreams..and I
dont like what I am dreaming even.. The dreams have not
been the best the past few days..
I know the blood pressure pills are working as its at a good
level ..goes up and down a bit..but not outrageously dangerous
I have a monitor and I take it every morning.. and its been ok..
The thyroid..part of the sleepyness could be from the Thryroid.
being back on the pills I should not be tired.. I wasnt before I went
back on them..I was fine..so I still think the sleepyness is from the
anti depressant.. its a new kind she said..Im on the middle dose
now..and next week go up to the higher..and I honestly dont know
if I want to go there. I will talk to the nurse or Dr. before I do tho I
do know that...
Before my mother committed suicide..she was on the anti depressant
Prozac.. I had no idea she was on it until after she died.. I know I can
just about tell you when she went on it tho.. as she changed so much..
she drove into a telephone pole.. into a snow bank.. couldnt tell time..
she drove into a telephone pole.. into a snow bank.. couldnt tell time..
and worst of all hallucinated.. seeing ropes hanging in the windows...
and then she took her own life. I still say was that. She was put on that
by her former Dr when she felt the one she was seeing wasnt helping
her thru her depression at losing my Dad..She had such a hard time
accepting his death and I felt so sorry for her.. but there was nothing I
could really do for her.Other than be there every day like , we, my
ex and I would go over every single night to sit with her for a couple
hrs and watch tv or talk about what we did that day and it helped
her or so we thought.. which I guess it really didnt..she and my dad
were married for 56 years.. thats a long time.. then to suddenly be
with out the other. well it had to be hard and to even try to understand
thats like trying to understand or explain what its like to suddenly be
an amputee..you cant.
hrs and watch tv or talk about what we did that day and it helped
her or so we thought.. which I guess it really didnt..she and my dad
were married for 56 years.. thats a long time.. then to suddenly be
with out the other. well it had to be hard and to even try to understand
thats like trying to understand or explain what its like to suddenly be
an amputee..you cant.
I havent eaten today, as usual and I thought . well I thought I had
better post while I was still awake enough to do it LOL. If I try to write
better post while I was still awake enough to do it LOL. If I try to write
when I am really sleepy no telling what I would write lol. I do know I'M
hungry tho. maybe I will splurge and make my favorite since it is early
yet.. I havent had my fries n gravy in a while, sounds good too :-) but
then when dont they to me lol...I hope THAT day NEVER comes lol...
time to hit the publish and say Nitey Nite...
Y'all have a good one Y'hear? luv ya..and Thanks..
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
At 9:39 PM, Gray said…
Sounds like those meds are a little too strong. That's riduculous that they have not doen the bloodwork yet.
I hope that you have eaten and that you get lots of rest! I sound like the parent I am I guess.
See you tomorrow.
At 8:52 AM, Lois said…
Hi Gray,
I know.. I think the nurse overlooked what the Dr. wrote or she just forgot. The bloodwork the Dr. wanted right away ..so Im calling this morning to see whats up..
Theyre coming to fix my power chair or replace it today, Ill be glad ..:-)
Hope you have a good day ...
Always, Lois ****
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