~Im Being Good~
Ive been good taking my pills, I took them at noon I was late
today. A little while after I took them I HAD to take a nap..I
was sitting here are realized I had fallen asleep here at the
keyboard. It has to be the tranquilizers or something.. Ive not
fallen asleep like this since I have been in the hellhome.. These
are really good..just put me right to sleep..I took my BP when I got
up and its just fine...so thats not a worry but this tiredness has to
be the anti depressant I dont know if I like this..and shes going to
increase the dose? Over 3 weeks its to be increased.. When the
nurse comes to help I will know more..I bet tomorrow I will get the
call setting up the nursing visits, and I will tell her..
I didnt do a whole lot of anything today talked to a dear friend for a
while. which I always enjoy.. and looked that photo up top totally
checking it out.. There are 3 women perhaps..we figured one was
a child or something as the are not in order on the tombstone. The
dates on it are extremely old..We inspected it very carefully trying
to guess who or what and why did I have this photo? The tombstone
is wonderful..but if you examine the photo it looks like it is sitting on
a slab of something..and there is a pile of dirt next to it.. And look at
the flowers on there they look dead and bent, and the names and
years of death they're not in order.. Its an interesting photo..we
discussed it thoroughly..was fun and I enjoyed trying to figure out what
was what on it.. I have no idea about it at all ...but was fun trying to
guess at everything..:-)
Its amazing how this friend and I can talk about anything at all
its so nice not to have to watch my words and feelings..to be
able to share every detail of my life, talk about anything else
that we happen to think of..news stuff or things we've done..
adult feelings and emotions..there is not one subject that is
taboo for us to talk about and discuss..and we find that is just
the most wonderful thing..and I think so too.. We are both
extremely honest with each other and we say how we really
feel about the subjects we talk about.. which not alot of people
can actually say they can do.. I have been told before that I am
very easy to talk to..and that they do enjoy the fact that they CAN
discuss what ever feelings they have about any thing in the
world.. I enjoy that too.. I find being honest..and open,, and saying
what I think is one of the reasons someone can talk to me so
openly about anything.. I like it..especially the honesty part...if
you cant be honest and say what you think and feel well then why
talk to someone..
I dont mind discussing my amputations..and how they really feel
I think I have told things here that not too many have said.. But ,
well its me.. I dont mind.. I have not a thing to hide being an
amputee is just a way of life..I have lost 2 legs..yes.. and I dont
mind telling just how NOT fun this is.. and what it feels like to be
like this, and how I got this way and why..I think the most interesting
thing that most ask is just what it feels like, and the problems I
face daily.. and how hard this life really is..LORD is ever !!! :-)
but its doable.. Some days..wow..I mean I actually .. honestly
HATE this chair and being in it.. when that is not true ... I really love
it and am SO very grateful I have it!!! Id be stuck for sure..I would
be bed bound and I wont do that.. until I just cannot get around at
all..Im steady doing something..
Speaking of doing something..well.. I did something.. And I was so
pleased with the reaction I got ..Last nite I phoned my ex mother in
law ,, Karalee.... I told her I had some things of Davids here and I
would like to get them to him.. She was SO happy I phoned..and
scolded me for not being in touch all this time..That she had tried to
find me..but forgot my sisters last name and didnt have the vaguest
idea how to reach me.. Said she thought of me all the time..She
has many many memories there at her house to remind her of me
that I made especially for her..I asked how David was and he is
not doing the greatest.. that he is married to a Mexican woman
and has a daughter.. David will make a wonderful father..he LOVES
children.. But sadly she said he is NOT in the greatest of shape ..
I was so saddened to hear that he has gone down hill.. BUT I
was so pleased with Karalees reaction and I am so glad I finally
did phone her.. I also phoned his sister at Karalees request.. She
said "We still love you Lois, you were a part of our family for a long
time, and we still love you, please call Jen and say hello" I guess
Jen is having a bit of a rough go..and will be going to the Mayo
clinic soon..Karalee..and Jen will be up to visit as soon as possible
she said..and I have to admit ..I am SO GLAD they are coming here.
NOW do Raelynn and I have our work cut out for us..I want this place a
bit more than squeaky..I need PERFECT lol..No not really they wont
notice..but I want it that way so they see i really am ok.. She said how
worried they have been since they found out I am in the condition
im in and were very worried about me.. I was so GLAD I called..I was
so afraid all this time they were mad at me.. what a wonderful phone
call that was..
Well its time to take the last of my pills and I Have gone on long
enuff its time to end this post and find that publish button.. I havent
eaten today and I do need something..So I will raid my freezer and
see what I can find, I have NO idea what I am hungry for..I know
one thing that sounds good..NO NO not my fav, fries n gravy either..
a good Peanut butter n jelly sandwhich with banana slices on it..I
love that.. its really good..That was all I ate for a long time when I
was in hospital my sis told them all I would eat was Tomato soup
and a PB & J sandwich lol..was true too.. I have the PB & J but
no banana.. :-(..I will find something good..I have NO doubts LOL..
Time to say Nitey Nite...and sweet dreams...
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? I luv ya and Thanks.. :-)
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
At 7:01 AM, Anonymous said…
When I was a home health aide, the RN would come in and distribute the pills. I a client took the pills they were considered compliant. I once knew a RN who was 93, she was also a religious Roman catholic. She OD'ed on salt - she had high BP and when I mentioned her act to religious catholics - it caused them to ponder - what is legal and what is not legal re: health.
At 8:11 AM, Gray said…
I asppreaciate your complex thoughts on being an amputee, and of course appreciate your willingness to talk about it.
what a great reception you got from your phone call! The was really brave of you to call. Good work!
At 1:28 PM, Lois said…
Morning Momar,
I havent heard anything as to when the nurse will be coming I guess they have to set it up...
Hi Gray,
I cant destroy old photos, those are memories.. I feel sorry for David..hes not doing the greatest. I feel bad hes gone back to his bad habits, that he had quit..sad... I was so pleased to get such a reception from his mom..It really made me feel good..I hope they come and see me..
ALways, Lois ****
At 2:19 PM, Anonymous said…
My Dear Lois,
So glad you called up old friends like that. It will be so nice for you when they visit - just think what a lot you will have to talk about!!
Take care, Hon, lots of love and great big hugs from
At 2:53 PM, Lois said…
Hi Raife.
I cant wait to see her and I know we will have alot to talk about she is going to bring photos and I am so anxious to see them. and I am eager to
see them. I hope they come soon :-)
Hope you have a good day hon
Always Lois ****
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