
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

~Some Great Places~

Most everywhere you travel through the Upper Peninsula the roads all
seem to try to be very scenic..with parks, and picnic tables. some have
outlooks so you can view the countryside. Some are along the rivers or
by a small lake, where ever they are they are used alot..The little parks
have bathrooms, some have maps so you can tell exactly where you
are, which believe me my Dad didn't need, he knew every road like the
palm of his hand, he loved living up there. That little box thing to the right
of my dad was one of the map things. These parks were well maintained
by the Parks Dept as you can see how nice and neat they are.. People
seemed to respect them and took care of these places which was nice
to see, but then we were so lucky to have such nice spots to stop along
the highways to rest or eat or whatever....

If you put these 2 photos together you can see how nice and big this
park was. It had a large parking lot and if you look closely you can
see a little house in the far background that is the bathroom..Some
of the tables were placed by barbeque grills. so you could even
cook if you wanted to. Many people did...Most of these rest areas
were just that where you could stop and even sleep, many of the
truckers and people on long trips used them for just that, as the
Highway Patrol made them safe as they did patrol them .

Lots of the places along the rivers were excellent for fishing or to
just sit and enjoy the day. You can see my parents sitting there
talking with my ex husband Willie. This I think was along the Paint
River, one of my dads favorite river for fishing...

Whenever my parents went for a ride, Mom always brought soda or
coffee and ALWAYS a snack . This is such a great spot by the
water, and I dont know why but it seems anything that you eat at a
picnic always tastes so wonderful, the outdoors always seems to
give a person more of an appetite I think..Good thing I was taking
the pictures.. or I would have been sitting there munching away at
the goodies I know are on that table...

What is so good to know is that these photos taken over 20 years
ago, that you can still travel those same highways today and see
these same parks and picnic areas and that they are still just as
beautiful today as they were then..and I know there are people
that are using and enjoying them just like we did such a long time

What is so nice if you notice..I think all of these great spots are all
accessible for a wheelchair, even though back then it wasnt a
major deal to make these places accessible for someone like me.
But as I look at these photos I see no barriers that would not let a
chair have access to any of the tables or bathrooms, which at the
times I was there I really had no reason to notice of course if they
were, I had NO idea that I would ever need to notice something
like that like I do now..

Today was a very quiet one.. I was good and took my meds like I
am supposed to.. As soon as I took the anti depressant within
about 45 minutes or so I had no choice but to take a nap. I put
my head down here by my computer and slept for 2 hours..I woke
up and felt fine, but still very tired.. This TIRED has to stop.. I dont
like the feeling at all.. Its time for me to get this show on the road
again..and finish up doing my apartment!!! I have curtains I need
to take down and wash ..and the closet in this bedroom, is a
total disaster. It needs organized.... This sitting back and being a
lazy sleepyhead weeble, well its getting old..and I need to get
back to ROLLIN...lol...

I think its time to ROLL out to the kitchen, see if I can beat Dutch
out there and hes already got a head start, hes a fast little buggar
lol...hes the happiest little cat...I have some treats out there I know
he wants..LB well he will tag along at his own pace, when he gets
good and ready and not before..hes such a Garfield...I sure would
be lost with out these two...We all say.. "Nitey Nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya...and Thanks hey? :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As the weather cools, I am finding new energy. When I wake up in the morning. I am so awake until 10am or so then I need a morning nap, and again at 4pm. I remember in the comic strip Blondie, Dagwood would often take naps.

  • At 7:38 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning Momar,
    Yes, I think the cooler air helps..Our trees are starting to change already, I have been getting up about 4 am and finding a nap about 10 works for me as well.. Yes, I remember Blondie & Dagwood..lol. They did some movies too.He made a great sandwich lol..

    Hope you have a good day~!!
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 4:51 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    I thought that I replied to this! Probably didn't hit the send button this morning. I wrote about the difficulty of feeding my cats, since they need different kinds of food. Oh well. See you later.

  • At 6:52 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray,
    I keep a variety of food out there for my boys..and I give them a can of food every day, I hate the same thing so I figure so do they lol... theyre spoiled but oh well worth it lol... hope you have a great evening :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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