
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

~My GrandMother~

This is an old photograph of my Grandmother, my Dads mother.. Her
name was Ruby Deliah. Isn't she just beautiful? This has to be a
wedding photo..as she has on rings. This is the only photo I have of her
in this, and she was very young, and the photograph was taken in the
town where she grew up..So I am fairly certain this is a wedding photo
and had to have been taken in the 1800's. as my dad was born in 1909,
and was the youngest of 4.I have the family tree I could look it up on
but the print is so small I need a magnifying glass to be able to read it..I
had one but its gone..My Grandfather traced the family tree all the way
back to the 1400? or way back then..took him 20 years to get all the
information...its so interesting as it gives the occupation of all the male
members of the family...what is really surprising is the number of
children they had.14, 15 ..huge familys.its such an interesting thing
to read..i enjoyed it. I remember my their 50th wedding anniversary.
was a huge deal..and my Grandmother was just as lovely then as she
was in this photo.. I wish I had a picture of the 50th..so you coul
compare..My grandmother I think was one of those Timeless Beautys
even with age she was lovely. Her hair was solid white when she died..
but just beautiful like her..

I remember her teaching me how to crochet and knit..she would gently
guide the yarn for me..I watched as her hands just seemed to know
exactly what to do without even looking at them..She'd done this most
of her life..and made so many lovely things that I still have..Her tatted
handkerchiefs are just beautiful..I have so many things of hers and my
mothers..they were both so very talented, and I have many things that
they made.

It was amazing when I shut off my computer last nite, the feeling I had,
it was one of..well..I had just told everyone good nite and I had shut my
self off from the world..Was a strange feeling...Although everyone I know
lives in this machine. I dont know anyone else here, I know Penny
next door, but not really, that I would say we are close friends, but ive
known her since the day I moved into this building. Donnie lives about,
well I honestly dont know how far in miles..I know would take him maybe
15 minutes if that to get here, then that depended on traffice and time
of day..so..hes not far tho..but I very seldom see them, we talk on the
phone more, just to keep checks on each other. Updates more or less,
like I do with my sister..If we dont see each other in a week or so one
of us is calling.. I should call Jennifer and see how shes doing.. She
may have a rough go ahead and I hate to see that coming. I worry
about my sister alot..She has so much trouble with her legs, she does
not walk very well now, and I really worry about her. She is strong tho,
more so than me I think.. wasnt for her, I dont think I could have gone
through all I did..She kept telling me,"Come on Lois, you can do this"
I can hear her telling me that so many times, even though I knew she
wasnt right there saying it...I heard her...

Right now, I can hear my fridge calling me to find some food lol..I
havent eaten today and as you see this post is early. Im gonna post
and then just do nuthin the rest of the day but watch tv and just relax.
and of course EAT lol...The boys are off and running to the kitchen
and I am gonna be right behind them..Nitey Nite..

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks... :-)
ALways, Lois..****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest dear one!
    What a lovely picture of a lovely lady....
    If you wonder where i went....Well first its the new job, i am never at home! Second its the thunder....??????
    Yes my puter is destroyed by the thunder, boo hoo!
    Im waitin for new tools and parts, ah you know!
    But on my travel i AT LAST got a hold of a puter for five minutes...Guess who i checked first?
    Thats right! MY DEARLY BELOVED LOIS!
    I think of you evry day dear, and certainly hopes all is good with you.
    Kisses all over
    Your own

  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob..
    So good to hear from you .. I was getting worried you had forgotten me.. Sorry to hear about your computer..I hope you get it fixed soon..
    I think of you too ..hope you are well..
    Always, Lois ****


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