~Im Here Today ~ :-)
I didn't write yesterday and I have no
good excuse why. I guess I was just
pure d lazy is all.. Penny came and
she got us all clean and brought me
a hanging pot of double impatients.
Red ones and they are so pretty. She
hung them out under the pine trees as
ive actually ran my batteries down so I
have to replace them! But when I see
something I have to take a picture; the
birds have really been by a lot plus all
Graybelle is sticking her tongue out at
me it seems :-) cute hey? see? how can
My sis called and she is pure d miserable.
A lot of pain. She had surgery last wed. on
her hand, she will be unable to use it for 3
months. Shirley said the pain is awful, and
even the pain pills don't work. She was
getting the cast off then having to go to
therapy..which you KNOW is really gonna
hurt. But she had to have it done and may
have to have the other hand done as well..
I feel for her. I just hope it heals fast, she
will be a basket case if she cant sew, and
dread it. I am seriously thinking of telling
her I don't want Southern Care anymore.
It really upsets me about their attitude. I
am up for re-evaluation, and I guess since
Ive not gotten worse they wont keep me as
a client. I think that's a crap attitude and I
don't need or want anyone hoping I get
worse. My condition wont really get worse,
I will just have a major heart attack and I
will die. My heart being so seriously
blocked, it will happen fast with no warning.
I remember my heart attack just before I
had my triple heart bypass, I had no warning
it was even blocked! So what does Southern
Care expect? Makes me not want them around
and I will talk to Heidi about it today, if I don't
like her answers I will stop their service. All I
really get from them is Heidi coming once a
week and Kay, the social worker once a month.
I don't want any other services from them, not
now anyway.. I will wait and see what she says.
Anyhow way, I hope you like the photos. Its was
83 yesterday and its gonna be the same today. I
havent turned the air on, but I do have the ceiling
fan on..was really stuffy, but the humidity was
very high yesterday and I'm sure will be today.
I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. keep well
and God Bless...
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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