~Lotsa Company~
What hectic week, Ive had company everyday
this week. Some days 2 different visitors.. I
saw 2 doctors and my nurse, and two caseworkers,
besides Penny here too.. I'm ready for this week
end to just do nothing...and that's what I'm gonna
do, not a bloomin thing.. :-)
My hospice Dr came and my regular Dr. They did
all the checking etc and of course my BP was up
when they each came and on separate days! They
are concerned about the pressure being so unstable
and these attacks I have. They've not let up at all.
Dr Hyde wanted to know if I need even more help,
which of course I told him I'm doing ok for now...
Its nice to know though that its available if I need
Its nice to know though that its available if I need
it...The least little thing I do tires me out totally..
My nurse, Fanesse, came the same time as my regular
doctor so she could go over what shes seen every week
etc. Shes a very good nurse... They seem to agree though
that I should get the oxygen back . I don't want to but
if my breathing gets worse I may reconsider...
We had some beautiful weather, up in the 80s, today and
yesterday was rain which is ok, the trees are flowering
and they need the water...The trees across the stree are
just wonderful... I'm hoping a friend of mine will come
here and clean my yard and flower beds.. My peonies
and Lilly of the valley need cleaned..and along the side
of the house...Yard work never ends...
Ive been out on my deck and this chair scares the out
side kitties really bad, I sit still and gradually they
come back.. there is a total of 8 outsiders now...
Well, I'm gonna go eat some lunch which is meat pie.
Penny got some rutabaga to put in this time and wow
what a difference, I thought they were good before,
but now even better! I'm still a most GORGEOUS
WEEBLE, keep me in your prayers.. Keep well and
WEEBLE, keep me in your prayers.. Keep well and
God bless...
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....
At 9:53 AM, raife said…
Hi, Honey,
Sounds like you've had some of our weather over there! We have just finished about fourteen days of summer - now its trying to snow!!!
I'm glad to hear that you seem to have a good medical team there for YOU. Those blossoms look wonderful - just like a well known Weeble!!
Take care, Honey, God Bless You.
Love You,
At 1:26 PM, Lois said…
hI Honey
Good to hear from you, Im ok,, just the hills are getting too steep to climb!
Love ya!
Lois ****
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