~Im Late AGAIN~
Its been awhile again and I have no excuse..I'm
here though.. I wish that doctor hadnt said anything.
he was only guessing anyway... But his words hang
over my head like a guillotine.. I told that to my
nurse Fanesse when she was here.. Everyone is
asking about it and wanting to know if it depresses
me.. Well.. to be honest YES...
Wouldn't you be? To have some man, ok a doctor,
tell you, "you have possibly a year left"... how would
you feel? My year was up last month on my birthday.
That's when I was in hospital, the cardiologist said
that to me..
I know many people have had a time limit put on their
lives and live for another 20 years.. I hope I do too!
I'm doin my best to stick around! :-) But honestly,
I'm doin my best to stick around! :-) But honestly,
I can feel me wearing down.. The least little thing I
do, I can feel the stress on my heart, making me so
tired... BUT, I aint givin up, I'm doin less so I don't
give out...
The daily attacks arent daily anymore so that's a good
sign.. I still have this cold, I sneeze and cough a lot. I
cough during the night which wakes me up , wakes the
cats up and then it takes all of us 30 minutes to find a
good spot :-) If the boys arent comfy NO ONE sleeps..
I'm hungry and I have left over chili. I have 2 pasties in
the freezer but theyre for Donnie. I promised I would
keep them till he can come and get them, which might be
today.. I'm still a most GORGEOUS WEEBLE, keep well
and God Bless...
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....
At 4:04 AM,
raife said…
Hi, Honey,
As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. "Nil illegitimo carburundum" Don't let the B-----ds wear you down.
God Bless you, dear,
Love You
Raife XOX
At 7:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Lois, my dear far away friend,I'm thinking of you ,you're always in my prayers and heart..those docs are sometimes wrong you know? you're a really feisty,strong and lovely kind hearted lady to me,with a lovely sense of humour...choose how you feel and are..you're a real trooper.. you're doing great to me,try and not take it too much to heart I can understand it though., but what do they know?I had a friend born with a severe heart defect, they said she'd never live past 3/5 years old, but so proved them wrong , she had two lovely girls/daughters, and realy lived and enjoyed her life..so they're not always right? anyways hope you're more okay today, and take care Love hugs God Blessx Angiex
At 11:29 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife & Angie!
So nice of you to come here, and letting me know..
Love ya,
Lois ****
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