
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, March 31, 2006

~ 2 days In a Row?~ :-)

I have been thinking again- 2 days in a row...Can you
believe it?...hahaha....I've been trying to think of ways
to modify this apartment, to better suit me for doing what I
need to do..cooking for one...I need a place to put things like
my deep fryer, my bread machine, and my crock pot..even my
toaster and if I had a low like library table..I could put my stuff
on there in a line and use it as I need it.. if it had a nice back
panel type thing with an outlet on it...to plug these in would be
perfect.. for me to reach now and plug into the outlet its on the
back wall under the top cabinets and I only JUST barely can
reach them and I have to really stretch to do it...

But if I move my dining room table to the wall where my cedar
chest is..and then get this table thing.. I could use these things
and be safe using it.. I am so scared of using them when it is all
face level or higher...if it would tip over for some unGodly reason
I could be severely damaged..then I would be Pissy lol...I think I
need a carpenter to build this table for me..But I really think it would
work and where my dining room table is now would be a perfect
place and next to the kitchen...

Rae showed up today, and did quite a bit for me.. She went to the
store and is going to find some boxes for me to put the things up
in the closet ..Just to neaten it up a bit, the boys get up in there
and just kick things off and move it around so they have a nice
place to lay up there and then it ends up on the floor and of course
then I have to pick it all up...I wish they would learn how to do that
save me from all that bending and reaching but then it is good
exercise for me..well not now tho not as bad as I still feel...

Rae and I still sound alike..coughing like crazy...She still doesn't
feel the greatest.. I guess the people she works for are really giving
her a hard time.. They use the phone caller ID to make their
workers call in...to show they are at the client..but if they are over
so many minutes late when they call they could not get paid for
that day..THEN they wonder WHY they cannot keep good help...
She only makes 7.oo an hour. and they give her a hard time...
that is so unfair and she is a very good worker.. She is having
a rough go and I feel sorry for her.Her car is not running and she
has to wait for income tax to fix it...She lives with her sister not far
from me...Hopefully she will be with me for a long time...We get
along quite well..and talk quite easily to each other...

Time to hit publish on this...and go and watch tv I know i wont be
awake for long as I did not have a nap today..and I am really tired..
i only just sat here but the way I feel THAT is HARD work lol.. I
Hope you have a great evening and I am getting some of those
sugar cookies Rae got today and a soda and getting up on my
bed and hopefully staying there till tomorrow lol..Boy! is THAT
wishful thinking LOL..nitey nite...

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA !!! & thanks ..:-)

Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    when I worked as a hha i had to phone in only at the beginning and end of the day. you could not use a cell phone or pay phone unless the clients phone was out of order, then you phoned the office. several of our co-workers were millionaires in real estate. they worked to keep busy and save money to buy the next house.

  • At 9:42 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Momar...Rae has to use my phone too..that way they use the phone company caller ID..and dont have to pay for it.. I wonder what happened to TRUST?... What if my phone was broke or I didnt have one? hmmm...

    Hope your having a great SAT day lol
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    There's nothing for it, I shall have to come over there and make a nice table, to your spec. I've got the skill. Pity I can't send you one, but it would cost an arm and a leg to send, and you haven't got a spare one of those!! lol. ;o)
    Take care, my dear, lots of love from

  • At 10:40 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife...no fraid I got no spares lol... And to send? Fooey be cheaper to come over here and pack it as luggage lol... My brother n law has all kinds of wood tool stuff...:-)
    Hope you have a great saturday...


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