
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

~Over & Over~

Ever have a feeling like stuff is just repeating over and over and
not really changing? I got a call this morning that Rae wont be in
today...shes quite ill they said..If she is not improved the agency
said they would send someone else until she can get here... I do
hope she gets better soon.. Seems this is just such a repeat of
all these months of care giver problems....Its really getting old...
A repeat of a bad movie and dont ya hate that? specially when
you have NO choice but to watch it!!! I hope I'm not going back
to square one again..

Bill is doing ok.. I talked to Donnie late last nite..he got home from
Wisconsin about 10 pm..He KNEW to call me, no matter what time,
to let me know the up & up with his dad..Bill is such a dear man and
Donnie is VERY close to him... Donnie has a pontoon boat..that he
bought mainly so he & his dad could go fishing.. Its a great way to
fish as you can stand and walk around etc.. Well they were going
fishing one morning and the pontoon was lower than the dock and
when Bill stepped he slipped and fell down.. Donnie panicked..and
felt Horrible..that his dad fell...The next day his parents left to go back
home ..Donnie went straight out to the dock and lowered the dock so
that the NEXT time his dad went to get onboard the pontoon all he
had to do was walk forward..Donnie was making SURE his dad
didnt fall again....a good son...

All this with Bill and his heart surgery sure has triggered some bad
flashbacks that have caught me off guard.. And I have had a few
other disappointments from an acquaintance...and I will be
honest this girl has been quite moody and going UP and DOWN
on this depressed merry go round.. and I have to say I really dont
like it.. it makes me tired...and I hate being like this.. I do get
lonely sometimes and feel all by myself...and I KNOW i'm not- by
any means..its funny tho how little things can trigger other more
emotional feelings .Sometimes my happy hides..and takes me a
while to find it again..But I really LOOK..I much prefer the happy

AND the GOOD news is.. no major catastrophes today.!. My boys
behaved and were good little guys.. Dutch even waited until 5:30
to wake me this morning, which, I am SO used to getting woke up
at that time, I was up before he started his face tapping lol.. his
little face, when he looks at me when he does that, his eyes are
all squinty and the look is 'OHHHHHHH I JUST LOVE YOU'...so
what can a mom do? I have to just love him back lol. Lunch? well
I wont go into details other than to say it was one of those kind
that Dutch likes to bury, so of course I am hungry .. YESSS I ate
all the tato salad..I DIDNT MAKE alot you know lol...I dont know
what I am going to fix I want something..but I dont know what..
dont ya hate that? nothing sounds good.. Well them blueberry
newtons do lol...as hungry as I am though I would eat the whole
package. :-) no no JUST KIDDING..only HALF lol...:-)

So on that note I am going to hit post and roll out to the kitchen
and see what I can find..you know whats next.. nitey nite...:-)

y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA>>& THANKS!!!
ALways, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Again enjoy reading you.

  • At 3:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    So sorry to hear about Rae. I hope she will be back with you real soon, not just for your sake but also for the Boys. She seems to have had a real raport with them, too.
    Donnie is a great guy. You are lucky to have him near you. I'm sure if push came to shove, you could count on him, and that is what real friendship is all about.
    Just watch those blueberry Newtons, they are terrible chair shrinkers!!! lol ;o)
    Take care, my dear, lots of love and hugs from
    Raife X X X X

  • At 6:23 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Bon Jour Robert, I am so glad you do..and that you let me know, I like that..Your so sweet :-)

    I know Raife, it seems to be sounding like a broken record hey? Sheesh.. I hope she gets better.

    Donnie is a good guy, I could not have picked a better son to adopt.

    Hope you have a good day!! :-)
    ALways, Lois****

  • At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Hon,

    Well, I'm back in internet land again for a few days anyway. Trying to catch up. Well -we all have our ups and downs - you know I do -grin-... Happy is best always.

    Good to be reading your great writings again. Catch you soon.

    Bare hugs as always,

  • At 8:27 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Butty !!!! Glad you made it back!
    Just cant stay away from me can ya? LOL :-) I'll catch ya ... :-D
    Always, Lois****


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