
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

~Making It~!~

Well today wasnt too bad at all...I am making it through ok..
I even made some toast and coffee.. I havent used my toaster
in so long I think it had cobwebs in it...I just had a bad craving
for toast lately and dug out my old toaster hoping it would work,
and sure enough it does... I didnt put much butter on it..but I
did dunk it in my coffee..M M M...that tasted SO good...I enjoyed
that...As today wore on I could feel myself getting tired, but the
toast even didnt settle right.. I think this cold/flu or what ever has
to just work through your whole system...When RaeLynn was
here and we compared how we felt..we both agreed that the potty
calls did get out of hand, she even commented on how
hard that had to be for me..knowing how she felt just walking
and what I had to do, to do the same thing...

I was looking at the calendar again..I dont know but I think I am
sleeping thru a few weeks here.. I cant believe March is almost
GONE!!! We change our time this sunday.. I have to remember
to call and tell Donnie..lol..I felt like such a moron..calling him and
asking the time..gave him a good laugh..He wants to get this
garage done so bad...all his toys are just scattered all over and
he wants all his stuff home..like his bass boat and 3 wheeler..
and that sort of toys..lol...He says hes gonna retire up in Canada
as he loves to go and do that fly-in fishing up there, and usually
when Donald wants something he will work to get it..I told him tho
he cant move.. If I cant..HE cant..lol...He says I am NOT moving
anywhere when I threaten to move to canada or overseas..lol..

I have finally stayed up long enough to get my Inbox cleaned out
and get some mail (funnies) sent out.. I had just kept letting stuff
pile up in there till I was so draggy I had to either delete it or
start to send it.. So I sat and emptied it out and got caught up,
hmm I hope..on all my mail..but knowing me I probly forgot to
do or send something..lol...I get some really funny stuff and lots
of great pictures of stuff..got some today of those blue angel
jets...I NEVER could do that -just looking at the pictures of how
high up those planes were made me queasy lol...I dont like
heights at all..why I hate to fly..well besides being claustrophobic.

I am very tired..and I shall log off for today..and hit publish.. Thanks
for all your kind get well wishes and all the great things you have
sent me..Some I havent heard from in quite awhile and I was so
afraid I wouldnt hear from them again and I am so pleased I did...
You know who you are :-) But I am ALWAYS pleased to hear from
ALL of you ..really... I am getting better..and I think y'all had some
thing to do with it...:-) nitey nite...

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? LUV YA...& Thanks bunches..

Ps..And everyone said..Thank you Blogger for the picture lol....
it let me today lol...miracles never cease....

Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Beautiful new picture. You are tres belle ma Chere

  • At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is good news honey!!!
    Now you beginning to sound like yoursweetself again, so theres hope for a full recovery!
    Im happy that you are better, but sad i cant spend the time i want on you.... But we will come up with something, sometime....
    My feelings are the same, but time is a thing we all should have more of. Keep getting better dear, and as allways.... KAO´s in dozens....
    Your own

  • At 6:01 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Thank you Robert..how nice to read..:-) Your very sweet...

    Rob I dont think there is EVER enough time..it goes too FAST!!!

    I do feel better today and I am SO GLAD. I hate not feeling good..Im slow getting there but I will lol..

    Thanks..Have a great day!~~!
    ALways, Lois****

  • At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Thanks for a great pic. The red suits you - you look gorgeous, as usual. Like Bob, I am so glad that you are begining to sound more up-beat again. Hope you are not getting so many potty calls. That must have been very hard for you.
    Take care, my dear, lots of love and hugs from

  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Thank you Raife..:-) I feel alot better today. Yesss all those frequent flier miles to the potty can stop any time lol...
    Always, Lois****

  • At 2:06 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    Wow, that is some picture. I enjoyed that.

    I am glad to see that you are recovering. That sounds like a pretty nast disease. I will wash off my keyboard after sending this.

    Cobwebs in the toaster- it's a new one on me.

    I'm still coping with family health issues, so I'm not around much to talk.

    It's beautiful outside today here, and I hope its nice there too.


  • At 4:28 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well thanks Gray :-)yes wash it off just to be safe..lol...

    Hope all is ok there...Im getting better here...and the weather is great here...

  • At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    when are you going to put those stumps in nylons

  • At 6:35 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well I dunno. I dont have any :-)
    Always, Lois****


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