~Good Easy Day ~
changing.. I didn't notice my crystal till I put the photos into my
psp where I resize them.. Its a really pretty crystal and when the
sun hits it every afternoon its just beautiful..It was such a dull and
gloomy fall day today..not cold tho..in the 60's so it wasn't too
bad.. Those poor trees of the neighbors..isnt that just sad to
see how Asphlund butchered those trees.. I have read a lot
on the web, many complain about the 'hatchet job' they do on
trees then their foremen brag they are 'tree men'..no..I beg to
differ..THEY KNOW how to trim a tree and don't leave it looking
as sorry as those there do..I had a tree service for too many
years and I KNOW good tree work..This is NOT good...those
trees will eventually have to come down..all that weight on one
Out the window and see those leaves all over and the brightness
its almost rosey out there.. Penny came today and put some fresh
birdseed and bread crumbs and cleaned the water bowl..We had
talked about how to make a place for them to eat and it not Get
covered with snow.. The way the squirrels have been working, I
see them and they are steady going..The old farmers say when they
do that it means a long hard winter..Our past few have been cold,
but we werent snowed in and I think we only had a couple big snows
last winter and it didn't even stay very long.. Which for the drivers in
it they were glad..Dawn and Donnie have to drive all the way into
Elkhart to work, which many do, but live in Michigan, its a little bit of
a drive, depending on which way you go its about a 45 minute drive,
heard them fighting and looked and there they were.. You
see LB is NOT happy..Dutch just looks so innocent..and you
KNOW who was in the box first..LB..those 2 smaller boxes
are right above them on the couch..Penny brought this box
up from the basement to throw out..well you see how far it got.
As I write this they are both in there and I think its LB that I
hear snoring.. is he mad there or what.. I love the looks on their
faces..they don't have to say a word and I KNOW what they
are saying or thinking..
We are all clean and I am glad to say that today was just a nice calm
quiet BORING day..no..I really never get bored, I can find something to
do and Ive been digging out some of my knitting again and some
little crafty stuff that I thought would be cute for Christmas for Theresa
and Heidi and Penny of course.. Penny is very talented herself.. she
can knit just beautiful.. I will take a photo of her baby booties shes made.
She has made 3 pair already for our baby.. I am so anxious to make a
couple quilts and receiving blankets.. I am SO ready to SEW.. I enjoyed
sewing even when I worked for the sewing places Ive worked at , in
Buffalo, and Green Bay, Elkhart, even Houston I did for a while..I noticed
that Buffalo had quite a few sewing manufacturers.. The place I worked
for we made some jackets for JC Pennys...I made the collar and cuff and
the bottom band..then the surger ladies took it from there..Surgers are a
great machine.. These industrial machines are so wonderful..but they run
with a foot platform and to raise the needle is the bar that hangs down
that you use your knee to push it ... I don't think I could run one now..Well
I could if it was adapted to me... Id try to anyway :-)
We had burger king for lunch and it wasn't the greatest. Holiday today
so nothing was open..I had forgotten that when I sent Penny to the
store and asked her to go to the bank and the post office..She reminded
me when she got back..It was on her route so im glad she didn't go
out of her way with gas as much as it is.. She is supposed to get a
gas allowance and apparently the caseworker, Julia is messing with
Pennys checks.. She has NO trouble with mine, I think Julia just does
NOT like Penny for some reason which is amazing shes very nice. I
hope she gets it straightened out..its hard when you depend on your
paycheck to be there and its not.. I don't know what I would do if I
didn't get mine for what ever reason.. I would be in DEEP DODO..
Theres none of that in the kitchen so I don't have to worry and I KNOW
I can find that pumpkin pie out there.. I love that stuff.. I like pumpkin,
pie, bread, cookies, all of it.. Why I like these holidays so much ..Its
not thanksgiving with out pumpkin pie..or Christmas for that matter..
GOT to have the pie.. This GORGEOUS WEEBLE has been in this
chair long enough for one day and Im getting out of it and watching
TV. . My butt says I HAVE to and say "Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 8:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Lois I love all the color of the trees. I did get a picture of one going to the store this evening, I carry my camera everywhere I go.
I cleaned all day, trying to get thing catch up again.
Your boys in the box are cute.
My son and grandsons has to drive 18 miles to there job, and with the price of gas now days. I sure don't know how other do it when it is a long way to there jobs.
Have a good Tuesday Lois.
God bless you
At 5:31 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Yes, theyre wonderful .. I love the fall... I hope you had a good day today :-)
Always, Lois ****
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