
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, April 11, 2008

~The Good Old Days~

I sat and listened to some really great oldies today, which I
LOVE music..just seems to really help me alot..always lifts
me up when im down.. I really don't like sad songs, the oldies,
those songs were sad, but they still said something. I listened
to the songs that were popular as I grew up and I look at the
photos that I have, and I sometimes say "Those were the good
days". And I think how nice it would be to be able to turn back
time to those days when now as I remember them they were the
good days,but at the time of the photo or perhaps when I had
heard a certain song,, back then I didn't consider them "The
Good Old Days". Thats Donnie and Kelli, 20 years ago...
That photo up top is of Kelli when she was about 3 and that is
one of the beautiful German shepherd dogs I had the joy of
owning..her name was Greta. she was only about 3 or 4 months
old..a wonderfully smart animal..and you can see Kelli loved her.
I have that photo on my desktop..I love putting my photos there.
I have them in a webshots program so they steady Change. Ive
had many when they visit watch the photos on my monitor, I have
my friends and family on it.. I enjoy it.. But when I see these photos
come up of Kelli and I see her with the animals I loved I think how
nice it would be to go back to those days..
This other photo is Kelli of course with my cat Skeeter. He was a
black Burmese and he LOVED Kelli..No one else could hold that
cat but her or myself.. He was a big cat..when Kelli was around
he followed her like she had him on a leash.. Look at the shoes
Kelli has on ...those were her Papa's shoes.. As soon as Willie
would take them off she made a B-line for them and wore them
all over..she did that since she first learned to walk. Was so cute
to watch her try to walk in those huge things.. But I look at these
photos..and think..those WERE the good days..but I think today
is a good day..they ALL really were..I wouldn't want to change
anything or this baby we are anxiously waiting for would NOT
be on the way !.. I guess its just the way we look at our days..

Carla was here this morning from the COA, she noticed the rash
on my hands..and I told her the whole story.. Shes very nice , she
does the In home evaluations.. and if we have a problem with
something there she is a good one to tell.. NOW..you KNOW I
didn't have ONE bad thing to say don't you? .. I only had the
ONE complaint and that was about them not knowing of a wheel
chair accessible beauty shop.. I know not everyone goes to one,
but they should have a list there of the places here that ARE
accessible for us.. They said for me to call and find out.. Well
its not really a biggie but.. I would think it would be a good thing
to have someone that knew these things..Im sure there are many
seniors that are in wheel chairs..

I tried to call and get hold of that melody person that has my food
stamp case and of course she has NOT returned my calls.. To cut
my stamps so drastically and not even listen to what I had to say
well she was wrong.. To cut them over 100 dollars..That is NOT
going to be very easy on me.. Why she thinks my income has gone
up before I even know it I don't understand.. If it IS true what she
says..well I would be very happy.. But SS says its NOT..so who do
I believe.. I got that extra money, but I refuse to spend a dime of it,
just for the fact of I KNOW how many they have sent money to and
then write and say "Oops..we want that money back".. Im not going
to take any chances.. I honestly do wish sometimes that I had those
good old days.. I worked my butt off But I didn't mind at all... I don't
mind working for what I want or what I feel will benefit me..but I guess
we are all that way to some extent..

Well we had a great warm sunny day but as I close this post the sky
has turned black and the wind is very strong and here comes the RAIN!
I don't mind listening to the rain when Im tired..well as long as it doesn't
do the thunder and lightening thing.. and that's just what its doing out
there.. The thunder scares the boys and they are both under the couch.
scaredy cats :-).. Well I am too but not THAT bad..Im headed out to
the kitchen to get a snack and then HOPEFULLY the power wont go
out like it usually does in a storm..and I will be able to watch TV.. The
weekend is ahead.. This GORGEOUS WEEBLE has Nothing to do,
well yes.. bid you "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y"hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Love all the wonderful pictures you put in here Lois... I have always love seeing pictures and my dad love taking pictures too.
    It has been on the cool side today and we still have plenty of wind to go around...going to have a lite freeze tonight.

    We got a men meeting on Saturday at the church and will be feeding them too it from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.
    I have been doing a lot of extra cleaning this week getting ready for it...
    I am making a big salad for it, the helper will get to eat after the men.
    The women is 26 of this month, the 25th I am having 10 teeth pulled...
    I bet I miss it...but I will be able to do most of the cleaning for it.
    Next week they will come and take our van to get fixed, the man is doing it in his spare time...
    Wow will be so glad to get it running again, then we can take Becky to church again...
    Have a great weekend Lois and God bless you too.

  • At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Food Stamps was a Republican program to aid the farmers started by president Nixon. nowadays republicans forget that original purpose and only want to punish the poor for being poor. It is sad. regarding photos - I tend to not take photos and I do not send them to my daughter - I wish I could do more photographically.

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Photos are great I just wish I had dated them better.. Your church seems to be very active which is a good thing.. I hope your having a good week end..

    Hi Momar,
    Food Stamps are a good thing IF you qualify not everyone does and they look for reasons not to give them to you.. Photos are a good thing..

    Good to hear from you.. :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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