
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

~Hands Update Again~

I promised new photos of my hands and arms.. I think they are a
little better compared to what they were. I just had put the cream on,
and it seems after I do is when it gets redder.. I only put it on twice
a day.. The other hand and arm look a bit better too..Please do NOT
look at my messy desk. Ive still not gotten around to cleaning it off.. I
know it needs it badly. maybe one day next week.. Like I tell my friends
"If your coming to see my house, make an appointment, if your coming
to see me - come ANYTIME" :-)
Well they came this morning from R & R Medical Supply..very good
company..However this new toilet guard or railing, what ever they call
it..would you believe this new one didn't have the screw thingies that
got broke? He said he had to use the one that came with the toilet
seat..These chair things don't come with them.. I asked him..what if I
didn't HAVE a toilet seat on? With a riser on a toilet you don't need
the seat or lid..what if I had taken mine off..how would they have even
put the first one on? All he needed to do was put the new screw in..I
didn't need the whole new railing..but he put it on any way and now I
have an extra toilet handrail thing.. He was going to take it..but I said
I would keep it in case my sister or someone else might need it and
don't have insurance to pay for one.. I would gladly give them this extra
one.. This new one is not near as sturdy as the other one.. To be
honest.. I liked the other one better.. but at least one is on there again,
that works and Im pleased...

Penny was here early but I cancelled my hair appointment for today. I
just didn't feel good yesterday and I had a feeling I wouldn't feel much
better today and I really dont..My nose has been dribbling all day and
I have a very dry cough.. I will re-schedule it for next week maybe.. We
are all clean and Penny said she is anxious to get done early today as
her new grand daughter is home and Penny is very anxious to have
some time with her...she said shes so tiny almost fits in one hand.. I
bet shes a Cutie.. :-) most babies are...Although I KNOW this grandbaby
of mine will be THE MOST GORGEOUS of them all :-) This boy has the
most GORGEOUS Gran, how can he be any thing else ?? :-)

I phoned Dawn last nite to find out how our girl is doing..Baby was due
the 7th which was Monday and Kelli is anxiously waiting.. she has had
to spend the last 2 weeks on bed rest and as antsy as my honeygirl
is I know she is NOT happy.. From what Donnie said when I talked to
him everyone is phoning her to see how she is..so I just told Donnie
to relay the message that I inquired about her..I know her phone steady
ringing has got to aggravate her.. Plus I guess her Papa, my ex. showed
up, un announced, of course he is anxiously waiting his great grandson
too.. like the rest of us.. He is a good one for just showing up with no
notice..so I am not sure Kelli is very pleased..He is good friends with
my brother so maybe he will stay with him and not at Kellis..she needs
to relax and just enjoy what time she has left before baby gets here..

Tomorrow is a busy day again..Rebecca and Theresa will be here, on
Friday Carla from the COA will be coming by.. I have such a busy life for
never going out of my house.. I love it though..keeps me on my toes so to
speak.. Im glad today is about done tho.. I do have a serious headache
that is keeping this dribbly nose and cough company. and I think a nap
might help, Im gonna give it a try anyway.. :-) But before I can end this
post you KNOW I have to say my famous GORGEOUS WEEBLE words,
"Nitey Nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and thanks.. :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow the sore on your arm and hand still looking bad Lois. Sure hope that med clear it all up for you real soon.
    Mike right ear is looking better about all the puss and junk is out of that ear now...it still need to heal up, will take him back to the doctor next week.
    Pam is going back early to the doctor, she is falling down a lot and wetting herself a few times a day now.
    We had lots of rain today, I don't think we needed it right now.

    The thing thing they make now days are cheaper and not as sturdy as the old one it replaces.
    Have a great day Lois.
    God bless you.

  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    I think there is some improvment..not alot but the dr said it would be slow to act ..I hope Pam gets better..I hope you are taking good care of yourself too Mary..
    Hugs and Love
    From Lois.. ****


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