~Ass Kissin' Day~
Heres the run down on today.. I had to go back to Colon to
meet- well let me write this the way I really FEEL about this
trip to Colon.. Ive been open about all my other feelings I need
to be on this as well. But, I felt I rode all the way there just to
kiss this Nicole, from KEYSTONE PLACE, ASS to put it bluntly.
And that is exactly what it was. I washed my face really well
for this I didn't want to give this person any germs!.. Can you
tell I am, and was VERY irate.?. I cant remember a time when I
have been this mad or fed up with the treatment I get! AND
its ALL because of peoples attitudes it seems... I did maintain
my cool and was as civil as I could be, I spared no words as this
is or should NOT be based on a personal feeling for her.. this is
business... but I sure as hell wont kiss ass again on ANYONE....
I did this time and my mouth tastes nasty and I don't like it.
You will have to excuse the non smiley photos.. I was not happy.
was there as well, to show this inspector person that I could reach
the sink and stove and get into the bathroom.. Which is NOT possible
in this chair but I have a trade deal going on with R & R medical to
get a small transfer chair just for in the bathroom... This Nicole
did not know until she got there that I was even in a chair. Her
reasoning for having to SEE me do this is because shes afraid that
I could not function in this place.. I never had to go thru this when
I moved in here ! I would think the condition of this place they
let me rent would not pass for barrier free.. She is going by the
HUD inspection rules for a barrier free place this isnt listed as
150.oo transfer chair to be able to get in to the bathroom and
this Nicole said she would HAVE to see me in it so she KNEW
I could acess the bathroom.. Well.. is it a law that I have to use
a bathroom? I can take a bath in the sink.. I can use my wheel
chair potty that I have.. She said if I fell or got hurt someone
could sue her for 10,000 cuz she passed this place.. I don't
believe that... I didn't have to prove that before! I think this
job has gone to this girls head and she is just doing stuff to
it .. THEN Rebecca says I have to be there when you sign the
lease, and I have to have a copy... Well that's kind of an invasion
again.. She can have a copy but I don't think she needs to escort
me there or make sure I know how to sign my name to stuff.
This place has passed and I can move in anytime.. I will be honest
This place has passed and I can move in anytime.. I will be honest
and say I wish I didn't have to have this grant from CMH and
I wish they had a better organization handling it.. KEYSTONE
does a crap job.. And most of their employees jobs have gone
to their heads and who they are trying to impress..well they sure
don't impress me much... If I could rent this place on my own I
would just so I don't have to deal with KEYSTONE ever again..
And after I move in and get to know Joe better I will inquire
to him getting this place qualified for HUD.. Their inspector
wouldn't have made me do this !
I need a nice quiet week end..and if ANYONE dares to give me
the slightest crap well lets just say the mood I'm in NO ONE
needs to talk to me unless they got some sweet kind lovey words.
A hug or kiss wouldn't hurt either.. And only ones can give me
those are my boys :-( oh well I'm sure y'all would if ya could..:-)
Well this ordeal is over and I can officially start to pack and get
this move on the road.. I plan the move for the 22nd .. I have
asked the boy and Jorge and both will help. I am hoping we can
do this in one move, last time Donnie had to make 3 trips hauling
all my stuff.. Not this time.. You can see how big the place is
by the photos and how nice it is.. Its so pretty there and I know
I can really make it even prettier.. that will be fun.. :-)
I'm so tired and yet cant sleep.. I am hoping tonite may be better.
I did lay down about 9 but I only slept for a total of about 2 hours.
I did lay down about 9 but I only slept for a total of about 2 hours.
And then it was a fitful sleep.. I'm going to log off after I post
this and take a 20 and try to get this blood pressure back down.
Its so high that I cant even see straight and I'm very nauseous,
so I know its way up .. that's not good.. Time to relax and not
do nothing but write my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya and Thanks Thanks...
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 4:40 PM, Anonymous said…
Good ... perfect ... wonderful. The new digs just looooook wonderful.
At long last things worked out the way you want ... whoopie. Power of prayer.
At 4:50 PM, MaryC said…
Lois your boys sure going to love the new place, move room for them to get into trouble.
And you will have a easier time getting around in the rooms...
Maybe you can have a sewing area too...
Bob said he wish I could go and help you move, but it to far away for that...but it was nice for him to say so...
I started taking everything off the walls and moving furniture everything out of the Living room,hoping to started painting Saturday morning...my body having problem not wanting to do all that work, but it will.
Cheer up my friend,I know you got a lot to do in a short time...and I do wish I was there to help you...but with the basement I don't do stairs...
God bless you Lois.
Give yourself a hug from me OK.
At 7:27 AM, Anonymous said…
I work with a man who has progressive MS. He lives in a studio apt and has a power chair. He wears orthotics and can only walk about 5 or 6 feet (2 meters) He wants to buy an apt that is wheel-chair accessible. I do not think that the american bureacacy functions as well as the bureacracy in other countries. He does have a Swedish power chair that has many options including adjustable height.
At 9:08 AM, Anonymous said…
Hey Gorgeous,
I know this whole thing it a bit pain in your (very lovely) mmm.. butt. But it comes with the territory I guess. I'm sure things will work out and be better than ever.
I'm praying even harder!!!
Bare Hugs Sweetie,
At 1:28 PM, Lois said…
Hi d,
Ya, its really nice :-)
Hi Mary,
The boys specially Dutch will run his butt off in there.. He tries to in here but theres just not enough room..will be great exercise for them...
Hi Momar,
There are so many different kinds its amazing.. Something for every need..
Hiya ButtY!
Thanks hon...bunches... Yes, keep prayin ..:-)
Good to hear fro you.. Keep Well..
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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