~The Magic Town~
My new hometown would you believe is known as the
Magic Capitol of the World. I looked on line and read
about all the shops and activities and heritage of the
magic.. Apparently a famous magician named Blackstone
had his residence there and that's where he and his
magic troup would live and prepared their shows for
their performances.. The name of the town is Colon, MI.
Its a lovely town; to get to my new house we had to go
right thru the main street of town which is 6 blocks long
and 3 blocks deep.. its not big at all.. I think the resident
count is about 1000 people.. Summer is when that place
really comes alive with the huge Palmer Lake there and
all the magic activities... I live only 1 block from the river,
which with my power chair I could easily go down there
for a evening roll... It will be so nice... this is the URL for
the Colon site... http://colonmi.com/ . There is a lot of
info look over on the left side...
The countryside around there is mostly Amish, we saw quite
a few buggys yesterday when we went there, I was so bent
out of shape I didn't take any pics of that I wish I had .
There were 3 young girls in an open top buggy tpye wagon,
There were 3 young girls in an open top buggy tpye wagon,
and the most beautiful high stepping horse pulling them..
The horse was in a fast trot and the girls were laughing
The horse was in a fast trot and the girls were laughing
and just having the best time.. that was SO nice to see...
Some Amish don't like to have their photos taken and I
would hate to offend any of them by doing that.. A lot
of visitors don't realize that and will stop and take their
photos.. Some don't mind at all .. but I have run in to some
that prefer you don't.. I have a Puerto Rican friend, he
wont let you take a photo of him either... Some are like
that so I try not to take photos of them with out asking
Ive been making a list that grows constantly of 'to do's'..
I don't want to forget anything.. As big as this new place is
I was telling Raife I don't think I will have enough stuff to
fill it.. and Ive gotten rid of my bed, so the only thing for
in there is my new wardrobe and a chest of drawers! I
had thought about just making it into a sewing room, but
there is a really great spot in the kitchen that I could put
my little drop leaf table and use my good old stand by
machine instead of this cabinet one and just put it in the
living room for furniture :-) So I could turn my bedroom
back into a bedroom..how ever if I get this recliner which
I really want, that could go in the living room.. I only have
the one TV so I think putting the recliner in there and
sleeping in it.. I havent decided.. With the cost of this
move I don't think I can get it for a while...
The transfer chair will run about 100 and if he takes a
trade maybe that wont cost me anything.. I kind of hate
to get rid of my old manual as its a great chair, in fact
I like it better than this one.. but the brake was worn
out on it.. I know I wont trade my old power chair for
it.. that would NOT be an even trade at all.. 100 chair
for a 7000 dollar one? But if he makes me an offer
for that power chair that is fair, he can have it... It
still runs ok and hes a repair man anyway... The transfer
chair is like what they use in an airplane.. The one I
saw was only 17 inches wide. I am wondering if my
GORGEOUS WEEBLE butt would even fit in it!!! :-) I
got to thinking it might be easier to use inside any
way.. The carpet is easy rolling kind.. very low pile,
which is great.. But to get into the bathroom I have
to have this chair...
I decided to use a rental truck like UHaul or something.
I called a place called Budget and its 20 a day for the
truck and 79 cents a mile and its 23 miles from here to
Colon so the truck and all will run, with gas and all about
another 100.. I think it will make it a lot easier for donnie
and they have a ramp so there really wont be any lifting
at all, donnie has a dolly... I talked to him last nite and
told him that all is a big "GO".. and the move date is the
22nd.. which is a Saturday.. Donnie said he will be here
about 8 and the move will begin .. If we can I bet it will
all be done and over by noon... My honeygirl, Kelli, has
generously offered her Gran help in packing and has
assured me Jorge will help Donnie.. Between the 4 of
them.. and if Jorge brings his 2 brothers.. this move
will go so fast the boys wont realize it till they are
there.. The ONLY problem is.. I cant get in Donnies
truck or Dawns blazer or Kellis blazer so I have to
figure out a way to get there.. I guess if these guys
can lift this furniture and stuff they could lift me
in and out of Dawns truck :-)
It would be great if while we do this we could stop and
pick up the recliner I want and use this big truck to
get it.. but that's not in this move budget.. Ive had to
change everything and start new service as the companys
for phone or gas or electric ,even cable are all different.
DHS will help with some of the deposits for some things
but not all.. I am hoping they will offer help in paying
for the truck.. Who should really be paying for this move
I'm having to make is big daddy Ken Schwartz... useless
man... Hes filed bankruptcy too I was told so I KNOW
hes gonna pay for it ... NOT... :-) I told the boy that if
he should run into him to just give him ONE slap for me.
Of course should Donnie do that I KNOW Big Daddy
wouldn't taste anything for a year!...
COLD and windy and a 70% chance of snow today and we
are sposta get sleet tomorrow.. That's another reason
that I decided it best to use a rental truck.. Donnie has
a flat bed trailer but its all open.. With it being this time
of year well theres no guarantee that we wont have snow
butt deep to a giraffe in 2 weeks.. :-)
Well I am gonna do a bit of packing and wait for my net
Well I am gonna do a bit of packing and wait for my net
flix. I don't know what it is and I kinda like that.. I know
the movies I get are all good, cuz I picked them out.. I
just never remember which ones I chose :-) Right now I
choose to post this and pack a bit and say my very
grateful GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite".
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 10:22 PM, Anonymous said…
WOW Lois it look like you got everything under control now, sure hope it all will run smooth for you on moving day too....I sure want real good weather for you ...
I got my Living room all painted, need to dry and then I going to shampoo the carpet before I put everything back in...some of my old movies going to give to the library so other can check them out...I need the space...the kids don't want to watch them anymore...
Hoping next Saturday I can get the Dinning room painted.
If I can get some free time during the week will do it then...
My sister in law want me to clean twice this month for her, and I need the money...
God bless you Lois.
At 9:00 AM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Its a great place and im really fortunate to have found it... Wish I could help you with your place too..
Thanks Mary, your a good friend...
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
At 9:03 AM, Lois said…
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At 10:01 AM, Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
Wow this new place COLON looks lovely. I think it has just been awaiting your visit to it & hope you will go to live there!
I am so happy to hear that you have finally got a nice place Lois after all the stress you have had to put up with lately.
Seems to me that this is where you are going to be very happy too.
You certainly deserve to be, I love all the photos of it despite some folks who gave you a hard time.
I am sure your two little pets will love having all that room to run around in !
We will just think positive now & wish you good luck & lots of happiness in your new home.
I have to say you have been one patient little bunny & deserve to be happy & have things go well for you now.
God Bless & sending you love with big Hugs.
Audrey & Don
At 1:39 PM, Lois said…
Hi Aud,
Its a great place and until I am actually IN there will I breathe a sigh of relief... I trust nothing..
But its great and I am excited..
So nice to hear from you :-)
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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