
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

~Sore Thumbs~ :-)

Guess whats been bothering me a lot these past few
days? Its even surprising to me as Ive never felt this
before.. and trust me it really hurts.. But its my thumbs.
Don't laugh :-)... really, its the base of them where that
fat kinda padded area is down at the bottom of it.. When
I go to lay down to watch TV, I notice that as I relax,
my thumbs start to really HURT!!.. so much so that I sat
back up and had to rub them and it seemed no matter
what I did they ached just awful... it would ease up, and
I would pause and think 'finally!'.. then blip! right back
throbbing again.. Ive never had this before.. Ive had some
problems with my left thumb as I damaged it when I was
working in Green Bay for EDS. I hit it and THAT really
hurt so much I had to go to the ER for xrays, nothing
broke.. I was going down the stairs and slipped. put my
hand out to stop the fall and that pushed my thumb back
or jammed it or something.. but it turned black, green and
the prettiest shade of purple Ive ever seen :-) So I do
expect trouble with it.. I know I have arthritis in both
shoulders, arms and hands.. So could be that.. but then,,
could be the carpal tunnel.. :-)

I know it.. I mean is there ANYTHING that I can say that
Ive not had, done or knew about? I have lots of little stuff
problems but well I don't worry about it until they force
me to pay attention to them, like my thumbs are now.. My
logic for the reason they are hurting is this:... :-) Well I do
have arthritis... and I DO have carpal tunnel very bad, and
with all this unpacking and using my hands and arms so much
that its aggravated probly both the arthritis and the carpal...
:-) So its probly good that I would have to say 95% of all
the unpacking is done. My bedroom is ok.. just needs to have
final adjustments done. Everything has to have a place.. I
know I have so much room here its amazing.. but I love it.. All
the stuff I had to leave in boxes at the little house I can
take out now and enjoy, this is a good thing.. But that is my
analogy of why my thumbs hurt :-)

I made myself a pasty today. I got up feeling really good and
I just enjoy my kitchen so much its wonderful.. I made a
spot for me to prepare everything and it sure has proven to
be perfect.. Its my other little drop leaf table I had to put
down the basement before now I have it here.. It is perfect
height for my chair... Well my pasty was out of the oven by
9:30 and well I had NO WILL POWER at all and by 10 .. well
half of it was gone.. Good? It was so good I almost called the
boy and bragged about it.. but I only made one and I was NOT
gonna give him the leftover half.. no.. I am eating EVERY bit
of it :-) Its VERY good and later it will be even better .. I
wish I HAD made 2 :-) Even with achey thumbs it was good :-)

Well I'm done for today and going to wait for Penny she said
she will be here about noon to drop off the food and to take
garbage out .. Going from Wednesday to Monday is a long
stretch garbage and kitty litter wise.. LB gets really MAD if
his box isnt done, I can , its just very hard to stay bent over
in half.. I cant touch the floor at all in this power chair.. Its
got a 5 inch cushion remember? plus I have short arms too..
So usually Penny is the scooper person, she doesn't mind.. I
don't either my stomach does from being squished :-)

Time to post and say my daily GORGEOUS WEEBLE,
"G'Day, G'Day"...

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend",
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    If it's the dreaded Arfur, the only thing to do is take pain relief of some sort. Not Aspirin - that is no good for the stomach. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen are easier on the stomach, and effective. Glucosamine, from a health food shop may help long term, and cod liver oil, taken every day, may help. too. I take mine in liquid form, two teaspoonfulls, and drink some orange juice immediately afterwards to cover the taste!!
    Some model engineers over here swear by W.D.40, rubbed in daily!
    I've not tried it on my right knee. but the C.L.O. certainly helped a bit!
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 8:53 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Hello Lois
    It's getting cold out side, right now it 20 F...they say around 11 F tonight.
    Going to have a finger food after church, sound like fun.
    Take real good care of your thump Lois, having pain is a pain for sure.
    God bless you Lois...
    Wanting to watch some Christmas program on TV.

  • At 11:21 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife,
    I think just using my hands so much lately is the problem.. and this weather.. right now its 2 below zero with a wind chill of 20 below.. Windy windy, 45 mile an hour gusts.. im snug and warm tho :-) we seem to keep missing each other lol..

    Hiya Mary,
    Stay in as much as you can and stay warm. I send the weather on east too.. just not fast enuff LOL

    Nice to hear from you :-)
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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