
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

~Rain, Rain and MORE Rain~ :-(

At 5:18 this morning I was sound asleep.. both the cats were
right next to me..Suddenly my whole bedroom lit up, with a
loud Crack like sound,, then I hear the mean grumble of the
thunder. It sounded so loud and MAD! :-) Scared all 3 of us..
The boys ran for the closet, which I was glad to see.. I just
sat there.. It was just a loud mean thunderstorm going over.
With each flash of the lightning, count slowly between that
and the sound of the thunder and you can tell how far away
it is.. or if it IS moving away, and this one did.. It moved away
after about 10 minutes or so... But the rain kept on...

I did get up..I was awake now, plus had 2 scaredy cats whining
now too.. They HAte storms.. and both get very nervous and
LOUD.. They will roam and meow.. for quite awhile after the
storm passes.. Sometimes if they are awake and a storm starts
they know before and will start to pace the hall and whine..Drives
me nuts when they do that cuz they refuse to shut up.. you know
how whiney kids are when they want something.. :-)

When I did get up at 7:45, it was still raining, and its raining now
while I write this.. First thing I did when I woke up was lay there
and see if I had any new aches or pains.. With me, I never know!
My right toes, the baby toe and the ring toe HURT. When I
moved a certain way It would ease up...I don't know WHY my
head is so thick it cannot understand that the stinkin toe is
GONE !!! :-) I know I'm tired of it..

I have no plans for today and I'm glad. Next Tuesday is Pennys
birthday, 51.. she doesn't look it.. I didn't know what to give her
so, I gave her Wednesday off !! :-) She was VERY glad!! She
said that was great.. She has a tenant moving out Tuesday
and a new one moving in Wednesday will give her a chance
to get ready.. I think her boyfriend is making dinner for her too.
All the residents have chipped in to get her something too..
She will be here Monday and I will just stock up to last till Friday.
As long as the kids have food.. The white faced black and
white kittie waits out there every day for me :-) The little girl
kittie wants in here so bad.. she LOVES when Penny goes
out there and pets her.. Penny is very tempted to take her
home.. They are all beautiful cats.

Anyhoway.. this GORGEOUS WEEBLE is HUNGRY!! :-) So...
I'm gonna post this and make myself some lunch.. That beef
roast was SO good and I have plenty left over for today..The
gravy was wonderful.. So all that's left is to write here is my
"I shall return!" Hope you're having a sunny day!! :-) If'n you
want some rain I will gladly send !! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 11:32 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Hello Lois
    We had rain last night, but none today...I got all my sewing done today..and got Pam new curtain make and put up in her bedroom...My daughter Beth help me get them on the windows...My car is still in the shop, I do miss it...
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 7:13 AM, Anonymous raife said…

    Hi, Honey,
    That was real Scary!
    By the way, it's five seconds for each mile - and if it's flashbang!! then its right overhead!!!
    I get the seconds by saying "One-caterpillar, two-caterpillar, three-caterpillar," etc.
    No, I'm not a salesman for Caterpillar, I just learned it that way as a kid!

    Never mind - the rain will make everything grow - grass, trees, flowers and WEEDS!!
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 12:12 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Mary!
    We have lovely day today! Im glad..Yes, its hard to go with out a car..Keep well.. :-)

    Hiya Raife...
    I do the same thing.. I hate storms tho.. So do the boys.. we all hide :-)

    So good to hear from You!!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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