~I Listen~ :-)
felt and really LOOKED swollen.. My eyes arent near as bad as
they were.. They hurt and still itch and water but not as bad.. I am
having a hard time seeing this computer and I cant hear worth a
crap though .. I am so tired of saying "WHAT????" I bet ive said that a
dozen times this morning to Penny, shes very soft spoken.. I told
her she has my permission to yell at me.. My sister has a hearing
problem too, but hates her hearing aid.. I may ask to borrow one
just to see how they are.. She said hers drove her nuts.. cuz you
hear EVERY single thing around you.. You cant just concentrate
on one sound.. Like you can with ears.. You can just tune out whom
ever or what ever you don't want to listen to unless its extremely
loud.. If I am on the phone, I can concentrate on that and not hear
anything else.. Or if I am watching TV and someone walks up to
me.. scares me.. Ask Donnie.. that's why he makes SURE to let
me know hes here. by phoning usually.. But Mark knows how easy
I scare.. He Snuck up on me quite a few times...But.. when I am
hearing something I'm really LISTENING TO that.. Lots don't do
Anyhoway.. I'm glad I feel better.. We are having tuna helper today..
With peas.. I like peas in it.. Its something different..I like tuna..
and its been awhile since weve had it.. These hamberger or
tuna, even chicken helpers are really quite tasty and very easy
to make.. Open a box, open a can.. and there ya go :-)
The kitties, specially the little girl .. they all came by for breakfast.
Penny is gonna go to that place in 3 Rivers to get some free
Penny is gonna go to that place in 3 Rivers to get some free
food for them..It breaks my heart to see them out there, cold
and wet and hungry.. Jumping up on my door .. I know the girl
would come in .. but I just didn't like the reaction the boys gave
her and I sure would NOT want to break up a cat fight... But it
sure kills me to see this kittie beg or any of them for that matter..
Its a beautiful day out there and my lunch is about ready.SO..
This GORZGEOUS WEEBLE is gonna sign off for today, eat
some lunch and maybe sit in the sunshine for awhile :-)But...
Remember.. I SHall Return! :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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