
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

~School Walk

Me, ready for school, 1962
I live about a half block away from the
high school. Every day I watch as the kids
make the daily trek to and from school. I
think back to the days that I did the same
thing. I had about 4 or 5 blocks to walk. I
honestly enjoyed the walk and looked to
see who else was walking that I could
walk with, talk with and make the trek
go faster. There was always someone.

I think about those days and I have to
honestly say I sure wish I was back in
those days. I enjoyed school, I liked to
know stuff I didn't know, I was a very
willing learner. I still am. I like the
challenge even now. And I have to
admit my life has been full of a lot
of challenges.

I never expected the biggest challenge
of my life to be when I was 55 years old.
Of course I'm talking about the loss of
my legs. THAT was most definitely a
challenge. I like to think though that I
handled it well.. So many don't.

I think always ever since I was young,
liking a good challenge helped me all
through my life, 3 marriages, loss of
my children, and now this. Even getting
a computer, I enjoyed learning how to
conquer it. :-) But I honestly think a life
is all challenges and what we are willing
to learn will help us, maybe not right then,
but during some part of our life. I like to
think Ive done good.

At least I can say with all honesty that I
have tried. I remember the first time I saw
my leg gone. The first thought in my head
was of the challenge and just what was I
going to do. I didn't worry about others or
how I would attract a man, I worried about
how I was going to live and continue to
make it in the world. If I didn't have the
"TRY" in me I don't think I would have
made it at all..I'm so grateful I have the
TRY :-)

Well its Saturday again and I'm gonna treat
my self for making it through another week.
Its a rainy gloomy day, but Graybelle is in
her house, me and the boys are dry and
eating well.. All is good. SO... I'm gonna
make my very best favorite treat.. Yup,
my fries n'gravy. My friends Audrey and
Don in England enjoy that too! :-) We know
good food..:-)

I'm still a trying GORGEOUS WEEBLE,
and I hope you have a good weekend,
Keep well and God Bless! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Back then I walk two block to school.
    May 12 1962 is when I got married...49 years ago...we all getting older...
    My kids had to walk 12 block to high school, took them when the weather was bad. grade school was a 1/2 block away....
    I never want to re live those days, love it then...I really enjoy my life now...but I do wished I had more money to make life a little bit easier. there a whole lot I like to do in this life... so I will try to do what I can do and don't worry about what I can't do.
    Life is so short, so I will do the best I can with God help.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 12:05 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    We all need God to help us.. so good to hear from you!

    Love n'hugs,
    Lois ****


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