
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

~I GET MAD~ :-)

I was talking to a friend today and he commented on my
attitude.. about "well they were ONLY legs" that so many
dont feel like that...I guess its true many dont.. I do..and I
really dont know why I do.. I dont remember a time thinking
about how hard things were going to be to do.. but more of
and thats true.. I dont get whiney and boohooey..and think
I cant do this wah wah wah.. I get SO MAD..I really do..
I think.. 'well ok..now lady,, just how you gonna do this little
tidbit' and try really HARD to figure out a new way or a
way so that I CAN do something.. Wont do me or anyone
any good to sit and stare at something and say I wish I
could and NOT TRY ...lol..

Maybe its the Indian blood.. I dont know but I DO know I
wont give up with out a fight..NO WAY..confront me with
something? hehehe ..welllll I WILL figure out a way to do
it, solve it OR GET RID OF IT lol...well? thats all ANY of
us can do.. You have a problem well SOLVE It...only
way to get rid of it.. pushing it off to the side wont get rid
of anything you will eventually have to face it straight on
and decide AGAIN how to fix it or resolve it...And thats just
what I do when daily SOMEthing comes up that I have to
decide..OK HOW do I do THIS little tid bit..lol...

Todays dilemma was..how do I get that salt shaker out from the
back of the shelf.. my grabber wont bend.. and its top shelf
so what do I do? Its way in the back..if it was in front I could
use my grabber..but NO someone has pushed this thing to
the very back of the TOP shelf..so I need to figure a way to move
it forward or wait till someone comes to get it for me.. lol.. ya
ok..so what does I do? well .. I got my fly swatter..bent the wire
end of it.. then I took my grabber and held onto the end of the
fly swatter with it..and pushed the salt shaker over to the side
and slowly moved it forward to the edge of the shelf..Then I
took my grabber and got my salt shaker :-D see? easy..
just had to figure out a plan of attack...but it worked and I got
my salt shaker.. I lost the cork for my other one so I had to get
this one.. lol...I know I could have waited but well I wanted it
NOW...lol.. Patience Lois..go ahead say it...:-)

Poor Dawn stopped by this afternoon..she has a horrible sinus
infection..she even has a fever with it and is so pale.. she had to
come into town to get a prescription filled..so she stopped by for
a few.. I think could be more than that but hopefully is all it is..I
didnt think you would get a fever with a sinus infection... I had
moved a pillow on my bed last nite and hit one of the pictures
on my wall and knocked it down..lol I know lucky it didnt hit me -
well as hard headed as I am probly wouldnt have hurt anyway..but
she put my picture back up for me.. I just could NOT get high
enough on my pillows ,, yesss I tried climbing on them like I did
before ...but still wasnt tall enough...and NO I didnt fall over..lol

Well not a real exciting day but not too bad...so now you KNOW
what is next..lol yup..kitchen here I come..I had a taste earlier
today of yesterdays potato salad and boy.. i have to say .. I am
Just SO thankful I am a GOOD COOK lolol.. time to roll this
chair out there and get salad.. Dutch sure did his usual, I left the
top off the sugar bowl..yes, I DID. MY FAULT..and he had fun
scooping it- out onto the counter..I know..dont say it.. I already
told my self... I DID it to my own self..lol..I cleaned it up and did
NOT mutter ONE swear word for being SO dumb lol...I just cleaned
it up- - see? I am learning...NO SWEARING hahaha... NITEY NITE

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA & THANKS :-)
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very beautiful picture as always.

  • At 11:02 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    Yes, I enjoyed that photo.

    You've got a great attitude, Lois.

    Sinus infections can be nasty.I don't have much personal experience with them, but I have a friend who gets severe ones that seemed to affect her whole body. My daughter had one that required two significant operations and a total of more than two weeks in the hospital. Her shull became infected and she almost lost an eye. She had a bad fever. Even though I have not had a bad sinus infection that I remember, I take then much more seriously now.

  • At 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I always ask myself if I needed a special tool to do any operation is such a tool available and the anser is one has to think imagenative and use a fly swatter mentality to come up with the proper tool. Opening a jar, measuring herbs etc. There is an exotic tool for each job.


  • At 4:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Thar's the spirit!!! a bit of lateral thinking works wonders. Well done you. Don't do that too often with the fly swat, it will fatigue and break eventually.
    As a model engineer, I have to use lateral thinking all the time. There is no way that I shall ever afford all the machine tools that I would like, so, like you, I have to plan ahead and conive in all sorts of ways to get the work done.
    Thanks for the great picture. It makes Monday seem so much brighter to see my favourite Weeble sittng there on my screen. Only wish she was sitting here beside me!!! lol ;o)
    Take care, my dear. Lots of love and hugs from

  • At 8:28 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Thank you Robert..how nice of you to say.. I appreciate you letting me know your reading :-) Means alot to me ...

    Thanks Gray ~!~ I dont know alot about sinus either but poor Dawn sure does, bless her heart...

    I would have used a wire coat hanger, but I dont have a single one..all I use are plastic, that was the only bendable thing I could think of..lol..I am getting some boxes to put in the back then anyone that puts anything in there it WONT go ALL the way to the back where I cant get it lol..There's always a way... :-D, Fixed that problem didnt I? lol...

    If you could have seen me when I was looking for this salt shaker lol..I had to use a mirror to see up there, or else back way off and then I couldnt see well enough to see what I was looking at..lol. I got the salt shaker by hook or by crook LOL... We would have Big fun Raife..
    :-) would be lovely...

    Hope y'all have a great day..thanks for a great start to mine..LUV YA>>!!!!!
    Always, Lois****

    Ps. I had forgotten to put a photo as promised so I had to hurry back and put one lol...Glad you like it..I had to lighten it up a little ..I'm learning PSP..sure not easy..but fun~!~


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