I was thinking about different places I have lived. One place was in Southern California called El Centro. My 2nd husband, Willie was a Millwright then, he went to sites with a crew of men, started the building of manufacturing places or plants.. The one here in this town was to process Alfalfa, and turn it into small pellets for cows to eat. They grew mainly alfalfa here, huge fields..they were surrounded by huge looking moats..like what's around castles. to keep the fields watered. They were quite deep and there were a few accidents involving cars that went off the road and people have drown in them. We were out there to get this place built..and it was awful. I did NOT like it at all. Was just TOO HOT..over 100 degrees every single day.. I couldn't breathe out there. To go to the grocery store? if you lived too far away people carried ice chests so the food didnt spoil on the way home it was so bad..and you could NEVER go barefoot..would burn your feet.. The poor guys out on the sites had to empty these containers, huge back of semi's...to get their supplies and many times Willie told me how the guys would get so hot they would pass out.. They finally had to change the work times, so the hot afternoons they were off then went back later in the day.  This trailer is what we lived in at a KOA campground outside of town..we had just set up is why all the stuff on the ground, It had a nice canopy, and you can see the lights..and the picnic table, it was a nice campground and had plenty of trees that you can see over the roof.see the air conditioning unit on top too? THANK GOD!!! :-) The man is of course, my 2nd husband, Willie..Inside was very nice. the 2 windows by the door, which had a screen door as well, was where the kitchen booth was..the last 2 windows there was a long bench on each side of the wall and a drop table was between..there was a table up in the booth as well and they could be dropped to make solid beds to sleep 2 the same in the back.. there was a stove and shower ..It was fully self contained.. we didnt need to have power any thing, fridge and all could be run by propane and we had 2 holding tanks for water and sewage, the blue hose on the ground was connected to the drain line and the post was where we hooked to water and electric and phone or cable even if we wanted it.. Many people lived here year round it was very economical alot cheaper than paying rent, thats why we had the trailer.  We had lots of great dinners there for the men out there on the crew and all the wives or girlfriends were great cooks..cant you tell? My ex is the one on the left in the white shirt...see how under nourished he looks? lol and the table..well you see all the food..everyone was eatin'...I was takin the pictures LOL.. :-(  The town itself was very nice..and lovely people. The biggest drawback for me was the HOT..horrible HOT.. El Centro is due west of Yuma, Arizona about 70 miles.. and 120 miles East of San Diego.. and right smack in the middle of no where. The trip to Yuma, was flat and hot. The trip to San Deigo..was thru Mountains of rock. We made a trip to Yuma to shop..and we stopped along the way and you can almost see the heat rising from the ground. All along the highways were water barrels so many cars would overheat..and there were NO towns, that I remember between El Centro and Yuma..but there may have been...  There was a place I remember that we saw a sign when we were going to San Deigo, it said there was a town, we pulled off and drove down this winding road deeper into a valley between these hills..as we approached this village, it was like going into another world from what we had just come from.. It was green and lush and flowers..just gorgeous. We could look up and see the road going up and around the hills on the other side of this great valley. As we pulled into this oasis there was an ice cream cone stand, we stopped got a cool refreshing drink a huge ice cream cone and just sat there, totally amazed at what was hidden from view out on that hot highway. It was a lovely spot..just wonderful..Across the road we saw a shop and a restaurant..and lots of people. Was so refreshing and we would NEVER have known this beautiful place was hidden behind all those boulders out on that highway, we were glad, we needed a break and found it..sure made that trip to San Diego more enjoyable. I was on my way to the airport there to go back home to Indiana. I just could NOT take living out there even though it wasnt that bad at the campground and we had a nice trailer, I had alot of breathing problems and had to stay in during the day, only venturing out at nite in the cool... You see all the rocks and boulders that was the view all the way to San Diego.  We lived in Indiana, had a nice home there, nice size and out in the country more..although now its quite built up as its not far from the toll road and only 2 blocks from a nice lake. I look at it..and think how perfect it would be for me now. It was all one floor..and we had built a wonderful pantry full of shelves behind sliding doors.. there was a huge open back porch that had a swing, and there was a semi-circle drive from the road down this side, the back and up the far side in that picture..Inside that semi-circle at the back of the house is where I made my flower garden and Kelli Beth had her tire swing hanging from a huge oak tree in the center of it.. beautiful spot.. This photo was taken as you can see there is snow on the ground.. We had a tree service,if you look to the right you can see an orange piece of equipment..that was the bucket truck Willie used to get to the tops of the trees instead of using a climber. You can see all the lovely trees where we lived. I wish I had that place now, along the front and sides I planted flowers-along the far side drive way I had flowers as well.. I miss that place. *sigh* I hated to leave it...but at the time I had NO choice..it was sink or swim, and thats another whole story :-)  There are a few other places ive lived that perhaps i will continue with tomorrow nite.. Oh the very top one is me of course, while we were out in that PLACE~!~ lol..I was GORGEOUS then too..Oh, and I did NOT put that scratch down the side of the car thats behind me either .. HE did that..NOT MEEEE :-) honest!!! I was a very good driver.. I've only had..hmm 2 accidents in my life..so thats NOT bad and no one got hurt..only the cars..lol.. Lets hope I dont get into an accident now as I drive this chair out to that kitchen as I do every nite when I finish this..seein' all that good food in that picture up there ..well of course it made me even MORE hungry lol.. I've not eaten today..so Im allowed to be hungry... haha...:-) just need to see whats out there that I REALLY need to EAT :-) its all good :-D Nitey nite :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya ! and thanks~!~ ALways, Lois****
May God Bless you today, I'm so honored to call you friend, I pray the Lord will keep you safe, Until I write again... |
At 8:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
You never seem to be out of storys, and you sure been through a lot! And all those ex´s you have spread around USA, well there are many who have admired you through the years, and there still is...I am just one of the latter! My admiration for you and your life is big. My admiration for how you manage your life as disabled is even bigger. Think about it, they have cut you piece by piece, but you get bigger and bigger in my eyes. You are clever, good to rest my eyes on and most of all you are my best friend. I love the way you walk and talk, and...... No i got wrong there.....I love the way you roll around in my life, and make my life roll!
Kisses all over as usual!
from your own
At 8:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
OOps i missed one thing!
The title I´ve Been Everywhere, is a song by the great HANK SNOW...Its good with snow in the summer!
At 9:41 AM,
Lois said…
Morning Rob,
I only have 3 ex's. :-) You say the nicest things Rob..you know how to make me feel better don't you? :-)
I could tell storys for years I think. Every photo I have, every memory is a story. Some sad, some happy, but always TRUE. Been hard, but..well just cant quit, thats NOT me. get lemons? well lemonade is good :-) Its ALL good..!!
give Manni a few good ear rubbies for me..how's that puppy ? lol...
Always, Lois****
At 11:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
WOW - 100 degrees - its bad enough here, it's about 85 this afternoon. But it's pretty humid, not the dry heat you must have suffered.
I guess the Canal Zone in Egypt, when I was in the R.A.F out there is the nearest that I've known. My glasses used to fill with sweat as I tried to drive my lathe!!
Thanks for the pics, Hon, and the story - your stories are always worth reading - it's like having another R.D. every month (if that's not an insult!!)
Take care,Hon, lots of love and hugs from
At 11:36 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife....
R.D? ummm whats that? lol... Ya was awful out there.. I like the change of seasons.. Rain and hot just didn't get it for me.
Its rainin here..but NOT storming, but its HOT here..my AC has been on for 4 days now...
Hope your having a good one there..sit out in that gorgeous garden for a while..get a soft misty sprinkler..and let it cool ya off..be nice :-)
ALways, Lois ****
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