~Butterfly Birthmark~
I put that, not really great, photo of me up there so you could
really see my birthmark and why I have the name ButterflyLois.
You can see the shape of it..It is almost a perfect one.. Over
there on the right - you see a thingie says my stories..in there
is the one about how I got my name. the stories are on my
bravenet site. Get a chance ..read it.. its true. Most of my photos
dont really show my birthmark as clearly, if I put make up on it
I can hide it quite well, the butterfly is very obvious as you can
see..it makes me very different, and now being a dak I am for
sure VERY different..a GORGEOUS weebly butterfly dak :-)
My hair is sure getting long!!!
My hair is sure getting long!!!
I met some people when I went down to the bayous of Louisiana
for a wedding and some people there thought it was just wonderful
and would you believe they wanted to color it in like it was real?
One said they wouldnt mind having one of their own.. I know growing
up with this on your face was NOT an easy thing..children are so
honest and straight to the point, I dont think they really intentionally
would hurt me..but you know how kids are sometimes. Ive been
very self conscious about it all my life, since my dads reason for
it when I was very young that helped me like it...and accept it..
I think with that stigma that ive had to deal with made me even
more prone to stares or looks. And now being in this chair well
I get even more looks..everyone looks at someone in a chair..
I do..I always wait to catch the persons eye..and smile..just to
let them know its ok, that they are who they are..Sometimes I
have noticed looks on some faces, and I can see the questions..
'wonder what happened' or 'I bet shes a diabetic'.. i have
done the same thing..it doesnt bother me at all..I look back and
smile and if they hold my gaze then I will speak to them..Id
rather sit in a room full of people, like a waiting room, and talk
to everyone than just sit there and twiddle my thumbs waiting for
a chance to go back and wait some more !!! These waiting rooms
just gripe me..I have YET to go into one where they have a spot
already prepared for a wheelchair..when I go to my dr. they have
no spot for one AND when I go into the back part there isnt any
back there either and I have to wait in the hall for them to drag
the stuff out so I can fit in..wheelchairs take up alot of room...
I made a couple phone calls today and still no progress with the
ramp situation.. I am finding this really hard to accept there HAS
to be other people here that have had to have ramps.. I see them
on houses thru town..theres a house about a block down the
street that has the same kind that would work out front here..I'm
not in any hurry to go out..I dont have any where to go..but if I do
want to go..I like to know I can.. I am just really amazed that of all
these disabled agencies that no one has any resources for getting
one for me. I did call and put an ad in the paper to see if I can sell
this stand up recliner I have..with that money I will put it towards a
freezer or a washer/dryer combo.. I think getting the washer/dryer
should come before the freezer though..I can wait for that cuz I have
my HHA now and I can get groceries..I just like some of the quick
foods you can keep in a freezer, and a supply..snow country you
never know.. . . I think however..the laundry aids would maybe be
the best things to get next, then if worse comes to worse I can do
my own laundry..not like I will run out of clothes lol.. I do have a few.
I like clothes as well as jewelry..I havent worn earrings in ages
I like clothes as well as jewelry..I havent worn earrings in ages
tho.. I should.. I have quite a few pairs of them.. All the company
ive had the past week I should..not as though they would improve
my looks..that would be impossible GORGEOUS cant be made
better it already is the best !!...you knew I would say that. :-)
Penny came today..shes so pretty and tiny little thing..im all clean
and she hung curtains in the bathroom for me.. The boys are getting
used to her she likes cats which is a good thing.. I think they miss
Raelynn though..Dutch loved her.. she played with him so much..
she would grab him up ..hold him tight and kiss the daylights out of
him and he would wiggle and squirm, pretending to try to escape..
then jump down.. he plays string with Penny she cant help it..he
brings it to us..He brought me his string when I was in the bathroom
this morning at 4 am ..lol..ready to play.. Ive been up since then!!!
Needless to say I am tired.. I think its catching up with me again
time to slow a bit..I know when I over do. today I am so tired..not
sleepy tired..just wore out tired.. I just wanna lay and wallow all
over my bed like a big shooshy weeble. I would fall asleep and
be up with the birds again lol.. I guess fighting that paint incident
yesterday wore me out.. that was pitiful..was like looney tunes lol..
all thats missing is the goofy music to my antics lol.. Im gonna
find some supper.. I got the COA lunches delivered again and
today was spaghetti I didnt eat it then but I maybe will nuke it and
eat it now.. Penny brought us some McD's sausage biscuits over
this morning she was here at nine.. was so good.. :-)
I love good food, I keep eating and I wont notice my being
thinner anymore tho hmmm that may not be good ;-)
nitey nite !! :-)
Y'all have a good one now y'hear? love ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 12:32 PM, Gray said…
I liked that photo. I like you with your longer hair. If I saw you in public I would look, but it would be more flirtatious than staring!
Thanks for the post.
At 12:45 PM, Lois said…
Hi Gray!
Thank you im glad you did! My hair is getting long I dont notice until I see it in a photo lol.. well I may flirt right back at ya !!! :-)
hope your having a good day!
Always, Lois ****
At 3:12 PM, Anonymous said…
Bon jour mon papillon
At 3:25 PM, Lois said…
Bon Jour Robert.. so nice to hear from you.. hope your having a good day, mine just got better hearing from you :-) whats a papillon? lol.. :-)
Always,Lois ****
At 3:48 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Hon,
Papillon is "Butterfly", of course. A lot better tha "ma petit chou" which is a frequently used French term of endearment and means "My little cabbage!"
Never mind - "A vos beaux yeux, Cherri" (I hope that's right - "to your beautiful eyes, darling")
Enough of this French nonsense, I shall give my awful ignorance away in a minute.
Yes, indeed, you are right. It is impossible to improve on perfection, and "Gorgeous" is perfection.
Take care, Hon. Lots of love and great big hugs from
At 4:02 PM, Lois said…
Hi Raife.. I see you!! :-)
I thought it was but I wasnt sure. I had 2 years of french and I remember some but not alot, and my aunt was the teacher !! I did NOT like that at all.. I slipped in class one day and called her Aunt Gladys..she laffed lol..
hope the work on your doors is going well.. take care...
Always, Lois ****
At 9:16 PM, Anonymous said…
regarding spinach: I once bought a packet of sorrel seed for $.75 cents. Sorrel is oseille in French. That crop came up every year for about 23 years. My wife and I separated and she had the sorrel up-rooted. At my new house in Brooklyn, I have raised: Malabar Spinach and Callaloo. Altho the temperature is around 5C the crop will continue to grow until a hard freeze (0C) I have harvested many containers of these crops which I put in the freezer after boiling the leaves for 5 minutes or less.
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