~A GREAT Day!! ~ :-)
my belongings in one place..not scattered..Its a mess and
my basement is jammed full..but its here..Donnie & Dawn
and the Grand Cameron..my GREAT Grand lol.. Kelli and
Jorge. Everything got moved, cleaned..Everyone pitched
in really hard..Dawn, bless her heart..she is just a sweetie.
She works so hard, and Lord, do I appreciate that girl..
She is just a dear..Donnie calls her Princess.. :-) It was a
She is just a dear..Donnie calls her Princess.. :-) It was a
lousy day out today tho.. I got up this morning awoken ..
awoke,,woked, well got up ..by the sound of my phone
ringing about 6 or so.. Was a dear friend in Australia..they
are on a totally different day down there let alone about
15 hours time difference.. talk about hard to keep track..!
Was so good to hear tho..no matter what time of day or night
Was so good to hear tho..no matter what time of day or night
I appreciate the thought..So that started my day off with a
smile right there even though it was raining and snowing..
As you see by the top photo the boys are happy..Dutch is in
his favorite spot..LBs deciding if he likes it there or up on his
favorite perch on top my desk.. They are such pretty cats..
Looking from my computer to the right..after the desk is the
doorway to the bedroom..you can see my bed now as we
moved it into that corner..today the credenza was put in front of
the window next to the bookcase..
you can see the end of the couch by the front door..That lamp is one of
the burgundy ones my sis gave me..hmm 10 yrs ago? long time...the
other is at the other end of the couch in the next picture..
and the back of my chair, which I didnt notice at the time ! Good thing
you can see the end of the couch by the front door..That lamp is one of
the burgundy ones my sis gave me..hmm 10 yrs ago? long time...the
other is at the other end of the couch in the next picture..
and the back of my chair, which I didnt notice at the time ! Good thing
my butt wasnt hangin out hey? be a scarey photo ! Specially if my skirt
was up ..Oh Gawd..could you imagine how embarrassing that would be
and not know it? The back of this old chair doesnt go all the way to the
seat. So theres a gap there ..not much if I have my cushion, but still..
figure sitting make that go down. GAWD.. I would just die if that ever
happened LOL..I wonder if it ever has to anyone .. Bet I make REAL
sure from now on lol..Well my new chair..Im using my old one..the back
goes all the way to the bottom of the seat..no gap.I still prefer this one.
:-) anyway....next one...great little mind image for ya :-) lol...
was up ..Oh Gawd..could you imagine how embarrassing that would be
and not know it? The back of this old chair doesnt go all the way to the
seat. So theres a gap there ..not much if I have my cushion, but still..
figure sitting make that go down. GAWD.. I would just die if that ever
happened LOL..I wonder if it ever has to anyone .. Bet I make REAL
sure from now on lol..Well my new chair..Im using my old one..the back
goes all the way to the bottom of the seat..no gap.I still prefer this one.
:-) anyway....next one...great little mind image for ya :-) lol...
Well you know us here one of us has got to be in all
the photos.. :-) well thats a scan of around..then back
to the kitchen door.....You can see how great the
burgundy curtains match the lamps..the base of the
on the right side above the table? Yup..I painted that..What
you cant see is that there is another one right above it. :-)
I couldnt reach that ..lol..But there is my mothers drop leaf
dining room table..It pulls apart with leaves to go in ..and see
the side hanging down..lift it up..pull the legs and it holds
it up..Its really pretty . .I bet thats 30 years old at least..I would
have to look..my mother kept records of everything they
bought ..down to the penny, and of every single penny what
they spent on what..very detailed..My grandmother was the
same way..I do too lol..ya sure.. IN my checkbook lol.. I should
but I dont..Interesting to read tho..It should say when she got
the couch as well..it was my parents.. Its very pretty and that
HAS to be..70's..I have a photo of them on it with my 2nd
hubby..so..is old too..and as good as new..I had it shampooed
when I got it out of storage last time..VERY comfy ..See? I
have room for company :-) ask Stanley how good my couch is
to sleep on.. Only 1 problem..all the pieces of wood that were
under the legs? about 8 of them? Well they are not to be found..
we found 1 ..so Im gonna call stanley again..see if he will bring
me more..I told Donnie it was so I could get on the couch.. he
laffed said I aint never seen you on this couch..:-) which is true!
lol..well just in case I wanna..lol..Everyone kinda liked it up like
that though. makes it easier to get up off of it..what they tell me
anyway.. Only good thing if I fall out this chair with out them under
the legs I wont have so far to try to drag this butt back in my chair!
This house Is on a busy corner..I was playing a game of solitare
last nite..late. well once I start i say after every deal, its the last one,
but then I keep going..anyway..I hear the sound of tires screeching-
sliding noise, horn and CRACK THUMP..It was so close I was waiting
to see if a car came through the house LOL.. I mean SCARE the
CRAP otta me.. I looked out the window and 3 cars..all smacked..One
car was in the middle lane..one behind pulled around and the one
behind him hit him who hit the first car and the whole intersection was
messed up.. I could hear the swearing and yelling..I bet were at least
4 in one car 2 or 3 in another ..One car was up on the side walk by
the house across the side street here..I bet scared them..Their dogs
were out and boy..talk about the sound of the bark changing..wow..
they were upset...specially when the cops got there with the flashing
lights..then the wrecker..Talk about noisey..This is the 3 rd wreck out
at this intersection since Ive moved in...There are 3 lanes out there
and the middle is for turning..once you get up close to a crossroad..
before that is 2 wider ones..some dont pay attention then pull out
and get hit by the next car .. The cats ran of course..:-) I sat and
waited to see if It was coming thru the wall :-)
Well enough of a eye burn out..I better close this and go and have
some more chili Raelynn made some great chili and
brought it over ..REALLY good..They all had some before they left..
Was a rainy snowy day but everything made the trip..I am missing a
mirror though ..I asked Donnie all he said was "guess Ill have to hang
that too ".. :-) he knows me so well..Bless his heart..what would I do
with out these kids? Ill tell ya.. THEN forgot to take pictures of every
one ! DUH..I was so mad..Mary left a comment and reminded me..
*SIGH*..well now we are on the count down to final settling.. I am
ejoying taking these pictures of the house as it turns into a nice place.
Dawn really likes it..I do too..so did Kelly..Cameron ..he just had a
good time chasing Dutch lol...so did Dutch ...LB hid the whole time..
Time for TV.. Nitey Nitey...
Y'all have a good one now y'hear? Luv ya..& thanks!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 6:24 PM, Anonymous said…
WOW Lois you got a lot done today, love the pictures too...And you got both of your boys in one of the picture... You are going to need lot of sleep now after all that work. Lois you have wonderful friends. God bless them all.Mary
At 6:42 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,, Good to hear from you..Yes..I am very pleased. Things are slowly getting better every day..Looks more and more like home. The boys loved having all their own
furniture again..we are blessed with many dear friends. I would be lost without them..It was a good day..I am content and happy Mary..
Im glad you liked the photos..It is fun doing this..I have the best time..Keeps me otta trubble ..I am too good at gettin IN THAT!!! lol..
Have a good evening my friend.
Always, Lois****
At 2:26 AM, Gray said…
Great post, Lois. I loved those photos. They really made everything real to me. Thanks for all your effort. You sound great lately.
We are all friends here, and we would never object if we saw you with your skirt up.
At 7:12 AM, Anonymous said…
i know its quite rude, but you willing to answer questions, so ill ask u. how do u use the toilet?
At 8:13 AM, Anonymous said…
At 8:55 AM, Lois said…
Morning Gray lol..your so funny..:-) and you are probly right! I bet I wouldnt get any complaints probly PITY!!! lol...I am enjoying sharing this wonderful experience lol..guess thats a good term for it lol. Still lots to do. Well, if you find spare time ...come on..got a map? lol..
Hi Roy.. quite a while back I posted a story about that but I will tell you about it in tonites post in case their are others than maybe havent been in my archives..I think once before when I first started this,I wrote about it... but Ill tell you tonite :-) how else can you find out anything unless you ask? and I just tell EVERYTHING lol..
Good Morning again Blue lol. See? Leaving a comment is easy! I woulda replied to this sooner but I was talking to ya!!! I have a hard time typin and talking I tend to type what Im saying then; not what Im thinking lol.. that dont make sense lol...well you know what I mean.. lol.. Good nite Blue..good to hear from you as always!!!! Sweet Dreams!~
Thanks for posting :-)
ALways, Lois ****
At 2:04 PM, Anonymous said…
hello Lois,
how are u. me fine. i hope that u like your new house. i am very busy nowdays that i rarely get time to drop u a line.
it does not matter if ur skirt was up in one of ur photos. afterall we are all friends.
take care
At 2:25 PM, Lois said…
Hi Yashvin,,
Yes it has been awhile since Ive heard from you..I am glad you know you are well.. I hope you are having a good sunday.. :-)
Always, Lois ****
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