~Not A Good Start~
I got up this morning and got my little cup at a time coffee
brewer ready, poured the water in, put in the coffee, closed
the lid....turned it on..and rolled over to feed the boys that
were doing circles in front of their empty dishes..They are
eating alot lately.they HAVE to have food first, after I put
their dish down, .well I turn around to wait for the cup of
coffee to finish and I hadnt put the cup under the dripper
thing and the coffee was going all over the table..and the
floor and just every where!!! I grabbed a towel and sat
for a minute and SERIOUSLY considered going back to
bed.. If this was a sign of what was ahead today ..hmmm..
i dunno.. I thought twice let me tell ya.. but can you believe
it? I didnt put the cup under? DUH!!! Bad Start! :-)
I honestly didnt do a whole lot today, I tried to empty some
boxes and just was moving stuff from one place to the
other and nothing where it should be.. I was just re arranging
clutter lol. I did clear off the little table next to my desk so I
can hook my 3 in 1 back up and scan some photos so I can
have some more stuff to write about lol.. Like I dont have
enough already lol.. I did make a big pot of spaghetti sauce
though..It smells so good in here..I have it in my wonderful
crock pot..I use that thing so much..its really handy..its one
of those double kind thats easier to clean, just take the
bowl out..and wash that..lots easier..I did try out my new hot
plate today , to brown the ground meat ..it worked pretty
good..I think it would have cooked better if the bottom of my
pan was flat lol.. well its old and I leaned over and looked at
it and only the very center is sitting on the burner lol.I think I
could use some new ones..I'll make some angel hair pasta.
I love that its my favorite.. :-) i keep on like this and all that
weight I lost will find me if im not careful lol...
I got a call from Que today from the Shelter, she informed me
that my rent will be 60.oo a month. It is half what my rent was
at the other place, so it works out where I am really about the
same level..as my gas will be 55 a month.. I will be the same.
which is fine, it was a no frills but I made it ..I was so worried
that It would be even more..which then it would make it hard..
They give me food stamps..which i deeply appreciate, but they
They give me food stamps..which i deeply appreciate, but they
make no allowance for the dry products..i mean like paper stuff
or cleaning supplies, laundry, or personal care items..it has to
be paid by cash..I wish they would have a little allowance for it
it sure would help.. I know just not getting that little box of free
food a month makes a big difference...every little thing helps
when your budget is tight.. I am just glad I wont really feel any
financial difference, to stay the same, not worse is all I ask.
sure a raise would be nice..but..well this is just fine!!!
Que said that she may be able to get a grant for me to be
able to get a ramp built..It doesnt bother me I cant go out. I
could go out before and didnt.. I will admit..while I was in the
shelter there were some times I did enjoy going out..specially
to eat..I did enjoy that. but I didnt go out before..I can surely
stand it now.. I did get my lunches re delivered from COA..
those wonderful ones that are "guess what it is" no- Im grateful
to have them, and I shouldnt complain when things are given
to me for nothing.. I just feel that they could make their lunches
a little more appetizing..to look at a container and the food in
it looks like its already been eaten..well. I just cant eat it..Then
when Dutch smells it. and tries to bury it? no .. I wont even try
to taste it.. Dutch is a good judge..that cat tastes EVERY
thing I eat..he has to have a bite or two.. LB? naaa he doesnt
care..he will come up and smell it. look at it..and slowly walk
away after giving me a 'you expect ME to eat THAT?' look..
hes fussy but ..he DOES like raw coffee grounds.. every other
morning or so..he will get up on the arm of my chair telling me
he needs a taste of coffee.. I put some in a spoon and he licks
it off .. We're weird here..but happy lol..
I seem to put more photos of Dutch here than LB..which is not
intentional..its just that HE gets in the picture when I take them
of something else.. I wanted to show you a beautiful face..LB
is such a love.. hes a wonderful cat..so easy going..but get him
riled, and wound up..or Touch his girl friend or Dutch..well hes
a cat of a different color then..very protective.. I woke up with
all 3 of them by me this morning and of course I reach out to
see who all is on the bed..naturally I feel meowmeow first..
ICK..I hate when I do that.. I try VERY hard NOT to touch that
stuffed cat any other place but the very end of its tail lol.. :-)
Penny comes tomorrow so we will get some more work done.
shes really good and very eager to help me with what ever I
need.. I like her..so do the boys..they wait for her now..sit by
the door..Did you know cats are almost better watchdogs than
dogs? They dont bark..but they will stare at the door or go up
to it and sit there waiting.. I would faint if they barked lol.. But
with us..well anything is possible in this weebles house lol..
Time to log off and see what is on the tube and finish doing up
my living room...Its a mess from moving stuff back and forth and
not accomplishing anything lol..im good at that, one of these
days I WILL get this all done lol..just a matter of time.. time to
say . Nitey nite :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Love ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 11:57 PM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois Just wanted you to know I do read your blogger everyday, always good to hear what you wrote... have been extra busy trying to get ready for Thanksgiving...Becky is 30 years old today. Gave her a party at her apt...everything went well. God bless you my friend...Mary
At 12:09 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Lois,
I've just discovered your blog and wanted to say hi :)
Godbless and take care!
At 1:46 AM, Lois said…
Hi Mary~!~
How sweet of you..I am so glad you have time to spend here with me..Means alot to me and that you let me know you do~! Thank you my friend...I hope you have a good day today, take care Mary,
Hi Alex... :-)
How very nice to hear from you..I am pleased you joined me today, I hope you will be a steady visitor with me here in my little corner of this world..you are most welcome.. :-)
Thank you for letting me know..I truly enjoy reading these .. :-)
hope you have a good day Alex...
Always, Lois ****
At 8:15 AM, Gray said…
What a great photo! I am aware that it probably required a certain minimal amount of cat abuse, but I'm sure he gave you some back.
Have a great day, Lois
At 5:52 PM, Lois said…
Hi Gray!!! :-)
Isnt he just beautiful? hes my boy.
Stanley when he visits just crawls up on my couch and sleeps, says its the most comfy hes laid on..it is too lol.
Hope you had a great day .
Take care!
Always, Lois ****
At 8:06 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Lois
So glad to see you getting back on your ???? again. You're a unbelievable person. How are you manageing with you new bathroom. Can you shower, etc. Don't mean to be nosey but was just interested because of all the other information you posted before. Happy holiday.
At 8:22 PM, Lois said…
Im slowly getting back to a life, unpacking this sure isnt fun.. My new bathroom has a tub, and that white bench I had before will fit right across the side of it.. I have a HUGE bahroom perhaps as big as the other but arranged differently..Once they get the hand held shower nozzle will be alot better..
Nice to hear from you ... Maybe I will write more on this tomorrow. on the post..good question.. and I dont mind telling how it is..make those that CAN do appreciate what I CANT do anymore..
Hope you have a good Thanksgiving, Im still counting my blessings... I hope you never run out of them to count either.. Eat some turkey for me!!! no PIE lol :-)
Always, Lois ****
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