
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

~A Little Story For Ya~ :-)

I thought tonite I would tell you one of my life stories..Its true..
and a good memory.. :-) hope you like it :-)

Tenth grade, typing class..my teacher was Miss Swanson, a very
tall old maid..never married and Lord..to look at her..well..easily
you knew why..She was an excellent teacher..She taught typing and
shorthand..very stern..we did our work and she cut us NO slack, there
were 3 old maid school teachers in our school.. all very old fashioned.
Miss Swanson always wore her hair in a braid around her head ..
Miss Dunham..the mousey English teacher and the very proper Miss
Senicle..the Home Econonics ..when she walked her legs rubbed
together ..they were kinda swollen..you could hear her coming a mile
away those old tile floor hallways echoed..

We were told what to do , how to do it by Miss Swansonand she
expected no less from us than perfect.. It was a full class room..Id
say- to remember..4 rows across and perhaps 5 deep? about 20
of us give or take a few...

She gave us a paper with the keyboard printed on it.. for us
to memorize it.. and make sure we did..we had 3 days to do
it..and the 4th day ..she would be testing us to see how well
we would do.. Well fooey..I DREAMT about that bloody key
board!.. I did learn it.. took a little longer than 3 days..but she
pushed us to make sure we did..and could type with NO
mistakes.. she would mark in red on ONE piece of paper,
we were to use to type..and if we dodo'd..well we had to turn it in..
she wrote on it in shorthand, well none of us knew it.. even the
girls that took shorthand couldn't duplicate it we tried lol. I
didn't take shorthand no..typing was enough from her.. :-)

Well what Miss Swanson would do when she was testing us
to see if we looked at our hands..that was a BIG NO NO..she
would walk around while we were doing our practice typing of
stuff she gave us to type in class..while we were doing this she
would walk up and put a piece of paper between so we couldn't
see our hands..if we stopped typing she knew.. if we slowed
she knew.. and she would really YELL at us.. "LEARN THAT
KEYBOARD!!! lol..

Well this one guy.. named Leo Remondini.. lived in Caspian..
the town on the other side of the hill.. and he was a big tall kid,
I remember, to even sit, he had a hard time, his legs were so
long.. he was one of the best basketball players the school had.
Well, he did REALLY bad in typing..plus..he hated Miss Swanson.
she said he was spoiled cuz he was the 'STAR' player and got
special attention and it did NOT matter to her..she was NOT
into "SPORTS " lol.. and she really ragged him a lot . DAILY..well
after ohhh maybe 5 or 6 weeks into the class Leo is really getting
fed up with her constantly picking on him.. ..and he lets her know it..

She walks up to him..standing over him..and puts that paper
between his eyes and the keyboard.......Leo stops typing... He
looks up at her.then back at his typewriter. I sat next to him..lol..
She says " I KNEW you did NOT have the INTELLIGENCE to
to BE YOUR PROBLEM???" she YELLS at him.. Leo..slowly
looks back up at her again.. JUMPS straight up..the chair falls
over..Miss Swanson turns GREEN.. Leo SCREAMS at her ..
while he is picking up that typewriter..and in LONG strides carries
it towards the OPEN window.."NOW... watch this STUPID kid
throw your DAMN typewriter OUT this window!!" and reaches
the window and THROWS it out ! The whole room just looked
at each other ....

We all sit there waiting to hear the sound of it hitting the ground..
we hear glass breaking then nothing.. Miss Swanson runs to the
window looks out.. and turns ORANGE.. we could hear her gulp..
she YELLS at Leo " YOU STUPID BOY!.. WHY did you DO
that? " hes hit the principal's CAR!!" I think she was ready to pass
out !!! She runs down the hall..we could hear her shoes echoing
she was going so fast. :-)

We all run to the windows and look down..sure enough..there was
that ROYAL typewriter sitting on the front seat of Mr. Kukuk's car ..
the Principal of the school.. we all laughed so hard.. Needless to
say..there was BIG crap about THAT incident. didn't get kicked
off the team tho..and didn't have to come back to that class either..
but get what he did have to take.. LOL... this is good....

sewing and cooking .. lol.... thing was though .. he was an excellent
cook and LOVED it!!!! guess what he is now???

He was or is..not sure.. the Chief of Police lol.

True Story :-)

well hope you liked my little trip down memory lane.. a friend
and I were mailing and writing about memories and exchanged
some little short stories..like this..and of course I sent the Taco
Box one lol..said he will go by Taco Bell now and every time
think of me lol.. I hope you do to when you see an old typewriter
haha now you don't see them very often..hmm pawn shop or
antique dealer I bet..I had one..hmm a nice correcting one.. but
its lost somewhere these past 7 yrs now..since David and I
split up..so.wonder where it is..wasn't a royal..those old ones-
I remember trying to go from a manual to a electric..the touch
was so different..those old Royals..they were good didn't have
to hit those keys so hard..but some kinds. boy you had to have
strong fingers.. Leah..she was so tiny skinny puney thing she
probly couldn't kill a fly by pressing on it...she had the worst time
she had to almost BEAT those keys with her fingers..actually
punch them down.. we had a heck of a class lol. we did.. I
sat next to this guy Dale all through school I was Wood..he
was WOD..and on the other side was Peter his last name
started with WUR.. sitting in classes we had the same W..well
they ALWAYS put us in alphabetical order..my whole 4 yrs
I had to sit between frick and frack..lol. no it was ok, they joked
all the time..Dale was a riot..graduation nite? during the
ceremony? well..that's another story isnt it? lol..

I have a cat howling and trying to get my attention ..saying
"GET OFF THE PUTER" I hope that's what hes saying lol
not tellin me he did something ugly lol. I think its LB,, that
hes mad cuz Dutch is up in his chair.and they've fought all
day cuz Dutch is cranky- that clock is driving this cat totally
nuts.. he loves it.. lol.. and hes not been able to sleep..hes
up every half hour! Running to the clock.. I did stop it for
a while today though lol. poor kid..hes runnin his patootie
off lol..nervous wreck .. lol.. I'll give him a bite of my blue
berry doughnut that's callin me from the kitchen. Nitey Nite :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya and thanks!!
the 20th now..you need my addy let me know ;-D JK.

Always, Lois ***

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wonderful story, thank you Lois. It's late here and I should be in bed but I fell asleep watching TV - stupid me!

  • At 5:33 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Julie,,,
    Im glad you enjoyed it..was a funny thing to see.. I did the same thing..except I didnt even get the tv on before I did lol.. hope you have a good day Julie...so nice to hear from you.. :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, it was wonderful talking to you tonight, as usual. I rang RAIFE, and we chatted for about 40 mins. He was putting in New Doors. "The MANAGEMENT" answer the 'Phone and put him straight on.
    I will ring you up at about 11AM tomorrow, Monday, my Time which will be abouty 8PM, Sunday, your Time.
    Bye for now, "seeyatamorra".
    Regards, BLUE. (BRIAN) FROM AUSTRALIA, or more susscintly, "THE BOY FROM AUSSIELAND"

  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    G'Day Blue! :-)
    Its always nice to talk to you..I enjoy your calls..Yes, Raife is a luv,
    like you... Hope all is well 'Down Under'.. We have frosting outside this morning as I call it..looks pretty ..sparkly...
    I look forward to your call !! :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    It was great talking to Blue this morning. I managed to get the early morning cup of tea and set the table while we chatted, so that management wouldn't be incommoded!!
    What an interesting guy he is to talk to. He's certainly seen life!!
    As a rageing clock nut myself, I sympathise with Dutch. Poor boy, you are running him ragged!!! LOL
    Take care, Hon. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from


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