~Kelly was here~
Nice sunny day today, and it was really a pretty good one. I
had a visit from Kelly with Keystone about the grant, she
really wanted to see the house to make sure Que had done
her job..and she really liked my little house..and we talked
for quite a while shes very nice.. She asked what I needed
and was there anything she could help me with and I told
her I sure could use a small freezer and a washing machine.
but other than that I was doing ok.. She was really impressed
with my little house and she checked it over from the electric
to the smoke detectors to the basement..She thought it was
really cute here.. She liked the burgundy colors here in the
living room.. She must have stayed 2 hours or so.. We had
a good talk.. She informed me Lori would be handling my
case and that she would be coming to visit me to make
sure I am doing ok..this is really nice of Keystone to do such
a good follow up on people that have been there to make
sure they are doing ok and not going back there..
We discussed when I was there and I told her how badly I
felt..how alone, sad and how that first night I cried and cried
that I felt so lost and alone..my boys gone, I couldn't reach
anyone, no computer and couldn't even phone anyone as
it was long distance.. I felt like I had deliberately hurt myself,
that I had put my self into that place for things I really hadnt
done and I was NOT the cause..but I just had NO WHERE
to go..no one wanted me is how I felt and that just about
broke my heart to feel so devastatingly alone.. its such a
bad bad feeling that I would not wish on anyone ever..I hurt
and cried till my heart actually ached.. and it was a
horrible place to be in..I was grateful yes.. to have a clean
place, a bed..food, phone,, but..I was still alone and I had
NO where to go..and the pain..well I cried myself to sleep
that night and many nights while I was there.. many many.
but I did get out.. and I told her I did appreciate i had that
place that did take me in..and they did treat me very well..
but .. I HATED being there..Kelly understood..and she said
like I do "until you LIVE it your self, you have NO idea just
what its like, no matter what it is" and thats just what I say.
Roll in my chair..feel what I feel THEN you will know..but
only when YOU live it..will you really know. I can describe
it .. but the actual being there..you have to feel it yourself.
I did, I know..and I hated that ,, I HOPE I NEVER go there
again..If it happens , which anything is possible . I hope it
does NOT happen to me again..but now I can say .. I KNOW
the devastation these homeless people feel..and I wish i could
help them all..but I cant..and sadly those that can...DONT..
Penny came today, we had pizza for lunch from Little Caesars.
they have a large one for $5.oo..just cheese and sausage or
pepperoni.. I prefer the sausage, the other to me is greasier than
the sausage. it was good ..She took some home and I have a
couple slices in the fridge..She got me a couple bananas and I
like them as long as they don't have any black or dark spots on
them I hate that and I don't like eating soft ones either..I love
bananas sliced long ways on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
that's good stuff.. Im not a big fan of peanut butter. My sister is,
she puts it on EVERYTHING..she made a grilled cheese when
I was visiting her..and it had a weird taste, I asked what was on it..
she said peanut butter !!! Ive not ever had that..and quite honestly
ive not had that again, that was NOT a good thing, for me.
I have been going to bed too early or something as I was up and
wide awake at 2:30 am ..and up all day, I tried to take a desk rest
but my phone rang a few times and both were telemarketers..they
make me so mad.. I do know I have to do something about this bed
tho..first off make it higher ..put the risers under the legs..its too low
and If for some reason I got really sick and had to transfer it would
be very hard, I don't think I would have the strength to lift myself
like I do now when I back into my chair I have to reach back-hold on
and lift UP- back at the same time.its not that easy, and I feel ok.
can you imagine if I was sick? Ive had a runny nose all day, I sure
hope Im not getting a cold-all I would need. They knock me right
down . I havent had one though in ..hmm 2 years or more been a
long time. I hate colds it always goes into bronchitis for me..does
my sis the same way.. I don't think a cold makes anyone happy
tho I bet im NOT the only one that says "WHY ME??" when they
are really sick.
I love being able to get my mail right at my door ..what a treat.. I do
have to say though everytime the mailman puts mail in I think he
lets the lid drop so I know I have mail..I know about the time hes
here but I cant see him out there. When that lid drops it really is
loud and every day all 3 of us jump when we hear that. :-) it scares
me and the boys..we know its comin but gets us off guard every
time..usually the boys are asleep..I wish they would sleep as much
during the night like they do during the day.. I try to aggravate
them and keep them awake during the day..and boy Dutch gets
really pissy.. I had been pestering him all morning making him
stay up too..he got me up..Penny came in and walked up to him,
he was on the back of the chair..I warned her he was not in
a good mood..she reached out to pet him and boy he took a slap
at her..no claws or anything but let her know he wasn't in a good
mood..then he jumps down..and goes up to her.sideways..as
if to say "ok.come on..lets play now" .. she laughed ..shes used
to kitties and rough play. I warn every one that my boys are armed
and dangerous they have claws and that Dutch plays very rough
and if hes really mad will bite..hes bitten me ONCE..and I pinched
him back..hes not done it since..but he will use his claws some
times when hes playing and Im used to playing rough with them.
Its good exercise..they run around in here if anyone saw them they
would think something awful was after them :-) LB,hes is so
laid back its funny, but get him mad..wow..I mean he lets the boy
know real fast whos boss and Dutch is learning LB rules.I kinda
think LB has fun tho when Dutch challenges him..I had to yell
at them today as LB was holding Dutch down till he yelled ..lol..
i think he said UNCLE lol..probly Aunt too as mad as LB was.
they fight then just love all over each other..Kids :-)
Its that time again for me so you know what's next after this..my
bed..my TV and lights out..mine of course..:-) Nitey Nite..:-)
Y'all have a good one, Y'hear? love ya and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 12:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Glad you had a sunny day, they are are nice...hoping spring is here to stay for a while.
Glad Que check out the house real good, sure hope you get a freezer and washing machine and dryer, you need both.
Michael went to a special singing group out of town tonight, hoping to pick him up about 12:30 A.M. at the church.He called and said they are getting something to eat out side of Tulsa Okla now then coming home.
I hope you have a great weekend my friend.
God bless you.
At 5:37 AM,
Lois said…
Good Morning Mary,
Our weather is due to gradually warm up..maybe spring is on the way lol..I hope you have a great week end too, I have no plans at all..just to relax and bug all my online friends and send some email funnies n stuff.. I love email.. :-)
Take good care of yourself and enjoy your week end too my dear friend..:-)
Always, Lois ****
At 4:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi there Lois
Have you been reading your emails today? I have some interesting news for you.
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest dear one!
I am so glad the sun is shining over you too, it has shine here and this unite us, feels warm in and outside... By the way tomorrow i travel again and alone this time... And a new hotel that promise they have Net, so lets see eachother next week. WONDERFUL!!!!!
At 5:33 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Julie,
Ive just been reading, and yes thank you so much ..its very interesting. your so nice to check this for me. :-)
Hello Rob,
Im so glad your feeling better and on the mend.. Thats great look forward to hearing from you.. :-)be careful on the road..
Hope y'all had a great day :-)
Always, LOis ****
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