~Nice Surprise~
We have more snow. but sposta be warming up. I had a nice
surprise today , I was having breakfast and hear this loud noise,
was a snow blower and I thought the man across the street was
doing his sidewalk and then I hear a knock on the door and is
that nice man Robert from COA and he had just finished doing
my ramp and sidewalk again.. how wonderful.. I was so pleased.
I had no idea he would be back unless I called. Hes very nice and
I had no idea he would be back unless I called. Hes very nice and
is quite involved with COA and his girlfriend works over there as
well.. Hes had some heart problems he said but his Dr told him
he cant find one thing wrong with him..Yet he said while he was
sitting here that his chest was aching a bit..I suggested it might
be from breathing the cold air..that maybe he needed to cover
his mouth with a scarf or something and perhaps that may help,
that the problem is not heart at all.. I hope what ever it is that they
can fix it for him.. We talked about how it is to go to the Dr for
one thing and then find out there are a dozen others wrong that
you have no idea about like me! He laughed and agreed :-D
He told me about a dear lady he knows that is 82 years old..and
can walk but doesnt..her Dr tells her to get up and walk that it will
help her knees to not swell..but she refuses..I told him have you
mentioned to her about me? that she has those legs..use them..
even for just a few steps a day..he says he has..but she just doesn't
want to walk and prefers her power chair, and wont get up or even
try to walk, even knowing she can..she wont. I have been told this
before about other amputees that are only missing one leg and
they are totally chair bound and consider themselves quite help
less and depend on others to do every little thing for them.. I like
to do and take care of things and help to keep my house in order
I try so that Penny isnt overloaded .. I appreciate the fact I have
her I don't want to make her job harder by being messy, I pick
up and clean up after the boys when they do things they know
not to do, which is daily :-)
Dutch knocked a glass out of the window ledge and of course
it broke. I have no choice but to clean , well sweep it up right
away I would feel so badly if one of the boys cut their little
foot on a piece of glass. Just 2 days ago..Dutch saw a big
squirrel out side running through the yard by the tree next to
the garage, he got so excited and tapped that loose window
in there and that little glass fell..and of course shattered on
the floor.. I had no choice but to chase them both out as LB
came running to see what happened. I got the broom and
dust pan and started to sweep it.. I have a birdcage stand
in front of the window I had to move..then I have a big box
there , blue of course, that hasnt been taken down the base
ment and my kitchen cart with my coffee maker and toaster
on it.. All had to be moved..which was easy.. I started to
sweep and the long broom handle hit the fake ivy I have
hanging in the birdcage stand knocked it over, it hit the
table and knocked a pan off of there , that hit the cat dish
bowl and cat food went all over. ..I had to get that glass
up and kept on sweeping but by knocking all this other
stuff all over it took me forever! I make more work for
my self trying to clean up other stuff :-) I think I need shorter
handles on my broom and stuff :-) but this keeps me
going and getting extra exercise, and I need that too.
I honestly think if the day came that I didn't try and do what
I can..well some days I just cant..but if I quit trying that is so
NOT a good thing. Its a daily , hourly thing we all have to do
no matter what it pertains to..if we lose that..then what is it
all for? I get very discouraged at times by the things I see
or hear and the things happening to me.. but I like myself
for who and what I am..and I may look differently now..and
I guess I do act a little differently ..but I am still the same
person I have always been..GORGEOUS :-) ive just added
the name of WEEBLE to it ...im still ME...and I can do this..
slow maybe sometimes..but give me a few..you cant keep
a WEEBLE down ..got to tie them or use that good Duct
tape :-) I read a cute thing about Duct tape and WD-40..
said if it moves use Duct tape..if it doesn't use the WD-40.
and that's true :-) some great stuff.
Well this WEEBLE has got to take a rest..and eat a banana
for today better than those iccky horse pills they taste awful.
I will wash it down with one of those doughnut holes..theyre
cherry ones this time..and good .. time to see how long I can
last this time before lights out ..."Nitey Nite" :-)
y'all have a good one, now Y'hear? love ya ..and thanks! :-)
Always,Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 6:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest dear one!
I am so glad you ARE a real weeble, and that you DONT stay down.... Keep being the sweet angry willing working and wonderful gal you are, the rest of our lifes.... Love ya sweetie.
At 6:48 PM,
Lois said…
Hello Rob,
You just say the dearest things,its always so nice to hear from you. I hope your feeling better, take very good care of yourself. You are needed by many too you know. :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 11:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
I had a very long day, so much to get done. Going to bring my brother James home Thursday...
Ours weather here has been very nice...glad you got some help with the snow moving it away from your ramp and sidewalk.
Time for Bed
God bless you Lois.
At 2:23 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Im glad James is doing better. Take good care of yourself so you dont get run down. We are supposed to start having some warmer weather, maybe the snow will go.. I have busy day today too..I woke early again..I will take a desk rest later, in between appts today. take care ..good to hear from you...
Always,Lois ****
At 2:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
I love your prayer ... it is so outgoing and compassionate.The prayer I normally ain't as much so ... but it is a prayer always answered ...
Great God be with me.
Watch over me.
Show me the path
Give me the strength to follow the path.
At 4:45 PM,
Lois said…
Hi D/P
Any prayer is a good one..and you first have to believe it will be answered before you pray, and it will in time be answered.. sometimes we may not agree with the answer..but its the one best for us..I say a prayer all the time..I have to. LORD..PLEASE..give the strength to TRY. almost as soon as my eyes open.. and I have to say that many times during the day..
So nice to hear from you dp :-)
Hope you have a good day..
Always,Lois ****
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