
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, October 07, 2007

~I Lost My Bracelet! ~ :-)

For awhile today I was really upset, I thought I had lost my
mother's gold bracelet. I was making a cup of coffee and
I looked at my wrist and there was only 1 there,1 was gone.
I had NO idea what happened to it..I didn't feel it fall off.. Of
course my first thought is.."Lord, don't let the same toilet
monster eat my bracelet, that ate my teeth". I looked every
where, my bedroom, pillow by pillow, on the floor. I looked
in all my garbage cans, I looked in and all around the potty.
There was NO bracelet to be found.. I was so upset.. How
do I keep losing things and not know when I lose them? I
have such a hard time with that.. Look what happened to
my bloomin teeth! They had to have just grown legs,
crawled out of my mouth and RAN!..They were NEVER
found, even when I moved..I could only figure they fell out
of my mouth, onto my lap, and into the potty..I HAVE to think
that or go nutz wondering..That's the only logical thing.. I
KNOW I sure didn't throw them away, I loved those things.
They fit me perfect from the first day the dentist popped
them into my mouth.. Ive had to change everything since I
lost this bottom plate.. Im tired of soft food and I plan to see
Roberts new teeth if he ever gets them and comes and cuts
this knee high grass out here.. I called last week about that.
Well anyways, back to the saga of the missing gold bracelet.
I looked everywhere, tore my desk apart and I bet I checked
the trash 3 times, thinking it had fallen off in there. The clasp
on it has acted up before and it has come off..but I have always
felt it when it did..Today, I didn't feel it at all until I noticed it
was gone.. I know it was there this morning when I went to
potty, I have to push my bracelets back or I cant really bend
my wrist and Im afraid I will snap them off, so Im really very
careful..how I didn't know it came off I have NO idea..So I
know it was there earlier.. It had rubbed on that new sore
spot, the callous by the thumb, and I remember looking at
them both and sliding them up a bit..

I sat at my desk trying to retract my steps..ok rolls.. this morning
and I just couldn't figure out how It would have just disappeared
unless it had fallen off INTO the toilet with the toilet paper and I
wouldn't have heard it then.. So go back into the bathroom again,
and no it wasn't in the potty.. I kind of scooted onto the potty so
I could look over the side better and as I am scooting back into
my chair, I had felt Dutch up there and reached my hand in back
of me to shoo him out of the way..when I did my hand was on the
cushion and I felt something there, grabbed it, and looked at it,
it was my bracelet..!!!...

Evidently when I had scooted back into my chair I sort of reach
under to pull my skirt out of the way, sometimes I miss judge
and have to lean way back to be able to pull all the wrinkles out.
Well when I did I guess that's when the bracelet came off.. I
was very lucky when I slid forward I didn't drag it into the Potty
then... What surprises me is that I didn't feel I was sitting on it..
usually even a wrinkle will drive me nuts..that's why it came off,
I was smoothing out wrinkles...Us GORGEOUS WEEBLES
cannot sit on wrinkles you know...apparently we can gold
bracelets though :-)

Happily I have my bracelet back, sadly I have to get the clasp
fixed and I honestly don't know a good jeweler here in this town,
if there is one.. I know Meijers has a counter that sells stuff and
they will put in a battery in a watch for you...but to do something
like this I would think a regular jewelry store would be best.. I
havent been in one in a long time..which is probly a good thing,
since besides clothes ,, jewelry is my other very best favorite
thing.. I have some lovely antique jewelry, bad thing is I never
wear it anymore.. I think I should start..and enjoy it..

Well that was the saga of today, Im glad i found my bracelet..
and the rest of the day was just a nice Sunday and I didn't do
a whole lot, I did get caught up on mail and wrote to some to
remind them I havent heard from them in awhile..and everyone
knows how I LOVE email..and getting mail...Time for a light
snack, I had leftover chicken from yesterday, was even better
today, so maybe just a pumpkin cookie will do..then my
same routine, TV, Sleep and saying "Nitey Nite".

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and thanks!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 9:15 PM, Blogger momar said…

    I am now 73, when the average american hits 85, 50% of all americans of that age will have some dementia. I have excellent long term memory - I have to be very methodical to have a certain place for each item - note: the house ghost does his/her merry pranks and all the mehodology in the world won't help

  • At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois so glad you found your bracelet...
    Sometime I wish life didn't keep me so busy. Anyway for now I have to keep going, not for sure what would happen to Becky and Pam when the time come when I am no longer able to help with them...
    Doing the cleaning for the church give me something else to think about...help keep my mind off Becky and Pam for a while...Pam not doing well today. Well Pam had 6 good days. We all needed those good days.
    It is hard for me to wear rings and bracelet or even a watch...I had a hard time learning how to wear my glasses... that just plain old me...

    You look great in the picture.

    I got sick after eating lunch today, so I still a little under the weather. Know one else got sick just me. We ate at Sirloin Stockade, a very good place to eat...I think it was just my nerves or a little bug going around.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    I do declare, the pictures get better and better all the time. That smile just makes my day. Thank you, Honey.
    SO glad you found that bracelet - that was quite a saga!!
    Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 12:28 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Momar,
    I think dimentia depends on how active you keep your mind.. I have pretty much perfect recall..still yet..:-)

    Hi Mary,
    Yes, Im glad I did was upsetting..its so pretty..Staying busy and thinking about others helps keep my mind off me and my troubles... Thanks and I hope your feeling better..

    Hi Raife,
    Thanks hon..Im just GORGEOUS aint I? LoL...Im very glad I found it..means alot to me..

    Hope y'all have a great day today... stay well and happy! :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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