
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, September 30, 2007

~End Of September Already?~

Well this is the last day of September, I have no idea
where this month went. I know it seemed to fly right by.
But then it will be a year pretty soon that ive been in this
house. When I think of where I was a year ago.. I guess
I have made some progress..been a hell of a fight, but
well.. Im still kickin so to speak..invisibly but kickin...The
photo here was one taken back on the 9th I think ..so its
still up to date.. I found an old video I made 2 years ago,
and I had NO idea that I did.. I don't remember it at all.
Its not real good quality but I was a real amateur then too..
I was going through,, no, I was snooping and going thru
files that I didn't know I had..well I did but I never looked
in them.. I know to empty temporary Internet files which I
do religiously, but this video and lots of other things I didn't
know I had were in a Internet File..not the temporary one..
I took that video out of it anyway, and nothing drastic
happened to my computer..which I was afraid it would if
I took anything out of that.. I do ok with puters but I still
have a lot to learn..Long as I can post this and send email
and GET email Im good..

I had promised to put some photos here off and on showing
the ends of my stumps... The left one I don't think that scar
will ever do right.. I have to keep the 'blue gel' on it all the
time or it gets really dry and looks awful.. I keep a close check
on that scar.. As long as that thing took to heal..over a year, I
sure don't want problems with it again... The right never gives
me problems.. it hurts more than the left..it always has since
the beginning.. It sleeps all the time..which I don't know if that's
how they are supposed to feel or not.. I say sleep as in that
tingley feeling.. when the circulation is cut off and your foot or
hand will fall asleep.. I fell asleep once, when I had legs, I was
in the nursing home.. my legs were hanging over the edge
of the bed.. I woke up fast, as I had to potty, I went to stand up
and went right to the floor, my legs were still asleep and hadnt
woke up when I did.. :-)

Tomorrow may possibly be a busy day, with phone calls and I
am not sure if Heidi will be here or not she hasnt let me know.. I
am a bit disappointed that Ive not heard from her when she said
she would be here last Tuesday, but I know the kid stays busy ,
but a phone call would have been nice.. Penny will be here and
we have a lot to do,, I want to get that basement fixed , all my
things down there I have a feeling are already ruined...I will have
her bring up what she can and hopefully will be able to salvage
it.. I hope so..If I can get rid of this chair and put my machine
there I may be able to rig it up somehow so I can use that thigh
lever on it.. I think so.. I have 4 skirts that I need to repair.. Ive
ripped them and its too long a rip to sew by hand..machine is
so much faster...plus I have this new leopard set to fix.. I still may
get the black, I ve wanted a black satin skirt for quite a while now.

I have to call COA and see If they have me scheduled for a ride
to the vascular guy on Tuesday and I want to call that woman, the
new Dr and see whether she is taking new patients.. Be nice if
she was then I can get under the care of ONE Dr not a new one
every time I go.. I hate that.. how can a Dr know their patients if
every time they go to a new office..This clinic is having a hard
time..and MANY have Complained.. Me for one..ive done that
since I started going there, The staff is not the most conscientious
kind.. I think they just go to get a paycheck..

I had to take a nap today, my back is hurting so bad, right in
between my GORGEOUS angel wings as I call them..right dead
center of my back.. and It is impossible to give your self a back
rub.. Ive tried.. I push back against the back of this chair..and
depending how bad it is..that sometimes helps... I could use a
good back rub.. I just have to find a volunteer now! :-) Im taking
applications you know :-)

The boy is stopping by on his way back from some week end
race they went to.. I called and told Dawn I didn't have enough
room in my freezer for all this popcorn chicken I got for them..
If they come today and get it..it should be fine.. I kept it in the
fridge and tightly sealed.. I know they've un thawed but if they
take them and nuke them, then freeze - should be fine.. There
was no way I could cook them for them..just too many and as
small as my work space is in the kitchen, would take me a
LONG time.. I spend an hour fixing food its gonna be for MY

I didn't eat lunch today I napped through it..hoping when I got
up my back would feel better, sadly it doesn't, but I am still
a bit hungry and I have some of those good sizzler steakums..
and with some sauteed onions..and I have some really good
kaiser rolls, will be a VERY good sandwich.. and IM starved !
Time for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE to venture out into the
kitchen and make this sandwich a reality..then eat it.. then
clean up the mess then fix a kool aid, and head back to my
bed.. and some TV... "Nitey Nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks. :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Absolutley beautiful photograph - I can only imagine you in a leopard outfit with black stockings and black top.

  • At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes Lois I agree where did this month go, just 3 months left till 2008. I do wonder what the next months going to be like for Pam.
    You have a good week too Lois and God bless you.

  • At 6:44 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning :-)
    What a nice thing to say..Thank you very much :-) Wont be long till its finished, If I can get this chair out of here, I WILL be sewing.. I miss it.. and I LOVE new clothes :-)..

    Hiya Mary!!! :-)
    I know the time's flying, all we can do is just hope better things are ahead... I hope you had a nice week end..

    Good to hear from you..THANKS!!!
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest dear one!
    Another highly intresting blog, this time about your stumps. We who dont have stumps, atleast not anything like an amputee has. : )

    We find this very intresting as you can imagine, but it also make me wanna help in some way, and i am completely aware of the fact that i cant help you with these problems, as i live in another country. But WHEN we meet i can promise you a nice massage for your comfort, and my pleasure.
    Now honeydear, how does this sounds?
    Until..... Take care of your remainings for me, cuz i long for them and the lovely woman that posesse them.
    Take care love!
    Hope to hear from you tonight!
    Your own
    R O B

  • At 11:21 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob,
    So nice to hear from you and thank you :-) A massage would be most enjoyable Im sure...I hope all is ok there and you are not working to hard.. I will watch for you :-)

    Have a good day :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    WOW - GEE - WOW!!! ;o)
    What a gorgeous picture - those pretty stumps and that wonderful smile.
    You spoil us, you know.
    Anyhowway, thanks a million for the pic.
    I'm sorry that your back is playing up. You need that Knight there to massage it.
    ME - ME - ME - can it be me??!!!
    Joking apart, I would just love to oblige. Trouble is, I don't have a 4000 mile reach!!
    Take care, Honey, L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 2:25 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife :-)
    Im glad you like it..but how can you not, Im so GORGEOUS lol.. hope your having a good day .. Kinda rough here for me. always something..never fails..

    Good to hear from you..Sorry I missed you b4 I was busy busy ..:-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:55 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    My goodness, Lois, that is a gorgeous photo. Very sexy and fun.

  • At 5:14 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray,,
    thank you im glad you like it :-)
    nice to hear from you ...
    Always, Lois ****


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