~Surprise Visitor~ :-)
I had a surprise visit today that I was NOT expecting.
Was a wonderful surprise ! My sister Shirley came by.
See the pile of stuff next to her? She cleaned out her
closet and brought all those tops to me plus a GORGEOUS
skirt...leopard print that is lovely... Shes very good to me.
We got caught up on all the latest gossip with her family
We got caught up on all the latest gossip with her family
and mine. I showed her photos of my sons and of course
my grands. She agreed they look like me, Mark especially,
Richard, we could see likeness in him as well although he
resembles his father. We discussed her kids and grands
and of course Stanley.. I was so surprised to see her all
some rather distressing news about one of her grands. She
is very upset about her and from what all she has told me I
sure understand why. I would tell but I only tell on myself.
Besides it rather upsets me as well and sadly there is not a
thing I can do about it. Only her grand can fix her problems.
Shirley has tried many times to help and its always fallen on
deaf ears... sadly...
It was so good to see her and every time we talk of course
we talk about our birth mother. Its so funny we had gone to
a yard sale one day and while we were there Shirley was
talking about HER sister, Deidre, who is not my sister, then
I have Gayle, that is my sister, but not hers.. yet Shirley and
I are sisters :-) We told this to the lady there and she did
NOT understand how that is possible... Then we explained to
her that we were given up as kids and adopted out to familys
that had other kids.. Thus the hers, mine, and Us :-)
From what Shirley said, Stanley is in New York on a missionary
deal for his church. Stanley goes to Haiti at least twice a year
to help the people there. His church has missionarys there. I
don't discuss that with Shirley OR Stan.. I have very private
views on missionarys.. I think they should do all their good
here first, when all the problems are solved HERE, THEN go
and help those you can... But that's me...
Penny came and cleaned up after our messy weekend.. No, we
did good we were not messy at all. She had a major job finding
a place for all my new tops Shirley gave me, now I need the
new skirts, a gray, green and a yellow.. then I will be all set
for a while anyway.. I have to match, and its funny Shirley is
the same way, if our clothes don't match, well we don't wear
them.. Shirley goes out, and is seen, me, no one sees me, but
I KNOW.. and I HAVE to MATCH!.. that's the rules.. Well,,
GORGEOUS WEEBLES HAVE to look GOOD all the time!
Plus it does make me feel better.
Whats gonna make me feel better now is to get out of this
chair , that bad spot at the base of my spine gets to me
every so often and today is one of those days.. Sitting on
your GORGEOUS WEEBLE BUTT all day is NOT fun!!
Trust me ! :-) I'm done for today, first my famous
"nitey nite!" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya, and thanks!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....
At 10:52 PM, Anonymous said…
Our church did missionary work in Haiti. I had a congregational minister live in my house whose mother knew my dad. His father introduced table tennis in China. He met a classmate of my father's in Geneva, Switzerland. Edgar Snow a Stalin peace prize winner.
At 11:12 PM, Anonymous said…
Wonderful your sister was able to visit with you today...
I did post last night, but I see it not here...so sorry I must have done something wrong.
Now you going to have make room to put your new clothes.
I'm still trying to clean out my closet, it just hard getting rid of thing.
God bless you Lois.
At 10:40 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
One of the hardest things to do, or not to do - is interfere with other members of the family. To bite your tongue when you want to say "Now, you really must -----"
It was one of the qualities that my late Mother-in-law possessed. She NEVER interfered, though there must have been many times when she wanted to. I guess that is true wisdom. You have to let the youngsters go to Hell in their own way!! - they soon sort themselves out.
It must have been great to see your sister. She has lost weight since we saw the last pics of her.
Take care, Honey,
Luv Ya,
At 11:58 AM, Anonymous said…
Dearest little Lois!
At the first microsecond while your blog loaded, i thought: Whats this has Lois purchased prostetic devices. But then the next second i saw that there was a lack of smile and sweet face in the picture and i realized it wasnt you, and the next pic showed the whole truth.... I must say i was glad that evrything was as it was before, you with your sweetest smile and without legs proved that there is just one like you..... Good your sister brought you some gifts tho....
Take care and kisses my dearest dearest!
Your ROB
At 12:32 PM, Lois said…
Hi Momar,
You are just so interesting, you know that? :-) lol
Hiya Mary,
Blogger acts up off n on..sometimes a comment will post twice too.. Always nice to get new stuff :-)
Hiya Raife,
Yes, its hard not to put your 2 cents in, specially when its your kids. She does a great job ..but with 5 she has to..
Hiya Rob,
Thought I had changed did ya? Thats why I took one of both of us together.. Shes a good sister and I love her dearly shes very good to me..and I am most grateful...
So NICE to hear from y'all THANKS!
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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