
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, August 09, 2008

~Lake Ottawa~

David and I, when we lived in UP, we fished a lot. We
decided to go fishing out at Lake Ottawa. One of the
best walleye lakes in Iron County.. If you knew the
hidey holes where they were, you got your limit every
time, usually we did. We had the black Mister Twisters
and those fish couldn't resist them.. We got in the boat
and went to one spot after the other and steady caught
fish.. The lake is popular to locals that know how good
the fishing is there... We all knew to keep over the limit..
the smaller ones we made sure we put them safely back
into the water with a promise to not catch them till they
were big enough... As we sat out on that lake we noticed
other boats by us.. a couple went by us VERY slow..looking
at us.. We were confused for a while.. what were they
looking at? Were we sitting in the boat wrong or something?
Well we started watching THEM!, and the others were NOT
catching anything~! David and I knew then why- they were
watching us CATCH FISH!.. :-) We steady hauled the fish
in and every spot we went to we caught them.. it was because
of the Mister Twister.. One of the boats slowly came up to
ours, a guy sitting in it said, "Ive been watching you two and
you are STEADY catching fish.. Ive tried every lure, night
crawlers and cannot even get a BITE!.. what ARE you using?"
David smiled, reached into his tackle box and handed one
of the twisters to the guy, he looked at it and was surprised
that was what we were using.. He didn't even have one.. We
wished him luck as he putted off... We sat there for a while
watching this guy as he found the spot David told him to
try. He cast out and on that first cast we saw his rod tip
go down and we knew he got a bite.. We both smiled and
waited to see what he had caught as he reached down into
his net and pulled out the biggest walleye we had seen that
day, bigger than any WE caught!.. We heard the guy give a
"YIPPEEE!!!" yell and a "THANKS GUYS!!!" We waved and
couldn't help notice some of the others were still watching.
I bet there were at least 5 or 6 boats out that morning..

We sat there for a while fishing ourselves again.. and heard
another boat kind of close, I turned and saw another one
slowly pulling up along side.. The man in that boat said "I
saw that other guy come over here and talk to you two and
leave and I just saw that huge walleye he just landed.. You
two told him a secret or something and Id sure like to go
home with at least ONE fish today.". David and I laughed
and David said.. "well we gave him the lure like what we
are using to catch these fish, do you have a black Mister
Twister?" The man looking totally sad, said he didn't but
asked if we might have another spare one.. This man
didn't know my husband.. and David NEVER had ONE
lure of any kind.. He made sure he had a few just in case
one got snagged and as much as we used these he had
a good supply of them.. plus they were cheap anyway..
David got one out of his tackle box and handed it to the
man and he went putting off to go and try that lure..
Again, we watched as he cast out, waited a few, then
started to reel it back in.. about the third time he
went round that reel his rod tip went down and this
man SCREAMED now, let me tell you! He lifted up
a HUGE Wally and almost jumped out of his boat..
He left shortly after that but not before stopping
by us to thank us for the lure and his fish.. :-)
We had a good time that day and I know those 2 guys
did, there were others out that day but only us with the
twisters were catching anything.. too bad the others didn't
come over and ask what lure, they would have caught fish
too ! :-)

I made my cabbage, brats and potatoes and it was good.
I only use a tad of virgin Olive oil when I fry, my pan is a
nice Teflon coated electric one and doesn't stick anyway..
When I fry I brown fast, then I turn my heat down and
put a few drops of water and let it steam.. to me it puts
the flavor through everything...plus it cuts down cooking
time specially when your hungry.. I made enough last nite
so I would have some left over today and I KNOW it will
be even better! .. I made extra and put some in a dish for
Donnie, as he is due to come by Monday. I froze it for
him to take for his lunch.. I know a secret about his job,
but I cant tell.. its not been publicly announced so no one
is allowed to know..so lets just say we are all breathing
easier.. :-)...

I'm ready for MY left overs and I got up early again
this morning.. 4:30 every day I get up.. I just hate to
miss any part of a day.. they are important and I'm
grateful I have every one, even though some days are
very stressful...I'm glad I have them no matter what
kind. The bad ones just keep me on my invisible
GORGEOUS WEEBLE toes.."Nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....


  • At 9:57 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Lois I was here, it is stormy right now, will come back later...God bless you...Mary

  • At 11:40 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    That storm make a lot of noise. hail but it gone now. Lost our light for a little bit too...
    I use to go fishing a lot before the foster children came along. Not much time for fishing after that.
    My rib are going ok, it hard to set down without lot of pain at times... standing my rib do real good...
    We had rain most of the day here, nice and cool too.
    Patsy perm turn out good for her.
    How is your arms doing now??/ hoping a lot better.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 3:08 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Happy Birthday ! nice talking to you today... We had a small storm yesterday.. I can handle the little ones, but those huge ones scare me! LOL...

    Hope you had a great day Mary,
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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