~Not Better~
I didn't wake up feeling better and I slept just awful.
I bet I must have been up and down changing positions
a dozen times. I had to get up twice so I really don't
feel like Ive slept at all... I still have this raging head
ache and the sneezes.. I cough but not as much.. Seems
to go in spasms.. I cough, sneeze at least 3, 4 times in
a row, then it subsides for a while.. I have learned to
look away from my monitor when these sneezes come
on though.. after I sneezed all over it a few times.. I
may be slow but I eventually learn.. :-) I look great but
feel crappy.. go figure :-)
feel crappy.. go figure :-)
We have had some warm weather these past few days
since all the rain stopped.. I looked outside, like I do
every morning to check the status of my glories and to
see who is out there. There was a beautiful blue jay out
there this morning..He sat there and as soon as I got my
camera he took off.. Stinker did that to me twice ! Like
he knew when to fly off just so I couldn't get a picture
of him...
MaryJane phoned and she is getting settled in a little
house and tomorrow has to go and get re certified as
she is in a different state now. Shes spent a lot of years
in elder care and is very experienced. I know she will
pass the exam and every one of the health care places
are always looking for good help.. She already has 2 job
offers and I being nosey asked what the pay rate is
now for an Aide.. One place its $12.50 an hour and the
other is $9.50. The main thing to consider is the higher
paying one is all the way across town and the other is
just over a block away.. So just in gas alone plus the
aggravation of winter driving, if worse came to worse,
like she said she can always walk.. Shes only 48 and the
exercise of walking might be a good thing..
I am amazed at the number of people I see, that seems to
be growing, that walk down this street out here.. I see moms
and dads pushing kids in strollers.. Ive seen some parents
on bikes with these little thingies pulling behind with the kids
in them... Ive even seen a lady being pushed in a manual chair
out there, only thing was they didn't have her up on the side
walk and she was out in the road.. Why they did that I have
NO idea that was so dangerous.. The side walk curbs at the
corners are ramps, so its easy to get on them.. lots safer..
I made my self some toast with peanut butter on it and it was
so good.. I butter the toast then put the peanut butter on it..
I wish I had some bananas.. Be even better.. I just don't have
a real appetite which is ok.. helps to keep the weight regular..
Penny says I have lost weight, I don't see where I lost it from!
I look the same GORGEOUS WEEBLE Ive always been !...
I'm done for today and need a rest and hopefully tonite I will
sleep better.. Laima will be getting another call tomorrow. Post
time, toast time and GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" time..
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS! :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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