~Made The Trip~
Curtis was here at 9:25, loaded us up and we went to
Coldwater.. Over an hour drive there and over an hour
back as the weather was awful.. It poured rain the
whole trip.. It took all of 10 minutes to line up the net
and cable TV all in one which is what I prefer.. They
can do the phone as well but not until its turned on. So
next month I may do that. They will come to the house
on Saturday between 1 and 5 to connect everything. I
have to be there. I have to give them $79.98 for the
first months bill when they get there. Everything is
all set up and arranged for everything now other than
putting a hold on a truck to be sure its there on sat. I
would hate to have that last minute problem.
I feel a tad better even though I didn't sleep hardly at
all last night. The boys are very restless and stick to me
constantly.. The look on their little faces this morning when
I was putting on my coat was awful.. Made me feel bad that
they are worried.. I can tell they are since things are in
such upheaveal here with boxes and all... We didn't get any
packing done today at all so I have my week end cut out
for me. Lots to do and only 8 days well 7 now since this day
is shot.. I will take a 5 and maybe later do some more.
I know doing all this bending and reaching really tires me
out but it is good exercise for me. I was talking to a friend
about that. Since I don't walk, my stumps don't get any
real exercise and I think that's why they are so squishy
soft to the touch... all the muscle tone is gone.. Sleeping
on this couch has shown me just how much strength I do
have though.. and if I didn't I wouldn't be able to really
maneuver on it.. I can just scoot over on it to sit, but to
lay down I have to turn around and then fix my clothes
and try to get the wrinkles out.. When a person with legs
tries to move or lift up you just put your feet on the
mattress and raise up...I cant do that and its harder to
move, even roll.. I have to sit up first, turn, then lay back
down.. But I do get a lot of exercise, I was told that from
day one, to make sure I did and that I lay flat for at least
an hour a day..every day.. so that's what I try to do..
I'm tired- just riding like that tires me.. Ive had a head
ache all day as well.. Driving in the rain makes me nervous
anyway even though Curtis is a very good driver. We had
to go through my new town so we took a detour to show
Curtis where my new house will be. He thought it was
very nice. I was surprised at the size of Coldwater its
quite big.. lots of stores very nice.
I'm posting this early as I want to take a nap and then get
up later and do some more packing.. Its got to get done..
and only 3 packing days with Penny left next week.. I will
be so very glad when this is done and I am there... Then
I can look forward to the holidays... I have boxes to pack
and send :-) now, I'm sending me for a 5 but I cant till I put
my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" ;-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks !
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
At 8:12 PM, MaryC said…
Hello Lois
Yes hard rain make a trip hard on everyone...
And it hard to keep dry when you have to get out to and back out of the car. I know how hard it is to keep Becky dry during those times.
It's been a little cool today, right now it's 50F...
Bob sister came over to pick up some pecan, it's so wonderful to have a nice pecan tree in the middle of the back yard.
Bob dog Doc loves to crack them too. Sure wish Doc would leave them along.
Have a good weekend Lois.
At 11:20 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Gorgeous one,
Sounds like things are moving along (pun sort of intended). Be good to have the TV and net set up right away. Don't want to miss you - lol.
I know packing and all is hard on the muscles. My knees would be killing me - lol. One problem you don't have........ Well - in a few days you can take a few minutes and relax. Actually, sounds like you are well ahead of the curve.
Take care - Bare Hugs,
At 1:17 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Thats a nice photo :-) I hate riding in the rain. I was in a car accident during a rain storm..
We are sposta have snow most of this week, hopefully not saturday..
Hiya Butty!
Yes, Im rollin here..lol..aint easy being green ya know lol...
I wish I was already there...I cant wait...
Nice to hear from you!
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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