
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

~Really IS Powerful!~

Did you know these power chairs are really strong? I
mean REAL power.. I was taking some stuff into the
bedroom and misjudged going through the doorway
into the bedroom. The controller thingie, the joystick,
is a swing away kind, so that I can get up closer to my
desk or table or what ever.. If I push too hard it will
swing off to the side, It did that and I kept going..
Remember these do NOT stop instantly like a manual.
IF I push back I will stop right away but with a jolt
too..its like slamming on the emergency brake..
Well, when I hit that doorway, the joystick bent back
and up and I still kept going, scared me, as I really
thought I was going to go over backwards. THEN what
would I do.. THAT would have been cute, to have to
call 911 cuz I tipped my power chair over, NO.. but I
know I wouldn't be able to pick it back up I bet, I
know how heavy that thing is.. So do the boys ! They
run from it SOMETIMES, when they really want to get
me they know just walk in front of me really SLOW...
They both are bad about doing that...

Anyway, I sat there tipped back and if it werent for my
tippers on the back of this chair I bet I would have gone
over backwards. That would have been bad specially if
the chair landed on top of me, I bet THAT woulda hurt!
I put the chair in reverse and slowly went back and got
my chair straight again.. R & R is sposta deliver a new
cushion but its the same usual thing, I had hoped it would
be different but of course not, thanks to the great work
of Erica at the Drs office. I had to call Deborah and find
out what the delay was again and it always ends up with
the problem being my doctors office. I bet if it was Ericas
sis or mom or aunt she would make sure she does her job
right.. just cause we go to the free clinic doesn't mean we
arent people.. we have no choice but to go there, we cant
just pick and choose, we are sent and to go to a specialist,
we have to get special dispensation to be allowed. I shouldn't
complain since the high cost of health care, but this office
help, theyre getting paid to do a GOOD job ALL the time,
not just when they feel like it... I know I'm getting tired of
it, but I will tell you what.. If I don't hear tomorrow about
it , you can bet I will be calling the office supervisior just
like I had to with the antibiotics.. maybe if I complain enuff
they will do something... NOW, wouldn't that just be a step
up for that office, to REALLY do a good job!....

Well I'm done for today.. was below zero today when I got
up this morning.. COLDDDDD brrrrrr... My boys don't know
how lucky they have it so snug and warm.. they deserve it,
they sure keep me company, and they sure love this new
house, I run them back and forth so much with their red
laser light its funny.. a few runs up and down the length of
this place is great exercise for them.. Even LB seems to
be more active, but they do sleep more too.. I don't get
woke up at 4am with face taps I notice since I started
playing and running them around more :-)

Time to post and go watch some TV , this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE bids you "G'day, G'day" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, the snow plow guy has the same grin on his face!

  • At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    What about putting that snow shovel on the front of your chair? You could make a very good job of crearing the path!!
    In England, we put a great big, bright red "L" on the front and back of cars with learners in them. Guess I'll have to send you a pair!!
    Women drivers! Sheeesh!!! ;o)
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 7:37 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Love the pictures Lois, sure glad that snow not here...send it all Eastward my friend.
    17 F right now,just a lttle chilly here in the house right now.
    All I want to do is go to bed as soon as I can...
    We had a great lunch after church, way to much cookies and candy but they were so good. Eveeeery thing was good.
    God bless you Lois.
    Keep warm and stay well OK.

  • At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Gorgeous,

    I'm thinking, if your chair is that powerful, maybe you should mount a snowplow on the front, then you could keep the front walk clear - lolol....

    Mmmmm - I see Raife had the same idea.. Must be a good one then.

    No snow here - just cold - 13 this morning.

    Take care Hon. Always thinking of you!

    Bare Hugs,


  • At 1:05 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    LOL yeah, they kinda do.. I dont know who the plower was..

    Hiya Raife,
    I thought about that but I dont have chains or a set of carhart snow clothes :-) L for Learner, ohhh I thought you was gonna say Loser LOL..

    Hiya Mary,
    Im glad you like the photos freezing cold here today and windy..I get tired mid afternoon, I am finished by then...

    Hiya Butty,
    I could just see me out there plowin.. I bet it would be fun.. I saw the guy across use his tractor with a snow blower thingie on it.. worked great! should work on my chair :-) i just dont like COLD too well..brrrrr I like WARM & TOAASTY... lol

    Good to hear from you !
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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