
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

~Female Cardinal~ :-)

That's a female cardinal. She isnt the vibrant red like
the male but shes so pretty. She stayed out there for the
longest time..
Penny moved the birdbath farther under the tree and
we are now putting birdseed and sunflower seeds in
it.. :-) the birds seem to really like it.. Penny filled the
center of it with sunflower seeds and put the birdseed
all around the edge. Works great.. I wish I had gotten
2 of those bird baths.. next year I will get another one.
So we kinda said Merry Christmas to the birds and
animals out there they are well stocked... I just hope
this ice and snow that's coming that the tree will help
keep it off the seeds..
I got to thinking that I hadnt gotten anything for the
boys for Christmas.. Last year I got them a few toys
that they did not like... just sniffed at them and walked
away.. Since Mark has been gone Ive not played very
much with the lazer light Dutch likes.. Mark played with
him constantly.. well the batteries wore out in that one.
Anyway I got a new one .. Dutch plays with it more, but
since I have been filing LBs nails hes walking better...

LB has long claws.. and on this carpet he snags... so
that means he isnt running around very much cuz I
wouldn't guess getting your nails hung up with every
step would be too fun.. So one day he was up on the
kitchen table by me laying there for me to rub and
pet him.. I did and got him all relaxed.. I picked up
his right front foot and proceeded to file the nails.
He let me :-) So.. now he runs and I don't hear every
step this cat makes... I know hes happy.. ANYHOWAY,
this lazer light I got them for Christmas they both
will play with..:-)

I will be by myself.. Ive already gotten a few phone
calls to say Merry Christmas and I am hoping that
I will get more, the calls make me feel like I am
NOT alone with just the boys here. Ive been by
myself the past 8 Christmas's. I listen to music
and I watch TV, its quiet and calm and I fix myself
a nice dinner... I thank God that I can have this
Christmas... and hope I have lots lots more of them,
whether I am by myself or not.. as long as I have
them.... :-)

I am over my cold, again I say "thank you Lord".. I
am so miserable when I have a head cold.. My head
just throbs and my poor nose.. I LOOKED like that
reindeer, Rudolph... :-) I am so glad that Kleenex
is so soft.. A few times I could only reach a napkin
or paper towel and wow... THAT did NOT feel good.
Most of the time my box of Kleenex was right with
me, like a part of my body.. :-) The sore spot is
all better too... :-)

I don't know what my dinner today will be, ive not
decided.. I KNOW I will find something out there,
I always do :-) So, its post time for this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE... remember.. I shall return! Oh.. and

Always, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've been with you for the past several Christmas's. Hope you have a Merry Christmas. You're an inspiration.

  • At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    I did not want a white Christmas, but I got it anyway...We cancel Christmas till Saturday or Sunday...
    My computer still has no sound, and a few other problem...trying to get them fixed...
    Stay warm and dry my friend...
    Love all the pictures you put in here.
    Merry Christmas Lois.
    And wish the weather was nicer for all of us...


  • At 9:56 PM, Anonymous momar said…

    I am working both Christmas and New Years so the Christian woman I work with can spend some time with her family she is from Bugambura, Barundi - a country just east of the Congo and south of Rwanda. I may have spelled it wrong but at least I know where it is. I need to get a recipe for Bitter Leaf (spinach) from her. Happy Holidays.

  • At 11:15 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Anonymous..
    Im so glad you are sticking with me..so nice to know.. Merry Christmas to you too.. I hope Santa was good to you :-)

    Hiya Mary,
    We got a rainy christmas but snow maybe later... I hope you get the sound fixed...Merry Christmas my dear friend ...

    Hiya Momar...
    Merry Christmas! Just try not to work TOO hard.. it IS a holiday :-)

    So nice to hear from Y'all..thanks!~ :-)
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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