~The Chippie Story~ :-)
came right up to me almost.. He saw me watching him, but
I sat very still and tried not to move to much to scare him off.
What a beautiful animal.. Arent the markings just wonderful?
These critters outside are all so different and beautiful in
These critters outside are all so different and beautiful in
their own ways.. I downloaded 20 great photos that I took but
I cant put them all here, It was hard deciding which ones to use,
I like them all ! He seemed to love the blueberries I put out
there AND you see in one of the pictures that stinker was gonna
climb one of those sunflowers! If it had been a stronger plant,
I bet he would have..:-) I used to see these critters when I was
at the Hellhome.. But I didn't know what they were..
I sat a lot and looked out the window in my room while I was in
Heartland..that name doesn't fit it.. The HellHome .. but I saw
them out there in the huge yard that was between the Hellhome
and the apartment complex across the way..It was a huge one,
lots of activities and their back doors were facing my windows,
so I got to see alot..Lots I didn't wanna see, but most was kinda
interesting, I preferred watching the birds or critters.. I had a
shepherds hook there too..right outside my window..I had a hard
time keeping it filled as they wouldn't let me out there, not alone
anyway..But I saw a lot of chippies, I just didn't KNOW that's what
out side my window. Id go into detail as to what I would see them
do, which was mainly almost stand up, look around, then they
would run like crazy to another spot and I would try to guess where
they would pop up next ! Some times I'm looking to the left and
the chippie was over on the right.. or vise versa.. I had fun..
Jan, the nurse had come into my room, for some reason or another,
probly to give me my meds, I liked her, she and I got along quite
well.. she had been there for a long time and I bet she is still there
now.. She was very pretty and single too! She even came up to
the hospital to visit when I was in there for my amputations..Very
good nurse, understanding..and she knew how it was for me..
I stayed in looney tune land a LONG time when I was there, when
I told Jan I was watching this little critter run around out in the yard,
I told Jan I was watching this little critter run around out in the yard,
she just put her hand on my shoulder and told me "Time for your
meds I think, Lois".. she didn't really believe I was seein this
"critter".. :-) She probly put this sighting in the same category as
my yellow ants and dust bunny pals..:-) I tried to assure her I REALLY
back and forth, stopping every few feet, standing up . then running.
I yelled for Jan "COME HERE ! THERE HE IS!" She did, and that
chippie STOPPED running..I was SO mad.! I asked her to step back
so HE couldn't see HER watching .. soon as she did, he popped his
head up and stood there for quite awhile.. Jan DID finally see him.!..
She almost yelled ..but said.."Lois! There REALLY IS a critter out
there, its a chipmunk..I honestly didn't believe you..but I sure am
GLAD to know your're not seeing stuff again!".. :-) I felt better TOO!
I thought I was really losing it.. :-)
Seein this little guy reminds me of the one that kept me so entertained
I thought I was really losing it.. :-)
over at the hellhome..It was fun watching him even though he made
me think of the hell home, some of the things there werent too bad:-)
Well now its lunch time, we are having fish.. I LOVE fish.. This store
over here, Village Market is pitiful..They have no stock and a lot of
the stuff is outdated.. Penny got the ONLY package of fresh but
frozen fish they had... Only One?: that was my question too. I guess
its the fun of living in a small town...I bet MOSt people that live here
because of how that store is, shop elsewhere, that's what I have
started doing.. Penny shops in 3 Rivers for me now.. ANYHOWAY..
Its post time and I'm hungry. Gonna be hot hot hot today and some
thunderstorms later.. Some of the storms that went thru here yesterday
were really bad.. trees down and lots with out power.. We was
spared.. "Thank You Lord!" I hate storms. This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
hopes you are cool and well.. Have a good day! Remember ... I
shall return! :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 4:29 PM,
raife said…
Hi, Honey,
You haven't got "Village Market" very well trained, yet, have you?
Our village shop obviously stocks a lot more stuff than yours, and ask Sally or Trevor for something that ain't on their shelves and they'll get it next day. They open Sunday morning, too, for the newspapers. Their fruit is better than the supermarkets and they are real nice folks.
Love the chippies! Like I said, your pics are getting better all the time. Well done you!!
Take care, Honey,
God bless you.
Luv Ya!
At 1:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Okay ... no doubt about it the chippies are cute. The big boys, who know everything, say they are ground squirrels ... Thirteen-Striped Ground Squirrels ... cousins to ordinary Chipmunks ... but no matter, it all goes to prove a chippie by any other name is just as cute.
At 11:30 AM,
Lois said…
Hiya Raife,
Naaah.. Ive complained, dont do any good.. Joys of small towns..The shops you have their are the kind of village stores I remember..they were all over ..I can remember at least 5 small grocery stores where I grew up, Sadino's, Pedo's, Bakers, Cavadias's..I got my kitties from Sadinos :-) Nice people I remember them...
I enjoy taking these pics but for why I take them I dunno . to put here yes, but then.. I just delete them :-) I LOVE MY YARD...:-) You need a birdbath in your beautiful yard..
Hiya d,
Ive heard chippies called all sorts of things, some not very nice :-) but I am in awe of how pretty these birds and critters are.. I LOVE MY YARD.. oh, I already said that :-)
Good to hear from you..:-) Thanks..
Love N'Hugs!!
Lois ****
At 10:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
love these pictures Lois.
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