~Nice Surprise~:-)
for a while..Thought you might like to see him..He knocked over a
table in the living room yesterday,that had about 8 photos on it..I
HAD to clean it up! Kids.. :-)
friend, it came all the way from the UK :-)..cute hey?? Its a
birdhouse, but Its not gonna go outside. When Penny comes
tomorrow we are, well SHE are, gonna hang it here by the
back door.. It was such a nice surprise after having to go thru
Friday.. That was NOT easy for me at all.. I don't like or trust
that man and I have come by that feeling honestly..And after
his visit, well ... I hate to say it..but I am even LESS confident
in this grant.. They wanting us to fill out this section 8, I just
have a feeling they arent real positive how long this grant
will last, specially if even the smallest part of it has anything
to do with the state, which it doesn't, but section 8 does! So
which is safer? Hard to know what to do...I dont know if I
am chosen off the waiting list to get section 8 if they would
MAKE me use it instead of the grant..Hmmm.. I need to
remember to ask...Well.. my surprise made a bad day
better.. I LOVE surprises..:-) good ones.. I need to be
specific on that I think :-)
which is safer? Hard to know what to do...I dont know if I
am chosen off the waiting list to get section 8 if they would
MAKE me use it instead of the grant..Hmmm.. I need to
remember to ask...Well.. my surprise made a bad day
better.. I LOVE surprises..:-) good ones.. I need to be
specific on that I think :-)
The condition the state of Michigan is in..well. Id put more
confidence in the grant lasting longer than state funding..
I have lost total confidence in this government.. and I have
come by that feeling honestly... The more I hear on TV the
more worried I become.. I heard one ... person... say that
stopping unemployment will HELP the economy.. :-) YA..
even MORE people with no money how can they BUY
anything? Its all just a domino effect.. But we, the little
everyday hard working people are the ones that suffer..
how did I get from my birdhouse to this? :-) I sure have
a tendency to wander hey? :-) But this worries me...
well I guess it does worry everyone..
I got a virus remover from a friend in the UK's son.. Ive
not tried to do anything with it YET.. I'm sure I can do it.
Ive gone into a puter in safe mode before, its just been
a long time..I need total concentration though with no
interruptions.. I cant even type and talk to Penny at the
same time anymore.. Mainly cuz I cant HEAR her !
I'm falling apart..:-) I hate to say it..but I think I am getting
as deaf as my sister.. Bev, don't tell mom I said that!
Shirley, bless her heart, my sister, is very deaf.. She has
hearing aids, but she hates them.. I think she has 2 or 3
of them... I should borrow one to try.. She got one, and
put it in one Sunday before church.. She said during the
service some lady kept eating those peppermints that
are wrapped in cellophane.. that stuff kinda rattles when
you mess with it... Shirley said that lady musta ate 9
dozen of them, drove her Nuts! .. so much so she took that
hearing aid out of her ear and hasnt put it back!! :-)
With a hearing aid it picks up EVERY sound.. Our ears can
kinda pick out what we want to hear..its easy to tune some
one out so you don't really hear them..With a hearing aid
they don't do that..and all the sounds ..can drive you nuts I
guess .. maybe they just take getting used to.. :-) I can hear
ok on my phone..I have a volume control.. :-) When Donnie
was here, that kid deliberately messes with me.. he was
laying on the couch, and I had already said "WHAT?" a few
times.. this smarty pants just mouthed a few words, not
making any sound..then he smiled.. I coulda hit him.. he was
just messin with me. :-) teasing me.. Bratty kid.. ;-)
I'm still the GORGEOUS WEEBLE but boy, I'm blind in my
left eye, deaf...got no legs, sheesh.. All I need is a eye patch
and a parrot and one of those big horns you stick in your
ears to hear.. :-) I sure WOULD be just lovely ... Id just go
every where then ! :-) Life is grand... I love it..
I'm hungry and I need to post this and get on with today .I
hope you are having a good week end ! Remember I
shall return! Fair warning:-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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